View Full Version : Does American Republic End on Dec 12, 2012?

20th March 2012, 06:34 AM
According to Fred Guitterrez, on Dec 12, 2012, the Federal Reserve Corporation will allow its charter to expire. The corporate entity will dissolve itself and transfer all assets, including gold bullion, treasuries, bills, cash and securities (including MBS) to the IMF under the control of the United Nations. The gold bullion, reportedly 8000 tons, is in the legal possession of the private Federal Reserve Corporation, not the US Treasury, So essentially, all of the assets that back the legal tender currency (Federal Reserve Notes) in circulation in the USA and internationally will revert to property of the IMF/UN.

Barack Obama is not a US citizen by birth, is a moslem, and a foriegn born who was groomed for the presidency from early on by dedicated Marxist-Socialists here and abroad. His entire rise to prominence and office was carefully arranged, right under our unsuspecting noses. Obama deliberately flubbed the Oath to the US Constitution on Inauguration Day - he will no doubt claim that he was never under any Constitutional restrictions or obligations.

Defense Secretary Panetta has publically declared before Congress that the Armed Forces of the United States answer to the UN through the president as intermediary. The US Congress is a ceremonially body which might be informed of impending military action at the discretion of the president and Commander in Chief.

The Supreme Court has no power but to strike down a law as unconstitutional. It has no enforcement authority. The latter falls under the purview of the Attorney General, a subordinate of the president.

So to sum it up briefly:
1. the president is a foreign agent operating outside of the US Constitution in command of American armed forces and taking orders from the UN/IMF.
2. In December 2012 the UN/IMF will formally own the entire dollar-denominated assets of the Federal Reserve and the American citizenry.
3. The Congress has been rendered powerless.
4. The Supreme Court has been marginalized and is now hostage to the executive

It appears that the United States Republic will be formally decapitated in December and declared legally defunct, replaced by a military dictatorship under the command of the UN/IMF. All assets will be under international control. The soveriegn United States will cease to exist; it follows that citizen rights and Constitutional guarantees will cease to exist as well.

We need to discuss this, understand this, and determine what we as free men and women need to be doing now in preparation. Because, we are slowly being imprisoned and stripped of our rights, freedom and property.

20th March 2012, 06:38 AM
Fred Guitterrez is mistaken. We have covered the Fed charter numerous times here, it was reviewed back in the 20's and granted a near infinite extension. Today it will take an act of Congress to overthrow the FED.

Where did you find this essay?

20th March 2012, 06:42 AM
Fred Guitterrez is mistaken. We have covered the Fed charter numerous times here, it was reviewed back in the 20's and granted a near infinite extension. Today it will take an act of Congress to overthrow the FED.

Where did you find this essay?

I wrote this. So you're saying the Charter expiration claim is bogus? I'm only slightly relieved.

20th March 2012, 06:45 AM
I wrote this. So you're saying the Charter expiration claim is bogus? I'm only slightly relieved.

That's correct.

20th March 2012, 07:08 AM
Where Mamboni got this info, regarding the expiration of the charter, was the recording that was posted from a link Nomoss provided, to setoffdebt.com.

I am not saying you are right or wrong, Dmac, but I will say that Fred Gutierrez claims that the FED made thw public announcement in summer of last year, stating that they would not be renewing their corporate charter, and that they would do with their debts and assets as Mamboni described.

If it is true, the American Republic will still be the American Republic, because the existence of the American Republic is not dependant on a private corporation such as the FED. But the fiat system will be directly in the hands of the BLT's by way of the UN.

Here is a link:

20th March 2012, 07:16 AM
Where Mamboni got this info, regarding the expiration of the charter, was the recording that was posted from a link Nomoss provided, to setoffdebt.com.

I am not saying you are right or wrong, Dmac, but I will say that Fred Gutierrez claims that the FED made thw public announcement in summer of last year, stating that they would not be renewing their corporate charter, and that they would do with their debts and assets as Mamboni described.

If it is true, the American Republic will still be the American Republic, because the existence of the American Republic is not dependant on a private corporation such as the FED. But the fiat system will be directly in the hands of the BLT's by way of the UN.

My point is that the US Constitution will be rendered obsolete and defunct. The UN/IMF can order the president to sieze the assets of domestic debtors using US troups which in reality are UN troups as they answer to the UN not the American people. The United States is under bankruptcy receivership since 1933 and all Americans are property of the UN/IMF. Failure to pay mortgage, school loan and other debt obligations will result in the UN siezing property and arresting deadbeats for deportation to work camps. Facilities for the execution of the sick, infirm and non-cooperative are in place. Private American citizens have absolutely no Constitutional legal protections - at least in the eyes of the UN/IMF - notwithstanding an armed popular uprising/revolt.

20th March 2012, 07:22 AM
the federal reserve was given a perpetual charter with the pepper-mcfadden act of 1927.

according this act, the fed may be abolished by an act of congress or "until forfeiture of franchise for violation of law." since the fed does not alow itself to be audited by an independent entity, it can never be found in violation of law, so only congress can get rid of it.

20th March 2012, 07:28 AM
the federal reserve was given a perpetual charter with the pepper-mcfadden act of 1927.

according this act, the fed may be abolished by an act of congress or "until forfeiture of franchise for violation of law." since the fed does not alow itself to be audited by an independent entity, it can never be found in violation of law, so only congress can get rid of it.

And Congress will never get rid of the FED because the FED buys the Congress' debt and enables these huge annual deficits. If there was no FED the Congress would have to sell bonds on the open market via the Treasury and interest rates would skyrocket.

20th March 2012, 07:30 AM
And Congress will never get rid of the FED because the FED buys the Congress' debt and enables these huge annual deficits. If there was no FED the Congress would have to sell bonds on the open market via the Treasury and interest rates would skyrocket.


20th March 2012, 07:34 AM
My point is that the US Constitution will be rendered obsolete and defunct.

Private American citizens have absolutely no Constitutional legal protections - at least in the eyes of the UN/IMF - notwithstanding an armed popular uprising/revolt.

Well this is why my head is spinning anyways.

This Rivera guy is saying that the Constitution has never been adopted since it was written to begin with. See this thread here (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?59773-A-Lawyer-Disbarred-For-Digging-Too-Deeply&p=526081&viewfull=1#post526081), post #5. I am not saying he's right, I am just sayin...

Further to that, he is saying that Washington never met the criteria to hold the "Office of President", and therefore did not, but instead held the "Office of President of the United States".
(Washington was not a resident of 14 years)

That office ("Office of President of the United States") has no qualifiers, and therefore Obama is just as eligible to hold that office as Washington was, being that neither of them are natural born residences/citizens/whatever word you want to use, and none of them are beholden to "this Constitution" as you know it.

Note that I am not stating any of this as fact. I am parroting Riviera and Gutierrez, and I am trying to make sense out of all of this myself. (And having a hell of a time, mind you)

20th March 2012, 07:35 AM
Awwww shit! I was really starting to get stoked for Christmas for a change, oh well.

20th March 2012, 08:11 AM
If I may ask who is the head of the IMF?
Who is the head of the Treasury?
Read the 1921 Treasury act.
Its NOT the US Treasury! Its the treasury of the FED!

20th March 2012, 09:01 AM
'Treasury Secretary' and 'Secretary of the Treasury' are different things.