7th March 2012, 01:40 PM
THE VETTING: Ben Smith Releases Selectively Edited Obama Race Video;D

Earlier today, Buzzfeed’s Ben Smith announced (https://twitter.com/#%21/BuzzFeedBen/status/177432031268044800) on Twitter that video researcher Andrew Kaczynski had released “the mysterious Harvard/Obama/race video that the Breitbart folks have been talking about.” The video, which Kaczynski says was “licensed from a Boston television station,” shows a young Barack Obama leading a protest at Harvard Law School on behalf of Prof. Derrick Bell, a radical academic tied to Jeremiah Wright--about whom we will be releasing significant information in the coming hours.
However, the video has been selectively edited--either by the Boston television station or by Buzzfeed itself. Over the course of the day, Breitbart.com will be releasing additional footage that has been hidden by Obama's allies in the mainstream media and academia.
Breitbart.com Editor-in-Chief Joel Pollak and Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro will appear on The Sean Hannity Show to discuss the tape. The full tape will be released tonight on Fox News' Hannity.



7th March 2012, 01:49 PM
Too bad Andrew didn't release it before his naturally caused death, to verify if what we will be seeing is the whole enchilada.

7th March 2012, 01:53 PM
march madness, better things to worry about.

7th March 2012, 01:54 PM
Im calling it now.....


The videos, Breitbart, Birth Cert........ALL STAGED.

As if i need a video to show me that Barry Soetoro has ties to anti-American elitist.

7th March 2012, 02:22 PM
Staged by none other then yer pals at Fox Zionist news!

8th March 2012, 07:29 AM
the REASON this has taken DAYS to "release" is; there is furious editing and "fixing" of the video taking out the important parts and essentially neutering it. mark my words NOTHING on that tape will be very damaging to obama when its finally released.
right now news outlets are being trained and coached on how to minimize this as well as deflect serious debate....to marginalize this with the "birthers" etc...

8th March 2012, 08:33 AM
bump...this is kinda important.

8th March 2012, 11:04 AM
Obama has many deep, long reaching ties to jewish communism. I have posted a number of facts about this that can be seen here:



The Book "Radical Rulers" talks about the love Obama had for one particular communist while he was in school, and has some dirt on him for worshipping and emulating the commie. I can't think of the name off the top of my head though...

8th March 2012, 01:07 PM
Too bad Andrew didn't release it before his naturally caused death, to verify if what we will be seeing is the whole enchilada.

It won't be.

Step one: Let it be known that there is a video that Obama really doesn't want you to see. There may be or there may not be. It really doesn't matter.

Step two: Kill the guy who threatens to release it, sparking various conspiracy theories.

Step three: Have your controlled opposition release a mildly embarassing video and claim that this is whatthe big deal is all about.

Step four: Solidify your position in at least 2 ways:
1. "See, Obama's not as bad as the Republicans make him out to be."
2. "Those conspiracy theorists are really nuts. No one would kill anyone over a video this mild. What will they come up with next?"

mick silver
8th March 2012, 01:26 PM
just more hog shit