View Full Version : Australian children to be sterilized without parental consent under new eugenics law

8th March 2012, 07:16 AM
Australian children to be sterilized without parental consent under new eugenics law

Thursday, March 08, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) If you have ever seen the famous 1975 movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, you likely recall several disturbing scenes in which mental health patients are given frontal-lobe lobotomies, or the iconic scene where actor Jack Nicholson's character undergoes electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Today, these horrific forms of so-called mental health treatment are considered to be cruel relics of the past, but a new bill in Australia proposes that young children be given these treatments without parental consent, and even be permitted to undergo sterilization procedures without parental consent.

The Government of Western Australia's Mental Health Commission (WAMHC) has basically conjured up a proposal for new mental health legislation that bypasses parental involvement in the mental health treatment process, and instead tasks children under age 18, and of any age, with making the decision about whether or not to be sterilized, or whether or not to have their brain tissue destroyed with psychosurgery procedures. If a "mental health professional" can convince children that they need such treatments for their own good, in other words, than Australia's youngest members of society will be open game for the eugenicist agenda.

It almost sounds like the plot of a sick movie, but it is all true and fully documented right in the WAMHC Mental Health Bill 2011, which you can access here: http://www.mentalhealth.wa.gov.au (http://www.mentalhealth.wa.gov.au/Libraries/pdf_docs/Discussion_Draft_for_Mental_Health_Bill_2011_v3.sf lb.ashx)

Eugenicists want to sterilize Australian children without ever telling the kids' parents

In the twisted minds of those who have seized positions of power all over the world, separating children from their parents and performing medical experiments on them in secret is a fully acceptable form of "medicine." And this form of child abuse is exactly what WAMHC has proposed in its new mental health bill.

Pages 135 and 136 of the bill (pages 157 and 158 of the PDF) cover the issue of sterilization, explaining that if a psychiatrist decides that a child under 18 years of age "has sufficient maturity," he or she will be able to consent to sterilization without parental consent. It also goes on to say that parents will never be notified that the sterilization procedure occurred, as only the "Chief Psychiatrist" will be privy to this information.

It sounds an awful lot like the euthanasia programs that emerged in Germany during the 1930s, when Nazis began secretly sterilizing individuals with physical or mental disabilities as part of "Operation T4" (http://fcit.usf.edu/holocaust/people/victims.htm). This eugenics program was later intensified, of course, when German physicians at Nazi death camps routinely sterilized men, women, and children, and later killed them, as part of the Nazi regime's utterly revolting ethnic cleansing experiments (http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/aumed.html).

Medical 'authorities' want to arbitrarily commit children to mental institutions, indefinitely restrain them, and force them to undergo brain-damaging procedures

All of this gets worse, however, with other language scattered throughout the bill that would allow psychiatrists to involuntarily and indefinitely detain children who are "suspected" of having a mental illness. And during their detainment, such children can be forced to comply with drug, restraint, and seclusion protocols, as well as be forced to undergo permanently-damaging procedures like psychosurgery or ECT.

Worse, those who would be permitted to detain these children in the first place, deemed as "authorized mental health practitioners," are so loosely defined that virtually anyone could be authorized by the Chief Psychiatrist to abduct supposedly "mentally ill" children and commit them to mental institutions against their will and their parents' will.

Mental Health Commission is only accepting comments on the bill until March 9, 2012

The language in Australia's Mental Health Bill 2011 truly is horrifying, but not necessarily surprising. Similar efforts to undermine parental authority are taking place both in the U.S. and around the world.

California Gov. Jerry Brown, for instance, recently signed into law Senate Assembly Bill 499, which allows for children as young as age 12 to be vaccinated with the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil, Hepatitis B, and various other sexually-transmitted disease (STD) vaccines without parental consent (http://www.naturalnews.com/033848_Merck_legislators.html).

But our friends "down under" need your help today in spreading the word about this deadly legislation, and sending comments of opposition to Australia's Mental Health Commission as soon as possible.

