View Full Version : Disappearing In Plain View

5th March 2012, 06:02 AM
You disappear from commerce by not participating in commerce.

You disappear from the FCC by not engaging in activities they control.

You disappear from coppiceman view by not doing anything they view as illegal.

You disappear from the voting roles by removing your voter registration and not voting.

You disappear from social security by not producing a card or applying for benefits.

You disappear from Christmas dinner with the inlaws by either breaking your leg and or ditching your better half.

5th March 2012, 06:02 AM
To successfully disappear you have to understand the meaning of the term of art "person".

A person is a word, an action or representation.

If a person fails to appear then it is presumed to not exist in law.

When you assert a right you create a person.

When you enter a contract and are expected to perform some act or abstain from some act then your person has a duty.

Government only has transactions with persons.

Persons are fictional. They are never "natural". A "natural person" is intended to convey the impression that the word, action or representation relates to flesh and blood but this is not true. Natural is an adjective and acts to reduce the population discussed. In this case the population discussed is (person=word, action, representation). "Natural" acts on this population to reduce it rather than expand it. Whatever entity you are presumed to be as a "natural person" you are still only discussing a word, action or representation.

Stop creating "person" and you will fade from view.

5th March 2012, 08:25 AM
Palani, I am curious to know, do you actively participate on other internet chat forums that are legal based? ie: Full of practicing lawyers that are in the court system on a regular basis, and well versed in what they call the justice system.

I wonder because I read your posts, and I appreciate them, but I often wonder how law vultures would reply to your posts. Would you have a leg to stand on with they types of things you teach us here?

This is not an attack, I am truely curious.

5th March 2012, 09:38 AM
Palani, I am curious to know, do you actively participate on other internet chat forums that are legal based? ie: Full of practicing lawyers that are in the court system on a regular basis, and well versed in what they call the justice system.

I post on several sites. One such law oriented site has 2-3 members of the opposing team. Mostly they just go silent and agree with me. If what I am suggesting is too off base I might get a comment or three from them. After all, they derive their income from fleecing the majority of sheep. They always have an economic interest in the outcome while I have none.

5th March 2012, 10:32 AM
So you engage in dialogue with these types, and you do indeed come out victorious in some instances?

I am always facinated with your posts, because they seem cryptic with the language you use. Half the time I don;t understand it. But I wish I could be linked to some of the discussions you have had with these legal types to see how they respond, based on their interpretation of "knowledge" on legal matters.

5th March 2012, 10:55 AM
I wish I could be linked to some of the discussions you have had with these legal types to see how they respond, based on their interpretation of "knowledge" on legal matters.

True, they are expert in legal matters. Few of them (if any) study lawful matters though.

Legally you can abort a fetus (with the proper license). Lawfully the act is forbidden.

You decide which is the higher standard.

They never respond to these type of discussions.

you do indeed come out victorious in some instances? Depends upon how "victory" is measured. I count no coup and neither does anyone else. More like a free exchange of ideas.

Each action has either a positive or negative reaction. You gauge who is successful by those who continue doing what they have always done.

5th March 2012, 12:23 PM
Thanks for answering my questions Palani. I have wanted to ask you that for a long time, but I was afraid I would sound like I was calling you out or something.

The whole "Legal VS Lawful" seems very daunting/complicated to me. I would hate to be in a situation where I was drug into their system and tried to talk my way out of it using those types of info. The bastards would likely just say "You lose", and slam the mallet down.

I would love to really know more and understand it, but it's so in depth that there is no way I can afford the time to get into it.

5th March 2012, 12:57 PM
I'd say that quite likely, the most influential occult ritual methodology is writ large right in front of us... in our language. Hidden in plain view.

Palani, you've shown many instances of misunderstanding actual meanings of common words. Thank you for that

Language has deeper levels of influence as well. Vibrational effects on our psyche. Patterns, cadences, rhythms, tones, pitches, poetics, etc...

Very powerful subjective influences that weigh on our intuitions.

5th March 2012, 01:59 PM
"I would love to really know more and understand it, but it's so in depth that there is no way I can afford the time to get into it."

Look around over here:


5th March 2012, 02:11 PM
TI would hate to be in a situation where I was drug into their system and tried to talk my way out of it using those types of info.

Frankly you want to stay away from argument entirely. You have been instructed to agree at all times lest ye be hauled into court. There are ways to agree though that places the situation into a contract negotiation. It is called a counteroffer and has the effect of cancelling the previous offer. Contracts run through all behavior and activity and if you have one the states have been told not to mess with them. Not so the feds as they are so powerful they might choose to interfere with contracts any time they like. After all, they are engaged in a constant string of emergencies that are never ending and they will be up front when they tell you: necessity imports privilege. Anytime anyone brings up "necessity" you can lawfully kill them because they have just told you that they are able to do the same to you.

Legally this might put you in a world of hurt.

5th March 2012, 02:13 PM
Look around over here:


Also good information at creditorsincommerce.com and 1215.org. Adventures in legal land also gives a perspective.