View Full Version : A Chilling Revelation: Are Elite Planning our demise and is it imminent?

18th March 2012, 11:07 AM
A chilling revelation:

I had a chilling revelation while listening to a Bob Chapman audio interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMu5S2UxbVg&feature=player_embedded (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMu5S2UxbVg&feature=player_embedded)
Immediately after Chapman mentioned that the uber rich and power elite are busy building underground shelters (his words: subterranean cities) his phone connection was jammed (start listening at about the 41:00 mark – at 41:40 jamming starts after mentioning how the elite will seek shelter underground and the Bush family retreat in Paraguay). I was struck by this and immediately thought of the situation in Iran and the imminent threat of nuclear war. Then I thought of the dream of certain elite of a world population reduced to 500,000,000 and a new sustainable world order. The Georgia Guidestones (http://www.radioliberty.com/stones.htm (http://www.radioliberty.com/stones.htm)) come to mind. Then I thought of H.G. Wells, a prominent founding member of the Fabian Society, a cadre of intellectual Marxists who are the founding fathers of the New World Order. H.G. Wells wrote a book, the Time Machine, which contained startlingly accurate predictions of the future, including two world wars with dates eerily close to the actual events. After these, he predicts a nuclear holocaust, a long period where the earth heals, and a dividing of the human race into the underground survivors called morlocks who would become masters of the world, and the descendents of the few human survivors above ground called Eloi, who would live and be bred by the Morlocks as literal cattle. Then it all crystallized in my mind. Why would the elite invest such vast sums into the construction of underground shelters? Why would the elite instigate a nuclear holocaust and literally bring the temple down onto their own heads? The answer is obvious to me in its simplicity and directness: slaughter billions and solve the overpopulation problem and reclaim the earth for use by the elite masters. Allow sufficient human slaves to survive to furnish labor and food for the masters. Why would H.G. Wells write a book such as The Time Machine, a literal chronicle of future history, if not to send a message, to furnish an allegorical tale of things to come?

18th March 2012, 11:18 AM
I think this could be possible, although I would think a viral outbreak would easier for them to manage. You could kill 100's of millions if not several billion and could avoid it relatively easily yourself.

I'm honestly surprised they haven't let loose a super virus, I would think it would be a TPTB wet dream, millions of non jews being killed, pandemonium so they could take more control of peoples lives etc.

A nuclear holocaust just seems like taking a chainsaw to something they could better use a scalpel.

18th March 2012, 11:22 AM
it is not a coincidence that US troops are positioned in countries due East & West of Iran.

now Hamid Karzai is pissed off because the Israeli-controlled American Gentile killed a bunch of Afghan Gentiles. the 'welcome mat' for the US is disappearing.

the 15 year plan that encompassed the Selection of Bush/Cheney, 9-11, the Afghan & Iraq Wars/ Drive By Shootings, is coming to an end.

the policy is to eradicate strong semi-independent Middle Eastern countries.

there's one left & it's name is Iran.

18th March 2012, 11:22 AM
Fuck, I thought all of you knew this already.

Yes, there are making ready for a war of attrition and depopulation, why is it so damn hard to understand that?

18th March 2012, 11:29 AM
Fuck, I thought all of you knew this already.

Yes, there are making ready for a war of attrition and depopulation, why is it so damn hard to understand that?

e.g. the April 20, 2010 BP Disaster & the Toxic response.

the March 11, 2011 Fukushima incident - an allegedly huge earthquake that left many large concrete building standing, followed by a genuinely large tidal-like wave.

and now it's 2012. take the average of March 11 and April 20 and what do you get ? April 3-4.

i think there's a good chance (50%+) that this year's disaster - the attack on Iran - will occur by then.

BP (the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, Persian as in Iranian), the nuclear industry, the attack on Iran - what do they have in common ?

Jews, Zionists, IsraHell, and the compliance of England & the US governments.

18th March 2012, 11:37 AM
I think this could be possible, although I would think a viral outbreak would easier for them to manage. You could kill 100's of millions if not several billion and could avoid it relatively easily yourself.

I'm honestly surprised they haven't let loose a super virus, I would think it would be a TPTB wet dream, millions of non jews being killed, pandemonium so they could take more control of peoples lives etc.

