View Full Version : THE TRUTH ABOUT MARS by Ernest L. Norman

19th March 2012, 04:46 PM
Story here......



Just fifty years ago in a small town in northern Utah, Ernest L. Norman made his debut into this planet Earth. It was apparent right from the first that he was an unusual child. his mother nearly died in the process of his introduction, because of the abnormally large head. it is said he had the body of an eight pound child, but weight over twelve pounds!

Before he was hardly two, he was experimenting with writing and long before he went to school for the first time, he was quite familiar with the English language; so much so, he was reading his father's library. His father, incidentally, was a very learned man, of royal Norwegian descent and had degrees in law, psychology, physiology and phrenology.

The author was the fifth of eight boys and girls, all strong lads and lassies and it was quite natural for them to resent having a brother who was so studious.

At the tender age of five he constructed his first microscope using the eyepiece section from his father's telescope, and by inserting it in a wooden frame made from a cigar box and a small piece of mirror, he was able to count the hairs on earthworms.

At the age of six he performed an unusual and prodigious feat. Using his knowledge of Archimedean laws of fulcrums, levers and rollers, he moved an 8 x 12 foot coal shed containing one-half a ton of coal over a distance of approximately 200 feet, through an apple orchard and over soft ground to a new and more convenient location. This feat took him about three weeks to accomplish and was one which would have taxed the strength and endurance of a strong man. This accomplishment was carefully noted day by day, by his father who would boastingly report the progress made to the townspeople.

It was also at this early period of life, that he constructed a rabbit hutch which was vastly superior in design and workmanship to one constructed by an adult neighbor more than six times his age. This he did, using old rusted out, discarded tools.

Another time, at the age of seven, he bested his father in an argument, i.e., that all energy was electronic. At present he is completely vindicated inasmuch as science today is resolving into this conclusion.

During his early teen-age years in junior and senior high school, he established several new "high water" marks in biology, genetics, science, etc., and won several noteworthy citations as well as attracting some interest from his teachers.

It is estimated that at the age of fourteen, he had a vocabulary of about sixty thousand words! It was easy to see then, that this boy, who in winter time read almost continuously or dreamed the summer away watching nature, had not wasted or played his time away as most lads are wont to do.

At the age of seventeen, his family moved to California and temporarily, at least, formal school was finished. But he persisted, even taking night classes in various subjects. At the age of twenty-three, and just before the depression, he married and remained so for fourteen years.

During this time, he became very active in radio and electronics. It was his wife who always said they had the best radios in the neighborhood and they were always hand constructed.

After World War Two, he devoted himself to his lifetime dream, metaphysics, and became an ordained minister in an occult science church. From the very start, in this work, it became evident he possessed an outstanding clairvoyant development and, during the war years, demonstrated this talent not only in churches and lecture halls, but in almost any place opportunity presented itself and achieved no small measure of fame in this capacity.

However, it is his ambition at this time and has been for many years, to fill in the gaps in our scientific and spiritual philosophies of the world, and to set up a new and integrated philosophy of life.

With this most outstanding ability of clairvoyance, coupled with a tremendous grasp of scientific knowledge, he is very humble and unpretentious, refusing to attach the stigma of self to whatever comes through the channel of his mind and is ever aware of attunement with the Superconscious.

On the forehead of the author is a large welt, in a perfect raised circle. This becomes activated at time when he is inspired or attuned, as though it is a necessary factor in making contact, mentally, with the intelligences of other dimensions or on other planets. Another strange phenomenon is the nail holes in the palms of his hands, which appeared physically during a psychic working out with his previous life in Jerusalem and the crucifixion and are most surely points of great interest in showing that he is indeed a most unusual soul, mentally and spiritually and has reached a very rare, if ever duplicated, state of consciousness through his countless thousands of lifetimes of endeavor in these fields.

Many very miraculous healings have come through Dr. Norman. His conscious mind is able to contact the Superconscious which can tune into the past experiences and past lives of the individuals to actually locate and view the experience in a former life which is responsible for the present illness; thus being able to eliminate or neutralize the impinging vortex from the psychic body of the individual by mental and spiritual means. Many wonderful healings and permanent cures have thusly been achieved.

20th March 2012, 06:01 AM
On the forehead of the author is a large welt, in a perfect raised circle. This becomes activated at time when he is inspired or attuned, as though it is a necessary factor in making contact, mentally, with the intelligences of other dimensions or on other planets. Another strange phenomenon is the nail holes in the palms of his hands, which appeared physically during a psychic working out with his previous life in Jerusalem and the crucifixion and are most surely points of great interest in showing that he is indeed a most unusual soul, mentally and spiritually and has reached a very rare, if ever duplicated, state of consciousness through his countless thousands of lifetimes of endeavor in these fields.

Many very miraculous healings have come through Dr. Norman. His conscious mind is able to contact the Superconscious which can tune into the past experiences and past lives of the individuals to actually locate and view the experience in a former life which is responsible for the present illness; thus being able to eliminate or neutralize the impinging vortex from the psychic body of the individual by mental and spiritual means. Many wonderful healings and permanent cures have thusly been achieved.
