View Full Version : My professor is a 32nd degree jewish freemason...now what?

21st March 2012, 07:30 PM
My professor teaches a class called social deviance. In it we discuss morality and ethics and why people do things like use drugs and why those things are bad and so on. At the moment we're talking about the paranormal...things like UFO's, out of body experiences, that kind of stuff. He mentioned earlier in the semester that he was a freemason and he does wear the ring to class, and he is also sephardic jew.

I didn't think much of it in the beginning but lately he's talking about the bilderberger group, saying that the new world order is here already and that it can't be stopped because of globalization...

then an older student (61 years old) brought up the story from the "creature from jekyll island" and the professor did know about it as well.

this led to talks of conspiracy theories and of course the masons came up...with him revealing that he is a 32nd degree mason and also telling us that he can't confirm if any rituals exist because they cannot comment on anything that is asked about the organization.

I'm wondering if he knows about the protocols...i think I might ask him about the talmud and what he thinks about it

21st March 2012, 07:46 PM
You have a troll as a prof, very interesting, he is trolling all of you.

So now UFO bullshit is University Courses, just like the crap skyvike
and Goldie promoted, and related, disinfo and smear jobs.

War on real knowledge and history, just like the corrupted media.

I would just keep my mouth shut and play dumb, get out of
his courses, if you want to go head to head, not only do you
have to worry about him, but his crypto supporters on campus,
there are many allies of his, other Jews, leftists, marxists, haters
of the West. You may have to deal with those later, they will
burn you and you won't even know when and why. Profs talk
about their students to each other.

Your " prof " is a s***, who should be fired, but he
works for other vampires and is comfortable promoting lunacy
openly now, that tells you something.

I'd stay low, and hopefully you were paying attention to
what I have been posting on here from the beginning.
I'll speak to my own posts, but I obviously am not alone here.

Because of skyvike and goldie I went back to basics, Classics,
Byzantium, Hellenistic Kingdoms, Philosophy, Plato, all of this
is their target, for a reason, I have many posts on history,
threads on here, directly because of this experience from gim.
Along with studying and researching the Occult. They are not
just Anti Christian, but very Anti Western. They made all of this
a target and got my attention. This is how skyvike was outed,
and how goldie was outed. We were not wrong, they confirmed
by becoming more blatant. Fred is the original outer here.

Free Western Society Vs Oriental Despotism

That is what it boils down to.

And you are in school, merit and justice should rule, but not with people like that.

3rd Degree, they chant the name of Jah Baal On, a demon god,
Baal, from their own books, an admission, child sacrificers,
they ban Jesus Christ from ever being spoken, they also have
oaths that are incompatible with any form of public service, their
oaths automatically disqualify themselves from any service,
his oath to Masons disqualifies him from teaching.

Jewish and Mason is synonymous as well.

As a 32nd Mason, he is an enforcer and organizer, runs the lodge.

Skyvike was a 32nd St Paul Lodge, title of Sr Warden, gives level away.
That was Dec 2007.

Long Live Fred !

I just banged this post off, 1 minute, sent me a PM if you do not
feel comfortable asking questions here.

Who wants to see some screens ? They are all in the gim section already.

21st March 2012, 08:04 PM

I haven't said a word in that class. I usually don't say too much in class. The blatant cool headed and casual manner in which he spoke to us about this stuff just made me want to say something. I remembered that the occult in some way must tell everyone what's going on and it's up to them to believe it or not...as far as i remember.

I don't want to go head to head...i figured it was best to stay quiet but I am interested in finding a way to get more information because this is not a run of the mill class where theories have to be remembered...we mostly have to read and hear him lecture and go back and forth on what he's talking about

21st March 2012, 08:11 PM
My gut tells me that you should drop your private investigation into Masonry and maintain a distant and cordial relationship with the Professor. You are messing with a potential live wire.

21st March 2012, 08:16 PM
I'd personally take the opportunity to ask him questions and see what kinds of answers he gives you. Questions like "Is the nwo a good thing, and why?" I wouldn't ask like he's some authority figure, but rather what type of thinking he and other like his use.

Maybe you can ask these kind of veiled questions during class itself. One key thing I would do is not argue about any specific point. It's just a waste of time, just take everything he says as true and let him go on and on, continuing to give you more information. Questions should just direct him rather than go back and forth over one thing.

I think one thing, that Magnes mentioned, is that I do agree that Judaism and Masonry are somewhat in conflict. Masons have to swear allegiance and do other things which isn't allowed by Hebrew teachings. I don't know if things have changed or he's part of a special sect of masonry that is more compatible with Judaism.

Remember, every time you ask a question and he answers, you are getting more than you are giving. When he asks you a question and you answer, he is the one taking from you. So give reserved answers and ask clever questions (but not too clever). I think it's a game about who learns more from a conversation like that.

21st March 2012, 08:17 PM
You don't go to school in a classroom !

I have learned more about life ,and more about myself from a now 70 year old Filipino (who took me under his wing as a young apprentice) then all of the classrooms I have ever been in.


I am a master welder because I weld from within. I am a master mechanic because I become the machine.

Quit that garbage school, and seek out those who will introduce you to yourself. Can't do that in some bs college.