A nuclear holocaust just seems like taking a chainsaw to something they could better use a scalpel.

A virus isn't a guarantee, even with the AIDS virus there are those among us who are immune. You don't know who they are just as they don't. One that is for sure is a nuclear event which can and will wipe out hundreds of millions if not billions due to food contamination, radiation fall out and radiation poisoning. There really isn't a way to be immune to that kind of an event. Vitamin C does provide some protection (in extremely high doses) but not enough to be able to get you to survive the outcome.

Viruses are subject to the adaptive immune response, there isn't a virus around that someone couldn't build immunity too. Even Ebola has survivors.

18th March 2012, 12:28 PM
AIDs doesn't exist.

18th March 2012, 12:46 PM
Then it all crystallized in my mind. Why would the elite invest such vast sums into the construction of underground shelters? Why would the elite instigate a nuclear holocaust and literally bring the temple down onto their own heads? The answer is obvious to me in its simplicity and directness: slaughter billions and solve the overpopulation problem and reclaim the earth for use by the elite masters.


Jews finally realized that them fleeing to another planet someday is impossible.

::) gotta stay and kosherize this one

18th March 2012, 01:00 PM

Jews finally realized that them fleeing to another planet someday is impossible.

::) gotta stay and kosherize this one

can't they just all move to Jewpiter ?

Twisted Titan
18th March 2012, 04:21 PM
and the funny thing is it still would not be enough to appease them......there is no getting on the good side of a zionist ghoul

18th March 2012, 06:49 PM
and the funny thing is it still would not be enough to appease them......there is no getting on the good side of a zionist ghoul

Thats only because there is no good side.................just two bad sides....haha

Silver Rocket Bitches!
18th March 2012, 07:20 PM
It's said the elite put their plans into art first so it's a very real possibility. Interesting though that the movie adaptation of the Time Machine left out the nukes and instead used the moon breaking up as the cause of the depopulating event.

Also, the virus theory is a very real possibility if the elite truly do hide their plans in plain sight based on the collection of virus/quarantine movies since 2008. No fewer than 12 movies in less than 4 years where the plot revolves around a group of people becoming infected and having to be quarantined. It's being stuffed in our faces. Many of these movies show some of the characters attempting to flee the quarantine with fatal consequences. These scripts don't get green lit on a whim.

It could be a combination. Nuke some cities then take out the survivors with a virus. Sounds like a great Hollywood movie.

18th March 2012, 09:24 PM
Plot summary

The book's protagonist is an English scientist and gentleman inventor living in Richmond, Surrey, identified by a narrator simply as the Time Traveller. The narrator recounts the Traveller's lecture to his weekly dinner guests that time is simply a fourth dimension, and his demonstration of a tabletop model machine for travelling through it. He reveals that he has built a machine capable of carrying a person, and returns at dinner the following week to recount a remarkable tale, becoming the new narrator.

In the new narrative, the Time Traveller tests his device with a journey that takes him to 802,701 A.D., where he meets the Eloi, a society of small, elegant, childlike adults. They live in small communities within large and futuristic yet slowly deteriorating buildings, doing no work and having a frugivorous diet. His efforts to communicate with them are hampered by their lack of curiosity or discipline, and he speculates that they are a peaceful communist society, the result of humanity conquering nature with technology, and subsequently evolving to adapt to an environment in which strength and intellect are no longer advantageous to survival.

Returning to the site where he arrived, the Time Traveller finds his time machine missing, and eventually works out that it has been dragged by some unknown party into a nearby structure with heavy doors, locked from the inside, which resembles a Sphinx. Later in the dark, he is approached menacingly by the Morlocks, ape-like troglodytes who live in darkness underground and surface only at night. Within their dwellings he discovers the machinery and industry that makes the above-ground paradise possible. He alters his theory, speculating that the human race has evolved into two species: the leisured classes have become the ineffectual Eloi, and the downtrodden working classes have become the brutish light-fearing Morlocks. Deducing that the Morlocks have taken his time machine, he explores the Morlock tunnels, learning that they feed on the Eloi. His revised analysis is that their relationship is not one of lords and servants but of livestock and ranchers, and with no real challenges facing either species. They have both lost the intelligence and character of Man at its peak.

