View Full Version : Here's a movie for you...well not really... but

10th March 2012, 10:19 PM
Check this movie out.....

Jerusalem Countdown 2011

http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjA2NjIzMTQzOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODM5ODQ1NA@@._ V1._SY317_CR4,0,214,317_.jpg (http://www.imdb.com/media/rm3795696128/tt1562563)

When nuclear weapons are smuggled into America, FBI Agent Shane Daughtry (David A.R White) is faced with an impossible task -- find them before they are detonated. The clock is ticking and the only people who can help are a washed up arms dealer (Lee Majors), a converted Israeli Mossad Agent (Stacy Keach) and a by- the-book CIA Deputy Director (Randy Travis).

Check out the user reviews so far:

Wow... this actually got made?, 17 October 2011
Author: suicidea (http://www.imdb.com/user/ur0700549/comments) from istanbul
It's rather difficult to write a review for this kind of film. One is instantly inclined to use words like: childish, superficial, racist, moronic, pointless... but none of them come close.

Preaching to the Choir, 17 February 2012
Author: kingdom-krud (http://www.imdb.com/user/ur23560114/comments) from United States
Beware potential viewers, this movie has TWO major negatives that make it a doubly awful flick:

1) It's script and plot are 2 steps BELOW made-for-TV. 2) It's clearly created by a pro-Christian organization to proselytize.

Problem is, even if you are a bible believing fundamentalist Christian, the movie is still awful. The script is unbelievable, but even worse is the long pauses between statements, when actors talking to one another. Why do they do that? Don't you know that to make it believable - ya gotta talk normal actor folks! Please don't waste 80 minutes on this.

Even awful can not describe how horribly this movie sucked, 20 February 2012
Author: Denis Mwarania (http://www.imdb.com/user/ur31688365/comments) from Kenya
A very pro-Christian flick. Bad acting, no storyline, no sequence of events, stock characters that do not fit in to the story. I could go on forever with the things that sucked about this movie forever. I could not stand watching it beyond 30 grueling minutes.

The makers of this movies might have had all the best of fundamentalist Christian intentions, but the baseline of the story seemed like mud- slinging at the Arabs nations. At one point it felt like was back to being a Christian seated in a church being told how the Islam is our problem.

Please do not watch this movie if you value your creativity or even mere common sense. These characters should not set a foot in front of a camera again.

One of the worst, 19 February 2012
Author: agathic (http://www.imdb.com/user/ur29570227/comments) from United States

*** This review may contain spoilers ***
One of the worst movies I have ever seen.

The performances are less than average, more like novices, the plot is Full of holes that is laughable to say the least, the story is your Typical one of how is Israel and the US are the only two good guys and The rest of the world are BAD. Need I say more!!