You can send your comments by email to:

You can send your comments by "snail" mail to:
GPO Box X2299
Perth Business Centre, W.A. 6847

If you live in Australia, you can also contact the Mental Health Minister, the Health Minister, and your local Member of Parliament by visiting:

The deadline to submit a comment is March 9, so be sure to submit your comment before then. And remember, health freedom issues, whether domestic or abroad, eventually affect all of us if left unchecked. This is why it is important to combat tyranny and injustice anywhere and everywhere it may be found.

Sources for this article include:

http://www.mentalhealth.wa.gov.au (http://www.mentalhealth.wa.gov.au/Libraries/pdf_docs/Discussion_Draft_for_Mental_Health_Bill_2011_v3.sf lb.ashx)

8th March 2012, 07:22 AM
Opt out. Don't accept any Australian government benefits and don't presume to be one of their "citizens".

8th March 2012, 09:06 AM
Opt out. Don't accept any Australian government benefits and don't presume to be one of their "citizens".

I am not sure they even can do that, as far as I am aware they are subjects of the queen, which is a notch or two lower than citizen...

8th March 2012, 09:16 AM
The fight against this is being led by the Scientologist. So here's the spin.

In the begining the story is not in the media.
Then people started getting leaflets in their letter boxes.
These leaflets are produced and distributed by Scientology
The people are apparently disturbed by the way the Scientology has presented the truth.
I have not seen a leaflet, however it was probably delivered in a bundle of junk mail
The talk back radio lights up
The People say we have been scared by Scientology
The People say Scientology is a cult
The radio says Scientology is a cult
The Government say Scientology is a cult
Scientology says Govt is going to physically or chemically lobotomize the children
The radio says Scientology is a cult
The Government say Scientology is a cult
The People say Scientology is a cult

See where this is going? The ABC, which is like the BBC is pushing this all week on morning and afternoon talk back.

The local psychiatry and psychologists use hypnotic suggestion which I think is now called NLP to convince young people to do or accept something during treatment. Apart from suggeston there are also threats made to young people in or being pushed in to treatment, which have no basis in fact but the young people don't know that. Obviously based on this weeks events, they use it on Adults as well. Adults collude.

Thats the MO. And them being the deciders as to if a youngster is of maturity? The treatment must appear to be voluntarily accepted. There is molestors amongst them.

8th March 2012, 09:16 AM
I am not sure they even can do that, as far as I am aware they are subjects of the queen, which is a notch or two lower than citizen... Citizen and subject are synonymous. Your political status is your choice. Your accepted lawform is your choice. Your time is your choice. Your space is your choice. Your place is your choice. Your plane is your choice.

These statements are universal. People go to war because they don't like the choices imposed upon them. There is no need for this. Know who you are and where you are at all times and there is no problem.

Study up on contract law. Consent less.

8th March 2012, 09:38 AM
I am not sure they even can do that, as far as I am aware they are subjects of the queen, which is a notch or two lower than citizen...

Citizen and subject are synonymous. Your political status is your choice. Your accepted lawform is your choice. Your time is your choice. Your space is your choice. Your place is your choice. Your plane is your choice.

These statements are universal. People go to war because they don't like the choices imposed upon them. There is no need for this. Know who you are and where you are at all times and there is no problem.

Study up on contract law. Consent less.

the great charter (Magna Carter) contemplates the destiny of the freeman. It is a lawful document whose plane is upon the land. It is the common law of the land.

Who by his own declaration is a freeman or subject to someone elses declaration? Sometimes people need reminding that you know what you know. Then they know what you know too. See?

These freeman upon the land, sovereign-ists have good lawful basis for their positions. The land is outside the jurisdiction of her majestys courts. As palani points out, all of the actions of these people is to drag you into their jusridiction. Admiralty and commerce. Both are laws of the sea. For a metaphor think naval law and merchant seaman laws (rules of contract).

Most people are adrift at sea for want of knowledge. Thats where the pirates can get them. If they can make landfall safely they might have a chance at being a freeman.