Meanwhile, he saves an Eloi named Weena from drowning as none of the other Eloi take any notice of her, and they develop an innocently affectionate relationship over the course of several days. He takes Weena with him on an expedition to a distant structure that turns out to be the remains of a museum, where he finds a fresh supply of matches and fashions a crude weapon against Morlocks, whom he fears he must fight to get back his machine. He plans to take Weena back to his own time. Because the long and tiring journey back to Weena's home is too much for them, they stop in the forest, and they are then overcome by Morlocks in the night, and Weena faints. The Traveller escapes only when a small fire he had left behind them to distract the Morlocks catches up to them as a forest fire; Weena is presumably lost in the fire, as are the Morlocks.

The Morlocks use the time machine as bait to ensnare the Traveller, not understanding that he will use it to escape. He travels further ahead to roughly 30 million years from his own time. There he sees some of the last living things on a dying Earth, menacing reddish crab-like creatures slowly wandering the blood-red beaches chasing butterflies in a world covered in simple vegetation. He continues to make short jumps through time, seeing Earth's rotation gradually cease and the sun grow dimmer, and the world falling silent and freezing as the last degenerate living things die out.

Overwhelmed, he returns to his laboratory, arriving just three hours after he originally left. Interrupting dinner, he relates his adventures to his disbelieving visitors, producing as evidence two strange flowers Weena had put in his pocket. The original narrator takes over and relates that he returned to the Time Traveller's house the next day, finding him in final preparations for another journey. The Traveller promises to return in half an hour, but three years later, the narrator despairs of ever learning what became of him


18th March 2012, 09:31 PM
"Things Yet To Come" by H.G. Wells sounds like a more accurate prediction of the future.

The film, written throughout 1934, is notable for predicting World War II, being only 16 months off by having it start on Christmas 1940, rather than 1 September 1939. Its graphic depiction of strategic bombing in the scenes in which Everytown is flattened by air attack and society collapses into barbarism, echo pre-war concerns about the threat of the bomber and the apocalyptic pronouncements of air power prophets. Wells was an air power prophet of sorts, having described aerial warfare in Anticipations (1901) and The War in the Air (1908).

The use of gas bombs is very much part of the film, from the poison gas used early in the war to the sleeping gas used by the airmen of Wings Over the World. In real life, in the build-up to the Second World War, there was much concern that the Germans would use poison gas, which was used by France, Germany and Great Britain during the Great War. Civilians were required to carry gas masks and were trained in their use. When war did break out, however, the Germans did not use gas for military purposes.

Wings Over the World is based in Basra, in southern Iraq, from where it begins a new civilisation. Southern Iraq was also the home of one of the world's first known civilisations, Sumer, which began about 6,000 B.C. and invented the wheel, among a host of other things.

The single world government having engineers, scientists and inventors as the rulers mimics the ideology of the concept of Technocracy where those of the greatest skill and intellect in various vocations would be the leaders.


19th March 2012, 04:55 AM
I'm honestly surprised they haven't let loose a super virus, I would think it would be a TPTB wet dream, millions of non jews being killed, pandemonium so they could take more control of peoples lives etc.

There already have let loose many different species of bioengineered bacterias that are currently ruining peoples lives.

Lyme disease, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, lupus, early ALS, early Alzheimers Disease. The list goes on and on. All have these diseases have links with chronic bacterial and viral infections that are near impossible to get rid of...

19th March 2012, 05:44 AM
It could be a combination. Nuke some cities then take out the survivors with a virus. Sounds like a great Hollywood movie.

Hmm, that reminds me of WWI followed by Spanish flu epidemic..

19th March 2012, 05:45 AM
There already have let loose many different species of bioengineered bacterias that are currently ruining peoples lives.

Lyme disease, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, lupus, early ALS, early Alzheimers Disease. The list goes on and on. All have these diseases have links with chronic bacterial and viral infections that are near impossible to get rid of...

Alot of these things are connected also to EMFs and 'dirty electricity'..

