View Full Version : Consider lard

8th March 2012, 01:57 AM
Good article despite the jab at butter.


Once ubiquitous and now derided, there are many good reasons to cook with lard. Does it feature in your kitchen?

Blocks of lard. Photograph: Antonio Olmos for the Observer

Thanks for getting this far. A headline like "Consider lard" will cause many readers to click away in horror, feeling arteries fur, strokes striking, the tempting of fat and fate at the sight of this four letter word. Lard ranks among the most reviled foods in the western world. As Roy Hattersley came to know (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KddkyZ1UG5g) its very name is a playground metonym for fat. Once, it was the great cooking fat of Europe, from Shetland to Gibraltar and east beyond the Caucasus, in China, Mexico, in South America.

In Ukraine they have a festival devoted to it (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/3713028.stm). Polish immigrants caused a UK shortage (http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/features/chefs-prize-it-the-french-love-it-the-poles-are-hogging-it-and-now-britains-running-out-of-it-533897.html) in 2004. If your ancestors came from these islands they likely opened their lard-ers and ate bread, lard and salt for countless breakfasts. And not many of them died of obesity. For thousands of years there has been lard wherever there were pigs, and there were pigs, broadly speaking, wherever there weren't Muslims.

It's a supremely versatile fat. Because it smokes so little when it's hot it's perfect for bringing a golden shatter to a chip or a fritter – only dripping, lard's bovine equivalent, does a better job. (A specific kind of lard is also called dripping, but let's not muddle things.) Its large crystals of fat make lard unsurpassable in baking: a pastry crust made with lard – or half-lard, half-butter, as Delia recommends – offers a stunning flaky shortness, that gently encompassing roundedness that wine buffs horribly call mouthfeel.

Before the second world war Britons ate lard (http://api.ning.com/files/H46dc8lohc62TwkPu4Xex6bSu1qQvrIdZNoFvLc9xSpK1aCmaG Lao4ygNcHLlpTPzp1V3lBnYATGMcM8p2mDjZQiVjeZXzgF/LardConsumptionintheUS19092007.png) without guilt or fear. Its disappearance from our kitchens parallels a surge in the national waistline and an upswing in the cosseted maladies of fat. It's worth remembering that the very people who so trumpeted the benefits of factory margarine – which we now know (http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9901E2D71638F935A25756C0A9629582 60) caused considerably more harm than good – were the same who lambasted lard and denied its natural glories.

By any estimation, lard is a healthier fat than butter. Gram for gram, it contains 20% less saturated fat, and it's higher in the monounsaturated fats which seem to lower LDL cholesterol (the "bad" kind) and raise HDL (the "good"). It's one of nature's best sources of vitamin D. Unlike shortening it contains no trans fats, probably the most dangerous (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/8622723.stm) fats of all. Of course it has more saturated fat than olive oil, but in her splendid book Fat: An Appreciation of a Misunderstood Ingredient (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fat-Appreciation-Misunderstood-Ingredient-Recipes/dp/190641727X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1297674499&sr=8-1), Jennifer McLagan points out that even its saturated fat is believed to have a neutral effect on blood cholesterol. And would you want a pie crust made with extra virgin?

Leaf lard, the highest-quality, surrounds a pig's loin and kidneys. (Roast pork loin, incidentally, gives the best crackling.) Next in value are the fat on the animal's back, appropriately called fatback, and the the soft fat from around the internal organs, which has a more pronounced porky flavour. There are two main methods to make or "render" lard: wet and dry. In wet rendering you boil the fat in water. To dry render you simply melt it in a dry pan and skim off any crunchy bits of meat and skin. (Salted, these become the world's best scratchings.) Wet-rendered lard has a clean, neutral flavour and a high smoke point, while dry-rendered is a nut-brown colour, smokes at a lower heat and tastes faintly of well-roasted pork. The industrial lard of the supermarkets may well have been bleached, deodorised, emulsified and otherwise fiddled with, but homemade (http://homesicktexan.blogspot.com/2008/05/how-to-render-lard.html) or small-scale lard is likely to be be excellent. A kindly butcher might well give you a load of hard pig fat for free to take home and render (unto) yourself.

The best thing about lardy cake is its counterintuitive lightness – the fat brings the dough a refreshing, silky fluffiness. The cake originates in Wiltshire, which was always Britain's best pig county. In central Europe they cut fatback into cubes and salt it for stews. The Italians cure lardo with rosemary and spices in the coffin-shaped basins of the Carrara marble mines. This lardo di Colonnata is a sublime antipasto, wrapped round prunes or figs, melted over grilled bread, or served with salt and honey. A melting smear of cured, flavoured lard is a wonder over a steak, and a lot of Mexican cuisine (don't laugh) is unthinkable without lard.

Assaulted by food company propaganda and disillusioned by decades of conflicting advice, many people are returning to diets unsullied by fads and dogma. That lard is both "healthier" than butter and yet so despised shows the empty logic of the standard position. The fat amply qualifies as "real food", that definition popularised by Michael Pollan as "the sort of food our great grandmothers would recognise as food". Indeed, its history and heritage make it seem more valuable than ever when you consider what the lard hath given.

8th March 2012, 03:33 AM
I have been wanting to add lard to my stored foods but every can I find at the supermarket has got strange chemicals in it. Why add chemicals to lard? Seems like it would keep pretty well after being canned. Maybe I'll have to get a couple of pigs again. They are escape artists though.

I always save my bacon grease for frying stuff in. My Dad used to always keep a coffe can under the sink, filled with whatever kind of fat he got from cooking meat; pork, hamburger, whatever, and he would pull it out and fry potatoes, etc. in it. It was pretty sick looking stuff but we never got sick from it.

8th March 2012, 06:39 AM
I have been wanting to add lard to my stored foods but every can I find at the supermarket has got strange chemicals in it. Why add chemicals to lard? Seems like it would keep pretty well after being canned. Maybe I'll have to get a couple of pigs again. They are escape artists though.

I always save my bacon grease for frying stuff in. My Dad used to always keep a coffe can under the sink, filled with whatever kind of fat he got from cooking meat; pork, hamburger, whatever, and he would pull it out and fry potatoes, etc. in it. It was pretty sick looking stuff but we never got sick from it.

i pour all my frying pan extras into a bucket - water, grease lard, misc. scraps of food, trimmed meat, etc.

sometimes i add pieces of paper (e.g. paper towel used to wash the butcher block, sometimes white office paper, 20#, whatever i have laying around).

then i feed the slop to the chickens. and they love it !

i use the grease from the bacon to fry a burger in.

Jeez bacon is getting expensive !

8th March 2012, 07:43 AM
Yes, bacon is getting really pricey. I love the stuff. I don't make it crispy anymore but I like it warm and chewy with lots of greasy juice. Yum! I've been buying Hormel uncured bacon. It's really good and no preservatives except salt.

8th March 2012, 08:05 AM
I much prefer lard over any other cooking oil with the exception of maybe coconut oil (but its not cheap). Bacon fat is a close second only because its uses are limited by its salt content and smokey flavor. Salty, Hickory Smoked Genoise Cake isnt as tasty as you'd think.

If you can get and use lard, do it. Animal fats and proteins are broken down much more easily than those from plants and our bodies are evolutinarily adapted to them since they have been in use for over 8 thousand years of civilization.

It was almost unheard of to NOT have lard around not even 70 years ago. A good, proper butter is also worth having around. Most of the grain fed, over processed butter in stores today is much higher in the bad fats than that even our grandparents used, but I still take it over soy oils any day of the week.