Americans are part of the commonwealth too.

Twisted Titan
8th March 2012, 10:56 AM
I bet you this will be forced on the aboriginees first....and it wont be too much.clamor

8th March 2012, 11:40 AM
I bet you this will be forced on the aboriginees first....and it wont be too much.clamor

Nah no clamor...

Australia Day 2012: Riots, protests and cannibalism ..WTF? [theJuiceMedia]


WTF happened? People gathered in front of Old Parliament House to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy. The peaceful day was suddenly interrupted when someone announced that Tony Abbott was only meters away from the site. (It is important to know that, that very morning, Abbott had made a provocative statement to the press - expressing the opinion that the Embassy should be removed: a statement which, predictably, caused anger among the Embassy crowd). So, upon hearing that Abbott was nearby, a group of people rushed to confront the leader of the Opposition. Within minutes, the crowd had grown and surrounded the glass-walled restaurant, chanting/banging on the windows, disrupting the function (at which PM Julia Gillard also happened to be present). 10 minutes into this rather surreal scenario, Police and Security decided to launch the PM directly from the restaurant into her car - very nearly injuring her - and causing her to lose her shoe. (Commit the memory of that shoe to your minds, dear readers). This sudden event caused the crowd to lose control. Some people attempted to impede the car carrying Abbott & Gillard from leaving; whereupon police reacted with force and threatened the use of batons and pepper-spray, which very nearly escalated the situation. Fortunately, no injuries were incurred.

In the very first reports which came out of the scene news reporters for mainstream channels such as Ten exaggerated the violence of the crowd, depicting the scene as a "riot". Yet, no damage was done to the building; no-one attempted to touch the PM or Mr. Abbott. Whilst exaggerating the level of violence , several early reports failed to mention that the reason for this behaviour was not mere hooliganism, but rather Mr. Abbott's statement regarding the Embassy. By the time that the full picture was reported in later reports, headlines which depicted the PM being assaulted by a violent horde of savage natives and feral hippies had already gone around the world.

Whilst the crowd did not behave in the best way; no-one advocated violence and it was clear that no-one - including the PM or Mr. Abbott - felt physically threatened. The whole thing was turned into a spin story which has no-doubt damaged the image of the peaceful and diplomatic mission of the Aboriginal community and its supporters. Worst of all, it gave hundreds of rednecks - who were not present at the event - a perfect excuse to publicly vent their racist invectives against Aboriginal people all over the country. Embassies are about diplomacy, not violence but diplomacy.

Tent embassy protest a 'set-up'

Uploaded by SkyNewsAustralia on Jan 26, 2012
Australians have been told to "get over" the violent scenes of an Australia Day protest involving Prime Minister Julia Gillard and start focusing on the needs of the Aboriginal community.

"Prime Minister Julia Gillard attacked by Protesters on Australia Day"

Uploaded by esky21895 on Jan 26, 2012
Julia Gillard attacked at a function on australia day watch and tell me what you think !!!

Protesters trap Gillard and Abbott
About 200 protesters trapped Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott in a Canberra restaurant before police arrived to clear a passage for the pair.

The protesters, from the nearby Aboriginal tent embassy, banged on the three glass sides of The Lobby restaurant chanting "shame" and "racist".

Ms Gillard and Mr Abbott had just spoken at a ceremony for the inaugural national emergency medals.

At least 50 police, including the riot squad, were called to the scene shortly after 2.30pm (AEDT).

The two leaders, protected by police and security officers, escaped out a side door after about 20 minutes.

The Prime Minister stumbled as she was rushed to an awaiting vehicle, lost a shoe in the chaos and was helped up by police who were confronted by the protesters.

There had been false reports that the Prime Minister had been tackled. Ms Gillard's office confirmed she slipped as she was leaving the building.

Protesters chased their car down the road, banging on its roof and bonnet. Police formed a cordon across the road to let the vehicle get away while eight indigenous women sat on the road facing them.

