View Full Version : Handcuffed 20 Yr. Old Florida Woman’s Life Reduced to Vegetable

15th March 2012, 01:11 PM
Handcuffed 20 Yr. Old Florida Woman’s Life Reduced to Vegetable Thanks to TASER Happy, Overweight, Lazy Copopath~Cleared of All Wrongdoing *VIDEO*

Posted by Real News Reporter on March 14th, 2012

Editor’s note: Clearly she was of no threat to this cop. There are good reasons why some people use the word PIG to reference these cowards. Was he was too fat and lazy to chase after her? The death penalty exists for people like the “police officer”. This is worse than murder because she now has to “live” in a coma.

On September 19, 2011, 20 year old Danielle Maudsley was arrested by the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) for being involved in two misdemeanor traffic incidents and reportedly driving without a license. Police said she had cocaine and oxycodone in her system when she ran out the back door of a Florida Highway Patrol substation with 267 pound FHP Officer Daniel Cole in slow trotting pursuit. When 100 pound Danielle was about three feet distance from Officer Cole, Cole shot her in the back with 50,000 volt TASER darts which caused her to spin around and fall on her back, hitting her head hard on the pavement when she landed.

Thanks to Cole’s decisions, Danielle Maudsley’s life was ended for her within two minutes of hitting the pavement. .

While she will continue to breath, she is brain dead and will no longer know the everyday events which you and I experience and take for granted as the very essence of what it menas to “enjoy” life and to be alive. Her body may continue to live, but her life is gone forever.

Within a few days of the Sept. 19, 2011 TASER incident, Officer Daniel Cole was cleared of all “wrongdoing”:

“The Florida Department of Law Enforcement conducted an independent review of the incident,” FHP spokesperson Sgt. Steve Gaskins said. “Their investigation found that the trooper’s actions were legal and within the scope of his duties.”

When you see the video clips below, ask yourself if there is any legitimate and reasonable justification for this psychopathic, inhumane, overweight, flat-footed slob of a cop, to have ended this girl’s life with a TASER weapon, when any adult male cop in reaonable physical condition, could have EASILY overtaken her and simpy grabbed her to stop her from fleeing?

You can see from the dashboard video that the girl is not capable of running that fast, but Cole isn’t even RUNNING; he’s TROTTING, and doing it in a very flat-footed manner. It’s obvious to anyone with eyes that Cole is too OVERWEIGHT and too OUT OF SHAPE to actualy run after her, so he finds it much more convenient to simply shoot her in the back with the TASER darts, rather than exert hmself anymore than he already had. Since he’s a psycho-sociopath, he has absolutely no concern whatsover about the pain and suffering he will inflict upon this young 20 year old waif of a woman, because he just doesn’t want to exert himself anymore than he has to during his shift. Accomodating his LAZINESS and lack of physical conditioning is FAR more important to him than is this girl’s life or well being.

The first video clip only shows a portion of the first two minutes in which Officer Fleet Foot is berating the girl (who is withering in pain) after shooting her with these astute questions: “What were you thinking? What are you, stupid?

15th March 2012, 01:26 PM
Hell, I'm disabled and could have snatched that girl up without trouble.

Goddamned two legged badge wearing swine.

15th March 2012, 01:33 PM
A man feels mighty good when he can beat on someone half his size knowing there is no possible physical danger to himself...

carry on boys!

15th March 2012, 01:35 PM
A man feels mighty good when he can beat on someone half his size knowing there is no possible physical danger to himself...

carry on boys!

Excuse me darlin'...that is not a "man"!

15th March 2012, 05:50 PM
It sucks that someone who isn't a threat to LO officers dies because of such weapons. On the other hand, with over a million returning veterans from Iraq & Afghanistan, you can bet that there will be many vets that pass through the system. Only the use of such weapons will prevent the loss of life.

War sucks.

Now suck it up.

willie pete
15th March 2012, 06:01 PM
...just like a cop told me, "we don't show up to fight fair, we show up to win the fight" ...LE today has gotten completely out of control

15th March 2012, 09:20 PM
It sucks that someone who isn't a threat to LO officers dies because of such weapons. On the other hand, with over a million returning veterans from Iraq & Afghanistan, you can bet that there will be many vets that pass through the system. Only the use of such weapons will prevent the loss of life.

