View Full Version : Napalitano on NDAA and more...

5th March 2012, 05:33 PM
A great clip overall, Nap lays it out and Shep Smith is talking like a Libertarian (wtf?) This is twilight zone stuff.


General of Darkness
5th March 2012, 06:15 PM
Excellent find LT. I love it at the 2 minute mark when the ACLU jew organization said they wouldn't comment. As always, the jews ONLY work in their interest.

GoD's take on this, this was done to make Obongo look like a war president and to set precedent. Maybe those FEMA camps are fucking really real. I need to make some time to go into the hills of Burbank/Glendale to check it out for myself, but time is always against me. It might be time for GoD to make some damn time.

5th March 2012, 06:50 PM
General, the camps are for real, I've met dudes that helped build and guard them!

5th March 2012, 07:07 PM
What's going on over there at the Fox "War for Israel" News channel?

Now this?

Alan Colmes Blasts Pro-Israel Media Pushing for Iran War
March 5, 2012 by legitgov

Alan Colmes Blasts Pro-Israel Media Pushing for Iran War By Lori Price, http://www.legitgov.org/ 05 Mar 2012 On Fox News program 'Happening Now,' liberal political commentator and radio host Alan Colmes participated Monday in a discussion on whether or not a 'liberal media' exists. Colmes noted that Dick Cheney daughter Liz Cheney and former George W. Bush recess-appointed UN Ambassador John Bolton were 'all over' the media, a 'new generation' of former Iraq war hawks now pushing for war on Iran. Conservative counterpart Cal Thomas responded that Cheney and Bolton were mere voices in the discourse and not media institutions such as CBS News, and therefore did not share the same media heft. Colmes asserted that rather than a so-called liberal bias, it is an omnipresent pro-Israel media bias that dominates the media landscape. "You have a pro-Israel media out there that supports anything Israel does. It's almost anathema in the media to say anything against what the government of Israel says." [I wonder how many days before he's fired?]