19th March 2012, 06:23 AM
The past is usually a good indicator of the future. TPTB love nukes, check out the depleted uranium scandal. Nuclear holocaust likely.


19th March 2012, 06:36 AM
Apparently, the elites think differently than I do. If I were master of the universe, I wouldn't be killing my subjects. Weaken them and make them easier to rule, yes. But don't kill them wholesale. Every ruler in the history of the world has tried to expand his empire, not shrink it. It's human nature, and I don't see it changing any time soon.

Maybe this whole business is misdirection. Maybe they want us so fixated on imminent population reduction that we miss a bunch of other stuff.

19th March 2012, 07:25 AM
The chilling revelations are a good thing... I have them from time to time, it makes you mentally prepared to whatever they may throw at you... You have already lived through it in your mind, plotted counter measures etc...

19th March 2012, 07:53 AM

Jews finally realized that them fleeing to another planet someday is impossible.

::) gotta stay and kosherize this one

tikkun olam!

19th March 2012, 08:04 AM

Jews finally realized that them fleeing to another planet someday is impossible.

::) gotta stay and kosherize this one

NO!!!! Kepler 22b really isn't that far away! And it is probably much nicer than earth too. Barbara Streissand will come too! REALLY!

It is a bargain at only 620 light years! ;)

19th March 2012, 08:30 AM
The chilling revelations are a good thing... I have them from time to time, it makes you mentally prepared to whatever they may throw at you... You have already lived through it in your mind, plotted counter measures etc...

I'm worried about my kids. Personally, I'm tired of all the BS. When the jackbooted a-holes come to take me to the FEMA camps, I'll take of few of them with me and go like a man. But I'm wondering if I shouldn't be arranging to get my kids out of the country now. And then the question is where to go where one is assured safety and security? I'm skeptical of central America with all the governments being communist.

19th March 2012, 08:38 AM
I'm worried about my kids. Personally, I'm tired of all the BS. When the jackbooted a-holes come to take me to the FEMA camps, I'll take of few of them with me and go like a man. But I'm wondering if I shouldn't be arranging to get my kids out of the country now. And then the question is where to go where one is assured safety and security? I'm skeptical of central America with all the governments being communist.

It's interesting you bring this up.. I recently stumbled upon a post on zerohedge about the new Hungarian Constitution. Apparently it is fiscally and socially conservative, anyway I noticed that if one had a parent or a grandparent even that had Hungarian citizenship you could qualifiy for that too. Both of my grandparents on my mother's side were born in the Kingdom of Hungary and I am thinking about this for me as a place to immigrate to.

What do ya'll think about this?

19th March 2012, 08:43 AM
It's interesting you bring this up.. I recently stumbled upon a post on zerohedge about the new Hungarian Constitution. Apparently it is fiscally and socially conservative, anyway I noticed that if one had a parent or a grandparent even that had Hungarian citizenship you could qualifiy for that too. Both of my grandparents on my mother's side were born in the Kingdom of Hungary and I am thinking about this for me as a place to immigrate to.

What do ya'll think about this?

Well, it could be a smart move. But you have to research the heck out of it and get info on the ground. The thing about Hungary that is problematic is that it is a smallish country that has always found itself in the line of fire of any war or political squabble going on between major powers - sort of like Czechoslovakia and Poland. Personally, I'd prefer to live in the middle of no where, well off the beaten trail.

19th March 2012, 09:00 AM
Well, it could be a smart move. But you have to research the heck out of it and get info on the ground. The thing about Hungary that is problematic is that it is a smallish country that has always found itself in the line of fire of any war or political squabble going on between major powers - sort of like Czechoslovakia and Poland. Personally, I'd prefer to live in the middle of no where, well off the beaten trail.

Thank you for the response. It is a lot to think about. One major drawback would be the language and it does have a tumulteous history. But on the other hand there are whites there and in the majority. They do have a problamatic minority, the Roma(gypsy).

19th March 2012, 09:17 AM
I'd prefer to live in the middle of no where, well off the beaten trail.


:) you could provide medical services to Hoarder and other White People in Montana.

19th March 2012, 09:21 AM
That Montana thing will only work(maybe)if it suceeds.. This federal government has it for whitey no matter where you live..

