View Full Version : MSM - Be scared USGOV is coming after you sovereigns!
9th March 2012, 08:57 AM
See link for more.
9th March 2012, 09:09 AM
Seems to be only the news labeling them as "Sovereign citizens".
mick silver
9th March 2012, 09:10 AM
thats bull shit . are you could call it hogshit . i dont care
9th March 2012, 09:20 AM
thats bull shit . are you could call it hogshit . i dont care
You should Mick, who knows you may say something that they don't agree with and will lock you up. Also, since you may be one of those "enlightened" radical political prisoners, you may end up in a supermax prison locked up 23 hours a day.
mick silver
9th March 2012, 09:22 AM
what i am saying is that the news companys are making this shit up to make people look bad .....
9th March 2012, 09:31 AM
They are "hate groups". And the FBI is concerned that when they learn their legal wranglings won't work, they will resort to violence. Hmmmm.... the IRS sends out swat forces armed with ASSAULT weapons, tear gas grenades, armored vehicles, etc. Why aren't they worried about the government being the first to commit violence?
midnight rambler
9th March 2012, 10:10 AM
They are "hate groups". And the FBI is concerned that when they learn their legal wranglings won't work, they will resort to violence. Hmmmm.... the IRS sends out swat forces armed with ASSAULT weapons, tear gas grenades, armored vehicles, etc. Why aren't they worried about the government being the first to commit violence?
FBI as they drive/insert their 'engineering vehicle' (aka a tank) into the Branch Davidian's home blowing CS gas as they go in:
midnight rambler
9th March 2012, 10:14 AM
The reason the professional liars in the nooz media are giving this any lip service now is because as people become more distressed at the way .gov comes at them they are beginning to reflect upon and review their 'relationship' with same. This troubles the money powers, and causes them to seek excuses to hammer those who won't worship/serve them as the 'gods on earth' they regard themselves as.
9th March 2012, 10:46 AM
FBI as they drive/insert their 'engineering vehicle' (aka a tank) into the Branch Davidian's home blowing CS gas as they go in:
Fixed it for ya
9th March 2012, 11:04 AM
I automatically ignore anything prefaced with "be afraid".
9th March 2012, 11:22 AM
"So, Dan, what does law enforcement plan on doing with this growing number?"
like it's a cancer that needs to be 'dealt' with. just cut it out.... ugh this video is just utter bs.
i love all the comments. good to see most ppl are against what they are reporting....
you gotta wonder what else those ppl said in that diner that they didn't air. would be interesting if they actually showed all the unedited interview...
midnight rambler
9th March 2012, 03:51 PM
All Bullshit Communists Nooz has been working on this for a while, this video is from a month ago -
9th March 2012, 04:22 PM
i don't think of myself as a Sovereign Citizen - i haven't studied the movement that much.
but I think it's completely legitimate - a natural reaction - to distance oneself from the Alien Assembly in Washington DC. to live in the same land but to not recognize them as the "leader" or the "government".
the US gov. stopped being my government on 9-11, if not before.
9th March 2012, 07:18 PM
This story is total alarmist crap produced and directed (and invented) by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a well known Zionist front group. The SPLC even provided the exact number of socalled "Militia groups" in the US. What did they do, go door to door and count them? How the fuck would they know how many, if any, militia groups there are? Militia groups, if they even exist, operate underground and off the grid. The last I heard, there is no registry of or license issued to "militia groups."
I tell you, anyone who wastes his time watching the TeeVee today is just filling his brain will total government propaganda and total rubbish.
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