The embassy is celebrating a 40-year milestone with a three-day "Corroboree for Sovereignty" with thousands of indigenous Australians travelling to Canberra for the occasion.

Tensions boiled over on Thursday afternoon following comments Mr Abbott made in Sydney earlier in the day.

Mr Abbott said he understood why the tent embassy was set up "all those years ago".

"I think a lot has changed for the better since then," he told reporters.

"I think the indigenous people of Australia can be very proud of the respect in which they are held by every Australian.

"I think a lot has changed since then, and I think it probably is time to move on from that."

For many Aboriginal people Australia Day is considered Invasion Day.

RAP NEWS 11: Australia Day (with Ken Oathcarn)

Uploaded by thejuicemedia on Jan 23, 2012
http://thejuicemedia.com Rap News Episode 11: Australia Day. It's a day of high jinx, high revelry and high people in Australia; a day when a large and vocal majority come together to "celebrate what's great" about this country. But what is the meaning of all this fanfare? What is the true origin of this passionately marked day of facepaint and binge drinking? Is everyone in Australia so keen on this particular anniversary? To get to bottom of these questions, and more, join your amiable host Robert Foster as he conducts a high-octane, high-frequency satellite link-up with a representative of the Mainstream Australian media: multi-Logie award-winning broadcaster, entertainer, emu-wrangler and true blue Aussie, Kenneth Oathcarn. WARNING: contains adult Australian vernacular - viewer discretion is strongly advised.

8th March 2012, 03:20 PM
I bet you this will be forced on the aboriginees first....and it wont be too much.clamor

Well hammer meet nail there TT. This is exactly what happens. In the Northen Territory they did exactly that. They did what they call an intervention. It was based on a factually lose report that "evidenced" rife child abuse in the NT aboriginal population.

Report claims intervention process a sham
Former prime minister Malcolm Fraser has accused the Gillard government of ''old fashioned white paternalism at its very worst'', insisting that consultations with indigenous communities on the future of the Northern Territory intervention were fraudulent.
''Aboriginals were not involved in the process and have not been involved in the development of policy outcomes,'' Mr Fraser said, backing the findings of a report on the consultations launched in Melbourne last night.
''Things have been presented to them by the government and consultation has consisted of trying to persuade Aboriginals that what government has decided is right.''

''Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory have been clear with me that having their kids go to school and get a decent education, having jobs for local people and tackling alcohol abuse are the priority issues for them in building a stronger future,'' she said.
You see, its for the children!

so basically they went into NT, setup community councils, gave these councils money, then put WHITE administrators in who PILFERED all the money that the GOVT aka TAXPAYER gave them.

So most of it was stolen just like usual. Problems solved? Nope problem is worse now BUT its for the CHILDREN.

As for the RIOTS, as GS points out, it was a sham and a beat up and a stunt. Dispicable.

Good news it that thanks to the efforts of people like Mark McMurtrie (YT video) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fW6ny7_vGc) they are realising that they are sovereign freeman and that they have been duped out of their land, their wealth and for many many of their people, those peoples futures.

Whitey is still blind to what is going on and a I have said here before, they are going to be in for a shock once the indiginies get control back. Anyway thats the way their (whitey's) government likes them to be.

Like everywhere we have a lot of lying coniving F Heads in politics.

The MM video is worth watching if people want a bit of an explanation of the things sovereign freeman people have come to realise. Warning: There is swearing in some of them.

8th March 2012, 03:33 PM
I am not sure they even can do that, as far as I am aware they are subjects of the queen, which is a notch or two lower than citizen...

I heard it was popular in NZ when I was over there.......not sure here (Australia)

8th March 2012, 03:41 PM
A well adjusted person in a sick society isnt healthy...............

Many psychiatrists are complete nut jobs and the basis of there whole industry is ,well questionable.

How sick can a society get.............frontal lobotomy anyone?http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bBc8G6cvDt0/TZAnTa2C9sI/AAAAAAAAAI4/d0GTpD7lNY0/s1600/frontal%2Blobotomy.jpg