19th March 2012, 10:53 AM
I'm worried about my kids. Personally, I'm tired of all the BS. When the jackbooted a-holes come to take me to the FEMA camps, I'll take of few of them with me and go like a man. But I'm wondering if I shouldn't be arranging to get my kids out of the country now. And then the question is where to go where one is assured safety and security? I'm skeptical of central America with all the governments being communist.

Non-NATO non-commonwealth European countries may be better, since they may avoid getting dragged into the war. Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland and Finland and possibly Iceland allthough a member of NATO, may be too far from the beaten track to attract attention in a nuclear war. Switzerland may not be ideal being smack in the middle of Europe... Southern hemisphere; Australia and New Zealand, although commonwealth countries, they are large enough and not very densely populated apart from the east coast of Australia.

Certainly a problem with all these countries (more/less) is that they are socialist in structure, however arguably rather soft-core...

If war with Iran breaks out I will do my outmost to bring my family and myself to Sweden. I am not afraid of dying, but my kids are still young (12 and 8) and I would like to see them through at least until they can stand on their own legs figuratively speaking...

19th March 2012, 10:53 AM
I'm worried about my kids. Personally, I'm tired of all the BS. When the jackbooted a-holes come to take me to the FEMA camps, I'll take of few of them with me and go like a man. But I'm wondering if I shouldn't be arranging to get my kids out of the country now. And then the question is where to go where one is assured safety and security? I'm skeptical of central America with all the governments being communist.

Non-NATO non-commonwealth European countries may be better, since they may avoid getting dragged into the war. Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland and Finland and possibly Iceland allthough a member of NATO, may be too far from the beaten track to attract attention in a nuclear war. Switzerland may not be ideal being smack in the middle of Europe... Southern hemisphere; Australia and New Zealand, although commonwealth countries, they are large enough and not very densely populated apart from the east coast of Australia.

Certainly a problem with all these countries (more/less) is that they are socialist in structure, however arguably rather soft-core...

If war with Iran breaks out I will do my outmost to bring my family and myself to Sweden. I am not afraid of dying, but my kids are still young (12 and 8) and I would like to see them through at least until they can stand on their own legs figuratively speaking...

19th March 2012, 10:59 AM

:) you could provide medical services to Hoarder and other White People in Montana.

Big country Montana. Lots of remote and open spaces. But the winters will test your mettle.

I'm gonna have wifey start sniffing around.

19th March 2012, 11:22 AM
Non-NATO non-commonwealth European countries may be better, since they may avoid getting dragged into the war. Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland and Finland and possibly Iceland allthough a member of NATO, may be too far from the beaten track to attract attention in a nuclear war. Switzerland may not be ideal being smack in the middle of Europe... Southern hemisphere; Australia and New Zealand, although commonwealth countries, they are large enough and not very densely populated apart from the east coast of Australia.

Certainly a problem with all these countries (more/less) is that they are socialist in structure, however arguably rather soft-core...

If war with Iran breaks out I will do my outmost to bring my family and myself to Sweden. I am not afraid of dying, but my kids are still young (12 and 8) and I would like to see them through at least until they can stand on their own legs figuratively speaking...

Article on Sweden bringing in a cashless society yesterday

19th March 2012, 11:25 AM
Article on Sweden bringing in a cashless society yesterday


Found one:

Not a cashless society yet, and world finance will collapse before it is...

19th March 2012, 12:48 PM
Big country Montana. Lots of remote and open spaces.


:D a lot whiter than Pennsylvania too

19th March 2012, 01:49 PM

:D a lot whiter than Pennsylvania too

Once you get out of the major cities, PA is very white, >95%. Where I live it is 99% white and 100% Christian. I estimate gun ownership at 80-90%. There is little to no crime and everyone knows eachother and is polite. Picture Maybury RFD with satellite dishs and cell phones LOL.

19th March 2012, 01:52 PM
Once you get out of the major cities, PA is very white, >95%. Where I live it is 99% white and 100% Christian. I estimate gun ownership at 80-90%. There is little to no crime and everyone knows eachother and is polite. Picture Maybury RFD with satellite dishs and cell phones LOL.

it's like where i'm at as well. plus, i have the added benefit of being surrounded by 2 giant ass lakes on 2 of three sides of the state, safe from invasion there. i only have to watch out for FIBS an sneaky minnesotans.