War sucks.

Now suck it up.

Not sure what your point is with this post. Could you explain?

16th March 2012, 04:42 PM
You’ll be seeing an increasing amount of excessive force from overzealous police. In a wacked-out country, where reason isn’t an option, a crappy job must be done.

My reference about the returning vets mentions another problem society will deal with.

Back in the mid 1980’s I discussed the history of our involvement in WWI with a very old man. He told how bad it was for this country primarily because of the problem of returning vets. He believed their reintroduction changed this country for the worse. At the time I disagreed with him, now I’m not so sure. We are a violent country. And our current ten year occupation of foreign lands won’t create peace and harmony when Johnny comes marching home, quite the opposite.

17th March 2012, 06:46 AM
It will be interesting to see if this cop is hit by lightning or manages to grab ahold of a power line accidentally.

Perhaps he will be found in a remote area after having tased himself a dozen times. Pity the guy who does this to the wrong little girl. He won't be offered a fair fight.

17th March 2012, 11:48 AM
Where is the concept of "the avenger of blood"? ..if this were my family, the brothers would see to it the fat bastard would die with a tazer shoved so far up his worthless @ss they wouldnt find it.

17th March 2012, 12:08 PM
Within a few days of the Sept. 19, 2011 TASER incident, Officer Daniel Cole was cleared of all “wrongdoing”:[/LEFT]
[INDENT] [LEFT][I]“The Florida Department of Law Enforcement conducted an independent review of the incident,” FHP spokesperson Sgt. Steve Gaskins said. “Their investigation found that the trooper’s actions were legal and within the scope of his duties.”

I'm baffled, I just don't understand how they can say this trooper's actions were legal and in the scope of his duties.

Folks, I've gone through some basic taser training. The taser is supposed to be for self-defense, and self-defense only. That's the scope of the taser. How in the hell is tasing a handcuffed girl self-defense?

How is the investigation justifying that? This is the problem with LE. The investigations are investigated, then kept private, from the public. As the public, we are supposed to just believe these things are being investigated.

This one is so blatantly obvious. This was not self-defense. It's not in defense of others. This is the biggest BS I've ever seen. Yet this coward cop walks free and clear.

Man, the separation from LE and the public is getting worse and worse....I honestly believe if we keep going this direction, there's going to be a revolution against LE. These cops can't keep getting away with these obvious abuse of power. They must start being held accountable.

17th March 2012, 02:45 PM
I'm baffled, I just don't understand how they can say this trooper's actions were legal and in the scope of his duties.

Folks, I've gone through some basic taser training. The taser is supposed to be for self-defense, and self-defense only. That's the scope of the taser. How in the hell is tasing a handcuffed girl self-defense?

How is the investigation justifying that? This is the problem with LE. The investigations are investigated, then kept private, from the public. As the public, we are supposed to just believe these things are being investigated.

This one is so blatantly obvious. This was not self-defense. It's not in defense of others. This is the biggest BS I've ever seen. Yet this coward cop walks free and clear.

Man, the separation from LE and the public is getting worse and worse....I honestly believe if we keep going this direction, there's going to be a revolution against LE. These cops can't keep getting away with these obvious abuse of power. They must start being held accountable.

Abuse of power....like kidnapping, arresting, and falsely imprisoning innocent people? Something that you've repeatedly defended.


17th March 2012, 03:02 PM
Abuse of power....like kidnapping, arresting, and falsely imprisoning innocent people? Something that you've repeatedly defended.


Never defended that. I have defended justice, and getting turds off the street. If you can't see the difference between that, and the original post, it's pointless to debate it with you.

Old Herb Lady
17th March 2012, 04:17 PM
Where is the concept of "the avenger of blood"? ..if this were my family, the brothers would see to it the fat bastard would die with a tazer shoved so far up his worthless @ss they wouldnt find it.

good question ! if this were my family, finding the shoved tazer in his carcass would be second to finding his missing body first .