View Full Version : CIA Chief: We’ll Spy on You Through Your Dishwasher

Twisted Titan
19th March 2012, 05:04 AM
More and more personal and household devices are connecting to the internet, from your television to your car navigation systems to your light switches. CIA Director David Petraeus cannot wait to spy on you through them.

Earlier this month, Petraeus mused about the emergence of an “Internet of Things” — that is, wired devices — at a summit for In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s venture capital firm. “‘Transformational’ is an overused word, but I do believe it properly applies to these technologies,” Petraeus enthused, “particularly to their effect on clandestine tradecraft.”

All those new online devices are a treasure trove of data if you’re a “person of interest” to the spy community. Once upon a time, spies had to place a bug in your chandelier to hear your conversation. With the rise of the “smart home,” you’d be sending tagged, geolocated data that a spy agency can intercept in real time when you use the lighting app on your phone to adjust your living room’s ambiance.

“Items of interest will be located, identified, monitored, and remotely controlled through technologies such as radio-frequency identification, sensor networks, tiny embedded servers, and energy harvesters — all connected to the next-generation internet using abundant, low-cost, and high-power computing,” Petraeus said, “the latter now going to cloud computing, in many areas greater and greater supercomputing, and, ultimately, heading to quantum computing.”

Petraeus allowed that these household spy devices “change our notions of secrecy” and prompt a rethink of “our notions of identity and secrecy.” All of which is true — if convenient for a CIA director.

The CIA has a lot of legal restrictions against spying on American citizens. But collecting ambient geolocation data from devices is a grayer area, especially after the 2008 carve-outs to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Hardware manufacturers, it turns out, store a trove of geolocation data; and some legislators have grown alarmed at how easy it is for the government to track you through your phone or PlayStation.

That’s not the only data exploit intriguing Petraeus. He’s interested in creating new online identities for his undercover spies — and sweeping away the “digital footprints” of agents who suddenly need to vanish.

“Proud parents document the arrival and growth of their future CIA officer in all forms of social media that the world can access for decades to come,” Petraeus observed. “Moreover, we have to figure out how to create the digital footprint for new identities for some officers.”

It’s hard to argue with that. Online cache is not a spy’s friend. But Petraeus has an inadvertent pal in Facebook.

Why? With the arrival of Timeline, Facebook made it super-easy to backdate your online history. Barack Obama, for instance, hasn’t been on Facebook since his birth in 1961. Creating new identities for CIA non-official cover operatives has arguably never been easier. Thank Zuck, spies. Thank Zuck.

Twisted Titan
19th March 2012, 05:06 AM

19th March 2012, 05:49 AM
Covered here:


19th March 2012, 09:24 AM
Some people may remember that that information has been covered exactly one year ago here at GSUS.

Nobody paid any attention to that at the time of the post.

Now it is leaked by CIA chief into mass media.

Here is what was written on March 18th, 2011 02:26 PM:

Very soon we are going to see: LCD screens ( think TVs) where

1. every pixel will be able to see ( will be released in a year time-frame)
2. the LCDs will be able to direct light individually from every pixel, utility of which will be --- 3d TV without need for glasses, as every eye will see own picture. Or each of the family sees his own channel (full screen) while watching the same TV. That is coming too, but not so soon as the first one.

Those two technologies are straight from the Bible. How otherwise your TV will be able to know that you did not fell down worshiping the image and how else it will be able to kill you?

I was right, wasn't I ? :)

Here is the link to the original post

sugar plum
20th March 2012, 05:24 AM
A few years back when we were forced to buy a digital converter box in order to watch our 4 channels, I immediately became suspicious of the thing. It would turn itself on for a bit all by itself! I know it was supposed to be updating the guide, but it tries to do that anyway when you turn it on...I dunno. It just made me think of the movies I've seen about the State and what happens when a person thinks differently from the State.

I've also recently become so paranoid about my netbook cam that I've put a piece of masking tape over it unless I need it. I don't need to make it easier for them to spy on me!

20th March 2012, 08:07 AM
I had a friend, a former co-worker who had worked at the time for a major hi-tech corporation.
he spilled the info during our casual beer night
I did not show it outwardly, yet it disturbed me deeply due to prophecy connection
it's just like another horsemen of Apocalypse suddenly showing up at the doorsteps

the prophecy says that there will be time, when if one doesn't bow down and worship the beast in "privacy" of his own home, he gonna get killed dead immediately
the technology that enables that has just arrived
yes, it may be too clumsy and expensive yet; but its here.
year ago it was in the labs, today its here.
hail the New World Order

20th March 2012, 08:13 AM
A few years back when we were forced to buy a digital converter box in order to watch our 4 channels, I immediately became suspicious of the thing. It would turn itself on for a bit all by itself! I know it was supposed to be updating the guide, but it tries to do that anyway when you turn it on...I dunno. It just made me think of the movies I've seen about the State and what happens when a person thinks differently from the State.

I've also recently become so paranoid about my netbook cam that I've put a piece of masking tape over it unless I need it. I don't need to make it easier for them to spy on me!
HAH! that's EXACTLY what i thought about the converter boxes. and that was BEFORE mouse and i even 'woke' up. we were still primarily sheeple living in l.a. i just couldn't understand why in the heck they would need to do the whole digital thing. the excuse given was just too lame for me. but we just went on using the satellite....

we've had a piece of masking tape on our built-in laptop camera for a while now. my sis is the only one that has commented on it saying 'i wanted to do that but everyone thought i was stupid! now i think i will anyways...' mouse has been telling his coworkers to do it, and now he has been seeing masking tape on laptops all over the place ;)

my neighbor said he watched a pbs program about how big bro was developing and testing hummingbird cameras to spy on us. my mom thinks he's a wacko but i often wonder....

20th March 2012, 09:01 AM
I've done the tape over laptop cam thing for a few years. Use a little square of black electrical tape, since the cam area is black on most laptops anyways, you barely notice it. My current laptop has a little light which comes on when the cam is on, IE you're willingly cam-ing on skype etc- but you think I trust that's the only time they can turn on the cam? Remember that story around 2 years ago where the school district had given students loaner laptops, and it turned out some school admin pervs were remotely activating the cams in the student's homes, bedrooms, wherever??

How do I figure out where the built-in condenser mic on a laptop is, since it's unmarked on mine wherever it is-- that need to get elec taped over, prolly 2-3 layers deep ought to neutralize it.

The humming bird devices are real, saw a youtube on it some time back, it'd be an easy search.

20th March 2012, 11:21 AM
So you don't think my "Mr Yuk" sticker over the laptop cam lens is crazy? 8)