19th March 2012, 01:59 PM
Once you get out of the major cities, PA is very white, >95%. Where I live it is 99% white and 100% Christian. I estimate gun ownership at 80-90%. There is little to no crime and everyone knows eachother and is polite. Picture Maybury RFD with satellite dishs and cell phones LOL.

sounds like where i grew up, except for the roving band of hoodlums that liked to throw tomatoes at cars and blow up mailboxes once in a while.

19th March 2012, 02:02 PM
and a dividing of the human race into the underground survivors called morlocks who would become masters of the world, and the descendents of the few human survivors above ground called Eloi, who would live and be bred by the Morlocks as literal cattle.This is not at all how they make dough, there would need to be a third (equal to) in opposition force.

19th March 2012, 02:05 PM
sounds like where i grew up, except for the roving band of hoodlums that liked to throw tomatoes at cars and blow up mailboxes once in a while.

I called my friend Carmine and he made an example of a couple of the pranksters. Since then the pranks have stopped. Fancy that!

19th March 2012, 02:16 PM
Once you get out of the major cities, PA is...


They can walk from intercity Philly at over ten miles per day wtshtf...be in your Mayberry on bikes before lunch :


O0 Yo...you gots a nice pool here Doctor Mamboni...fetch us some malt cold ones:


19th March 2012, 03:55 PM
It's said the elite put their plans into art first so it's a very real possibility. Interesting though that the movie adaptation of the Time Machine left out the nukes and instead used the moon breaking up as the cause of the depopulating event.

Also, the virus theory is a very real possibility if the elite truly do hide their plans in plain sight based on the collection of virus/quarantine movies since 2008. No fewer than 12 movies in less than 4 years where the plot revolves around a group of people becoming infected and having to be quarantined. It's being stuffed in our faces. Many of these movies show some of the characters attempting to flee the quarantine with fatal consequences. These scripts don't get green lit on a whim.

It could be a combination. Nuke some cities then take out the survivors with a virus. Sounds like a great Hollywood movie.


They can walk from intercity Philly at over ten miles per day wtshtf...be in your Mayberry on bikes before lunch :


O0 Yo...you gots a nice pool here Doctor Mamboni...fetch us some malt cold ones:


Yo yo yo Book!!! Don't be stirring no sheet bro. Any soul brothers show up in these parts, they be leaving with an ass full of lead. LOL But you, I promise I won't shoot you...in the ass.

19th March 2012, 08:19 PM
I think the massive population reduction is a real plan in the minds of many elites. However, I don't think it is the true plan. Control is spread out through circles within circles. One of those circles, maybe at the Bill Gates level, really believes that is the plan. However, the ones controlling them don't want to kill us. Their goal is to enslave us and have us voluntarily submit and live in total fear.

19th March 2012, 10:00 PM
If I were master of the universe, I wouldn't be killing my subjects. Weaken them and make them easier to rule, yes.



19th March 2012, 10:59 PM
I'm worried about my kids. Personally, I'm tired of all the BS. When the jackbooted a-holes come to take me to the FEMA camps, I'll take of few of them with me and go like a man. But I'm wondering if I shouldn't be arranging to get my kids out of the country now. And then the question is where to go where one is assured safety and security? I'm skeptical of central America with all the governments being communist.

Costa Rica? A friend sent me this listing

19th March 2012, 11:06 PM


Obama staffer wants ‘cognitive infiltration’ of 9/11 truth groups

January 14, 2010 by POPEYE (http://www.federaljack.com/?author=7)
Filed under Establishing The Police State (http://www.federaljack.com/?cat=4)

