View Full Version : for anyone who has ever doubted google is in bed with the feds

14th March 2012, 05:34 AM
revolving door.


One of the most top-secret Pentagon departments — the same that spawned America’s drones, military robots, electromagnetic guns and other sci-fi weaponry — is about to lose its top officer to Google.

Regina Dugan oversaw the development of some of the US military’s most marvelous high tech accomplishments as director of Darpa, but the head of the DoD’s research lab is parting ways with the Pentagon to take on a role with Google. Not even three years after she took on the role as the first female director of the America’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or Darpa, Regina Dugan is now walking away to join the ranks of America’s other innovative powerhouse. Dugan will be relinquishing her top roll at the Defense Department’s Darpa program and trading in the Potomac River for Silicon Valley, and says it is a natural decision to move somewhere where the possibilities seem endless. Apparently within the cogs of the war machine, there is only so much left to explore.

Confirming the move to a “senior executive position” with Google, Darpa spokesman Eric Mazzacone tells Wired that Dugan couldn’t refuse an offer with such an “innovative company” as the search engine giant. Until the latest news broke, however, Darpa had been touted as a creative — yet controversial — research lab for space-age technology only once imaginable. Darpa has developed technologies used across the globe that can take away lives and, as seen with cutting-edge robotic limbs, practically create them.

With the Defense Department scaling back on many operations and Google seemingly only growing, Dugan’s departure only makes sense given the timing. Both US President Barack Obama and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta have thrown their weight behind a shift in the Pentagon’s budget in an effort to save billions over the next few years. Google, on the other hand, has only increased its outreach, operating countless new endeavors and taking on new mediums.

That’s not to say, of course, that Dugan avoided trouble while with Darpa. She has been the subject of an investigation after awarding pricey contracts to a defense research company she partially owns, a deal which prompted the Pentagon’s Office of the Inspector General to open a probe. Lt. Col. Melinda Morgan, a spokesperson for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, says that the change in command and ongoing investigation into Dugan’s RedX Defense company are unrelated, but aside that there is little known about her career change. On their part, a Google rep tells PC Mag, "Regina is a technical pioneer who brought the future of technology to the military during her time at DARPA," adding, "She will be a real asset to Google, and we are thrilled she is joining the team."

In a statement from the Pentagon, Frank Kendall for Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, adds, “Regina Dugan’s leadership at Darpa has been extraordinary and she will be missed throughout the Department.
“We are all very grateful for the many contributions she has made in advancing the technologies that our war fighters depend on.”

Dugan, however, had blasted Darpa for not doing enough only a year earlier. “There is a time and a place for daydreaming. But it is not at Darpa,” she told a congressional panel in March 2011. “Darpa is not the place of dreamlike musings or fantasies, not a place for self-indulging in wishes and hopes. Darpa is a place of doing.”

The transition also raises further questions about what relationship the federal government has with Google. As RT reported yesterday, an advocacy group will be taking the US National Security Agency to court later this month in hopes of finding details on what ties, if any, the NSA has with Google. The NSA has refused to disclose any details in the past that discuss a relationship, despite a series of Freedom of Information Act requests.

14th March 2012, 05:44 AM
IMO google is NSA and has been for some time now.

14th March 2012, 05:46 AM
It's all part and parcel.

14th March 2012, 06:03 AM
They are not hiding it anymore, they are open and blatant about it,
google and apple are pretty scary at this point, especially google with
their phones, satellites, etc,

Anyone that reads spy books, they may be full of disinfo, etc,
but you still learn a lot, there is no communications company
out there that does not work with the FEDs, you will not be
building phones without their involvement, they got chips,
programs, before it was very hidden, but it is more out in
the open now, this most likely applies to any major comm company,
even MSFT of past, not that long ago all their antitrust problems
went away, then they gave us XP.

The blatancy of this troubles me, from DARPA, the title changed,
but I doubt the job will, brought in for full control and management,
for a bigger project, seamless integration, etc Remember TIA.

