View Full Version : San Jose School District's Pizza Spending Problem

12th March 2012, 01:28 PM
The San Jose School District (the government) thinks they know how to do things better than the free market. Hilarity ensues.

Part 1:


Part 2:


Original story here:

12th March 2012, 04:07 PM
wtf is a school district doing ordering pizzas from dominos?

12th March 2012, 04:45 PM
It was all for the children. ;D

12th March 2012, 04:48 PM

Pizzamatic = $720k

Building to put it in = $2.2 mil

Keeping the head of the school district's job in place = PRICELESS

12th March 2012, 05:09 PM
I just got through both vids.

I think they should sell the hopium they used to justify their purchase.

12th March 2012, 06:15 PM
The school president said the building & pizza machine will be placed on indefinite hold with minimal custodial staff supervision while he tends to other pressing concerns...

12th March 2012, 07:30 PM
maybe they could auction off the Pizza-matic along with the left-overs from Solyndra, Obama's pet project solar company.

with Obama as the auctioneer.

willie pete
12th March 2012, 08:01 PM
$4.2 mil / 2000 pizzas ......cost of each pizza?

$2100 ......LMAO

"we stand by our decisions" .....the superintendent should be removed immediately

Twisted Titan
13th March 2012, 05:56 AM
Do they have a pink slime topping next to the anchovies?

13th March 2012, 12:13 PM
Well, now that pizza is a vegetable, they need to make enough of it to provide vegetables for all the kids!

13th March 2012, 12:40 PM
This is what happens when you appoint cronies, socialists and political toadies to positions of authority: massive and wasteful misallocation of resources. This superintendent doesn't have a clue about basic economics, supply, demand, managing costs and depreciation on capital investment. His thinking is stereotypical socialist-communist: centralize and control. The problem is that the latter usually have nothing to do with efficiency and productivity. Any businessman will tell you that it's not important who makes the pizza; the only things that matter are cost per pizza and net profit margin. This economic moron "superintendent" (or Education Commisar) couldn't concieve of decentralizing Pizza production to multiple Pizzeria businesses who do it for profit and therefore low cost and efficient, and in the bargain offloading his distribution bottleneck and using his leverage as large purchaser to enjoy a discount price. Instead, he buys a million dollr Rube Goldberg device that is breakdown prone and too complex to operate by his low pay low tech staff. Even if he gets the machine to work, he doesn't have the infrastructure to deliver the pizzas. So a million dollar machine sits idle, depreciating, and a huge loss for you and me the taxpayers (stockholders) while this fucktard administrator continues to collect his six figure salary and benefits. In the old days, the private company would have kicked his ass out the door and appointed a real manager. This story is the epitomy of what is wrong with the United States today and why we are so royally screwed.

mick silver
13th March 2012, 03:07 PM
just maybe the kids were going to be slaves to run it for the city . just more waste . the more i see i cant help but to think this country is done , well done . time is getting shorter .

13th March 2012, 03:16 PM
just maybe the kids were going to be slaves to run it for the city .