3 Comments (http://www.federaljack.com/?p=13598#respond)

Tweet (http://twitter.com/share)

http://www.federaljack.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Cass-Sunstein.jpg (http://www.federaljack.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Cass-Sunstein.jpg)(RAW STORY) In a 2008 academic paper, President Barack Obama’s appointee to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs advocated “cognitive infiltration” of groups that advocate “conspiracy theories” like the ones surrounding 9/11.
Cass Sunstein, a Harvard law professor, co-wrote an academic article entitled “Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures,” in which he argued that the government should stealthily infiltrate groups that pose alternative theories on historical events via “chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine” those groups.
As head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Sunstein is in charge of “overseeing policies relating to privacy, information quality, and statistical programs,” according to (http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/regulatory_affairs/default/) the White House Web site.
Sunstein’s article, published in the Journal of Political Philosphy in 2008 and recently uncovered (http://theragblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/got-fascism-obama-advisor-promotes.html) by blogger Marc Estrin, states that “our primary claim is that conspiracy theories typically stem not from irrationality or mental illness of any kind but from a ‘crippled epistemology,’ in the form of a sharply limited number of (relevant) informational sources.”
By “crippled epistemology” Sunstein means that people who believe in conspiracy theories have a limited number of sources of information that they trust. Therefore, Sunstein argued in the article, it would not work to simply refute the conspiracy theories in public — the very sources that conspiracy theorists believe would have to be infiltrated.
Sunstein, whose article focuses largely on the 9/11 conspiracy theories, suggests that the government “enlist nongovernmental officials in the effort to rebut the theories. It might ensure that credible independent experts offer the rebuttal, rather than government officials themselves. There is a tradeoff between credibility and control, however. The price of credibility is that government cannot be seen to control the independent experts.”
Download a PDF of the article here (http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1084585).
Sunstein argued that “government might undertake (legal) tactics for breaking up the tight cognitive clusters of extremist theories.” He suggested that “government agents (and their allies) might enter chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine percolating conspiracy theories by raising doubts about their factual premises, causal logic or implications for political action.”
“We expect such tactics from undercover cops, or FBI,” Estrin writes (http://theragblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/got-fascism-obama-advisor-promotes.html) at the Rag Blog, expressing surprise that “a high-level presidential advisor” would support such a strategy.
Estrin notes that Sunstein advocates in his article for the infiltration of “extremist” groups so that it undermines the groups’ confidence to the extent that “new recruits will be suspect and participants in the group’s virtual networks will doubt each other’s bona fides.”
Sunstein has been the target of numerous “conspiracy theories” himself, mostly from the right wing political echo chamber, with conservative talking heads claiming he favors enacting “a second Bill of Rights (http://mediamatters.org/research/201001110052)” that would do away (http://stopsunstein.com/) with the Second Amendment. Sunstein’s recent book, On Rumors: How Falsehoods Spread, Why We Believe Them, What Can Be Done, was criticized by some on the right as “a blueprint for online censorship.”
Sunstein “wants to hold blogs and web hosting services accountable for the remarks of commenters on websites while altering libel laws to make it easier to sue for spreading ‘rumors,’” wrote Ed Lasky (http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2009/07/cass_sunsteins_despicable_idea.html) at American Thinker.

20th March 2012, 12:55 AM
^^ That article should have its own thread.

It's interesting how threatened they are by those who don't accept the official explanations of 9/11. And here I thought we were all just a bunch of fringe nuts with no influence on society. ;-)

BTW, his book on rumors sucks.

20th March 2012, 03:53 AM
Costa Rica? A friend sent me this listing

But isn't Horn there?

20th March 2012, 06:26 PM
But isn't Horn there?

Wise ass.

Don't worry about the Commies in Costa Rica, they are still (as always) subjects to Capitalist lawyer's loopholes.

They just don't make either the way they used to... however I think land here is set to "tank a bit" pretty soon.

21st March 2012, 09:31 AM
NO!!!! Kepler 22b really isn't that far away! And it is probably much nicer than earth too. Barbara Streissand will come too! REALLY!

It is a bargain at only 620 light years! ;)

But Gliese 581C is only a mere 20 light years away! lol.

21st March 2012, 12:20 PM
But Gliese 581C is only a mere 20 light years away! lol.

Hallelujah! Let's rename it Great Israel!

21st March 2012, 12:21 PM
a neutron warhead will kill all the people and leave the ifastructure intact....it will be habitable as soon as the morlocks want to come out of their holes..

mick silver
21st March 2012, 05:13 PM
i was thinking of buying some land on the moon .