I googled TIA, lol


Information Awareness Office

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d1/IAO-logo.png/250px-IAO-logo.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:IAO-logo.png) http://bits.wikimedia.org/skins-1.19/common/images/magnify-clip.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:IAO-logo.png)
Information Awareness Office seal

The Information Awareness Office (IAO) was established by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_Advanced_Research_Projects_Agency) (DARPA) in January 2002 to bring together several DARPA projects focused on applying surveillance (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surveillance) and information technology to track and monitor terrorists and other asymmetric threats (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asymmetric_warfare) to national security (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_security), by achieving Total Information Awareness (TIA).


14th March 2012, 06:56 AM
IMO google is NSA and has been for some time now.

a programmer friend - another GIM'er, from a few years ago - told me, a few years ago, that in a programming assignment with Microsoft in the Wash. state area, he saw a Google site that was co-located with SAIC.

how convenient !

one of the give-aways for me is - the ease with which Google was allowed to park corporate jets at the NASA-Ames research center.

i imagine Larry Ellison (at Oracle) was complaining ... "Hey, what gives ?! I've been working with the CIA for 20 years ! and I have to park my jet in SAN FUCKING JOSE !!!"

anyway, that's their deal - Google was given private access to the quite highly classified NASA-Ames runways. and hangers.

Judeo-Fascism, indeed.

14th March 2012, 06:59 AM
Back around the year 2000 DARPA announced they were implementing a plan for global full spectrum dominance to be achieved within 10 years for all things network related. In lay terms this means they were building a satellite grid that blankets the earth and ALL electromagnetic communication was going to either be listened in upon, or straight up travel directly through the frequencies under DARPA control.

This was announced prior to 911 and today is 2012. Facebook, Google, Apple and all the rest are the fronts for this military operation.

Joint Vision 2010 (http://www.newdawnmagazine.com.au/Articles/21st%20Century%20Warriors.html) has become Joint Vision 2020.

Some PDFs for further research:

FCS Communications Technology for the Objective Force (http://www.mitre.org/work/tech_papers/tech_papers_02/sass_fcscomms/sass_fcscomms.pdf)

DoD on JV 2020:
Joint Vision 2020 Emphasizes Full-spectrum Dominance (http://www.defense.gov/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=45289)

More from the DoD:

America’s Military— Preparing for Tomorrow Joint Vision 2020 (http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/jel/jfq_pubs/1225.pdf)

The label full spectrum dominance implies that U.S. forces are able to conduct prompt, sustained, and synchronized operations with combinations of forces tailored to specific situations and with access to and freedom to operate in all domains— land, sea, air, space, and information.

Land, sea, air and space were the old realms, information is the new.

Information is the most valuable commodity in the world.

14th March 2012, 07:00 AM
i currently maintain 42 websites. all of them are crawled regularly by .mil bots.

14th March 2012, 07:08 AM
i currently maintain 42 websites. all of them are crawled regularly by .mil bots.
what does that mean to the folks that post here? are they here also? i would think so....

14th March 2012, 07:11 AM
they are robot programs that are indexing the website and reading what's on it, and they originate from a .mil ("military") domain. i can only assume it's darpa or some other agency gathering intel.

some are really weird, though. i have one website that's a fishing resort that gets scanned, literally, 1,000 times a month, sometimes more. i assume it's because the owner is on the radar of some agency and they are monitoring him.

14th March 2012, 07:29 AM
i currently maintain 42 websites. all of them are crawled regularly by .mil bots.

in order for a website to be crawled, does it have to be submitted to a search engine ?

what if you had a website and only told selected individuals about it, and asked them not to link to it ?

also, what about websites that are password protected ?

for example, can *.mil spider the subscriber section of David Morgan's website, without paying the subscriber fees ?

14th March 2012, 07:30 AM
they are robot programs that are indexing the website and reading what's on it, and they originate from a .mil ("military") domain. i can only assume it's darpa or some other agency gathering intel.

some are really weird, though. i have one website that's a fishing resort that gets scanned, literally, 1,000 times a month, sometimes more. i assume it's because the owner is on the radar of some agency and they are monitoring him.

We are all on monitoring agencies radars. I don't think one can have a presence on the web and not also have a file(s) in their name.

14th March 2012, 07:40 AM


Joogle owns the NSA. Not the other way around.


14th March 2012, 11:39 AM
someday the Jews will realize that the silver spoon in their mouths is only silver plated.