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7th March 2012, 10:56 AM

7th March 2012, 05:11 PM
got it, thank you!

So what is it that you want to know?


Well, it is quite simple.

Everything begins with the mind and the sword.

You have someone that wants to control everything and others that have no clue what is going on.

The ones that want to control everything have to find a way to convince those that have no clue what is going on that the ones running things have the Divine right to do it. It is quite simple really, it is all about knowledge. It is all about what is it that you want to do.

It is nothing divine, nothing super natural, other than the natural energies that animates each and everyone of us.

Anyhow, one has to convince another...through religion, force, you know, you can put a gun to their head, and tell them that God came down from the heavens and made you the ruler and them the slaves. And that they have to support the structure, for ever and ever. Of course, until someone starts to question your power, your authority, you have to eliminate them in order for you to keep power.

Anyhow, everything has come to a head because of the internet, the great secrets of the ancients are no longer secret. The homeless guy on the street pretty much can have access to them, until he begins to wonder, and internalize that knowledge and fights back.

Now for thousands of years things have always been the same. First you begin with the weapons, then with drugs, and then usury. A simple trick of lending something that you are the only one who can control the issuance of it and then charge interest. That means that the people will always be indebted to you, and they will never break free unless you let them. That is why the state insists on having your children indoctrinated in government so called schools, but they should be called indoctrination centers because they <children> are told what to think, and how to think. They <children>are no longer taught to critically think, they are trained to conform.

Anyhow, the information is out there. You may want to begin by doing a search for gold silver u s, goldismoney.info, itulip.com, silver shield, the silver bullet, financial tyranny. And if you want more of the essence and to the point you may want to research fractional reserve banking, usury, riba, and other financial terms... The goldsmiths, I want the earth plus five percent. That’s a good way to begin, you can take it from there.