21st March 2012, 05:28 PM
Obama staffer wants ‘cognitive infiltration’ of 9/11 truth groups

January 14, 2010 by POPEYE (http://www.federaljack.com/?author=7)
Filed under Establishing The Police State (http://www.federaljack.com/?cat=4)

3 Comments (http://www.federaljack.com/?p=13598#respond)

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http://www.federaljack.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Cass-Sunstein.jpg (http://www.federaljack.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Cass-Sunstein.jpg)(RAW STORY) In a 2008 academic paper, President Barack Obama’s appointee to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs advocated “cognitive infiltration” of groups that advocate “conspiracy theories” like the ones surrounding 9/11.
Cass Sunstein, a Harvard law professor, co-wrote an academic article entitled “Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures,” in which he argued that the government should stealthily infiltrate groups that pose alternative theories on historical events via “chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine” those groups.
As head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Sunstein is in charge of “overseeing policies relating to privacy, information quality, and statistical programs,” according to (http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/regulatory_affairs/default/) the White House Web site.
Sunstein’s article, published in the Journal of Political Philosphy in 2008 and recently uncovered (http://theragblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/got-fascism-obama-advisor-promotes.html) by blogger Marc Estrin, states that “our primary claim is that conspiracy theories typically stem not from irrationality or mental illness of any kind but from a ‘crippled epistemology,’ in the form of a sharply limited number of (relevant) informational sources.”
By “crippled epistemology” Sunstein means that people who believe in conspiracy theories have a limited number of sources of information that they trust. Therefore, Sunstein argued in the article, it would not work to simply refute the conspiracy theories in public — the very sources that conspiracy theorists believe would have to be infiltrated.
Sunstein, whose article focuses largely on the 9/11 conspiracy theories, suggests that the government “enlist nongovernmental officials in the effort to rebut the theories. It might ensure that credible independent experts offer the rebuttal, rather than government officials themselves. There is a tradeoff between credibility and control, however. The price of credibility is that government cannot be seen to control the independent experts.”
Download a PDF of the article here (http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1084585).
Sunstein argued that “government might undertake (legal) tactics for breaking up the tight cognitive clusters of extremist theories.” He suggested that “government agents (and their allies) might enter chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine percolating conspiracy theories by raising doubts about their factual premises, causal logic or implications for political action.”
“We expect such tactics from undercover cops, or FBI,” Estrin writes (http://theragblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/got-fascism-obama-advisor-promotes.html) at the Rag Blog, expressing surprise that “a high-level presidential advisor” would support such a strategy.
Estrin notes that Sunstein advocates in his article for the infiltration of “extremist” groups so that it undermines the groups’ confidence to the extent that “new recruits will be suspect and participants in the group’s virtual networks will doubt each other’s bona fides.”
Sunstein has been the target of numerous “conspiracy theories” himself, mostly from the right wing political echo chamber, with conservative talking heads claiming he favors enacting “a second Bill of Rights (http://mediamatters.org/research/201001110052)” that would do away (http://stopsunstein.com/) with the Second Amendment. Sunstein’s recent book, On Rumors: How Falsehoods Spread, Why We Believe Them, What Can Be Done, was criticized by some on the right as “a blueprint for online censorship.”
Sunstein “wants to hold blogs and web hosting services accountable for the remarks of commenters on websites while altering libel laws to make it easier to sue for spreading ‘rumors,’” wrote Ed Lasky (http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2009/07/cass_sunsteins_despicable_idea.html) at American Thinker.

fiction but.........
6 Months into a undercover operation one of the agents is turned............I learn t so much from that forum that I started agreeing with some of the things they where saying and I did learn so much........that now Im on their side......

21st March 2012, 05:29 PM
double post

Old Herb Lady
21st March 2012, 09:04 PM
Once you get out of the major cities, PA is very white, >95%. Where I live it is 99% white and 100% Christian. I estimate gun ownership at 80-90%. There is little to no crime and everyone knows eachother and is polite. Picture Maybury RFD with satellite dishs and cell phones LOL.

+1 Pennsylvania is beautiful too ! I ain't leavin' !




Old Herb Lady
21st March 2012, 09:10 PM