Your wasting your time. Life can only be learned by living it.

21st March 2012, 08:25 PM
I think one thing,

Talmud over the Masonic oaths. Most likely. This is why they need Rabbi's. LOL

There are no rules for these people. They con people for a living.

It's late here and I corrected myself, that was the wrong word to use, sorry.

Synonymous is the right word. Or similar words.

Masonry is totally a Jewjitsu Con, Kaballah, Rabbis and Masons themselves
speak of this. Just on it's face but it goes deeper, two examples, their highest
awards are " stars of david " , look at the FEZ, totally outs them, they sure
as hell are not Muslims but they do love their Muslims, used them to destroy
the Christians, Muslims and Jews have a history of being allies.
Turkey is one case study, their NWO creation going back.

The Occult is Jewish, the Masons are Jewish dominated and controlled.

Their history shows this.


@ Luis, what sort of course is this, this disturbs me,
I went to University, a good school, we learned solid
stuff, analysis, my electives were history courses, I
took a half course in Classics, an intro course, the Prof
was telling us how they are gutting the Classics department,
they were doing this everywhere in early 90's, now they are
teaching UFO crap and related voodoo, there are profs that
have written blatantly bogus books to laugh at, marxist school
inspired topics introduced, complements the MSM and hollywood
warring on history, a lot of what I have seen online,
I was wondering when they would bring that to the Universities,
in a more blatant way. UFOLOGY 101

You better hope your Prof doesn't read here. LOL

21st March 2012, 08:26 PM
I think that's good advice mamboni, thank you.

vacuum, that is a very interesting way to ask and that is the kind of stuff I wanted to know. I don't want a target on my back but I am curious because this guy is blatant about it.

millwright, i understand what you mean. i took this class to satisfy a requirement that really doesn't have anything to do with my major or the kind of work i hope to be doing but is still required anyway

21st March 2012, 08:44 PM
Be careful about leading him on to give info. He will catch on. Probably he will turn the tables at some point, and say- "what do you think about X"? Be ready with a sheeple answer like "I read None Dare Call It Conspiracy", but did not find it convincing. Snopes says...".

21st March 2012, 08:46 PM
Be careful about leading him on to give info. He will catch on. Probably he will turn the tables at some point, and say- "what do you think about X"? Be ready with a sheeple answer like "I read None Dare Call It Conspiracy", but did not find it convincing. Snopes says...".
That's the problem...these guys are so much smarter than you are.

21st March 2012, 09:26 PM
I think you have been given good advice here, not to challenge the Prof.
Now if you don't like the guy for some particular reason, there is more then one way to skin a cat.

22nd March 2012, 06:24 AM
Be careful about leading him on to give info. He will catch on. Probably he will turn the tables at some point, and say- "what do you think about X"? Be ready with a sheeple answer like "I read None Dare Call It Conspiracy", but did not find it convincing. Snopes says...".

i agree about being careful.

AND, it's also an opportunity.

if you are comfortable with the technology - e.g. the Flip Video device - i suggest recording his answers.

you might be able to get him to make some very useful admissions. just acting as a curious, respectful, uninformed, obedient college student.

it is AMAZING what admissions people will say when they are "playing to an audience". the trick is to 'be the audience'.

22nd March 2012, 07:06 AM
I think one thing, that Magnes mentioned, is that I do agree that Judaism and Masonry are somewhat in conflict. Masons have to swear allegiance and do other things which isn't allowed by Hebrew teachings. I don't know if things have changed or he's part of a special sect of masonry that is more compatible with Judaism.

Masonry was an invention of the pseudo-jews to begin with, as a form of apprenticeship. Only after the jewish-founded illuminati inflitrated the Masonic guild did it change into the "Free-Masonic" cult. Preceding that time, membership was strictly available to stone workers and architects that were in the industry.
(EDIT to note that by adding the word "Free" to "Mason" meant that it was now free for non-stone workers to join, whereas before that, membership was exclusive to stone workers)

The banishment of the jewish illuminati from Bavaria in the late 1700's was what forced the illuminists to go into hiding. They saw the stone workers guild as a world-wide vehicle to covertly spread their Anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-order teachings. Freemasonic cultists are not only apostates that reject and attempt to destroy Christ, but they are also slaves to the babylonian talmudists. Some knowingly, others unknowingly.

There is nothing in the FMC that an "Orthodox" jew wouldn't do. In fact it's just the opposite. Most masons would cringe at the prospects of carrying out the types of perverse deeds and rituals that rabbinical satanists carry out.
(ie: Performing fellatio on a newborn baby that is bleeding from fresh circumcision, etc)

If you think that "jews" are guided by the "Bible", I will remind you that they are not. What you call "Judaism" is not biblical faith. Judaism is babylonian Talmudism, which is ancient egyptian satanism.
My post #27 in this thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?59058-Freud-Einstein-and-Other-Jews-Dr.-William-Pierce&p=518667&viewfull=1#post518667) expands on that if you are interested.

More importantly, see my post #12 in this thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?58735-Just-an-observation-by-GoD&p=515191&viewfull=1#post515191), in which you can see one of the "most important" jews admit that Judaism IS NOT Hebrewism/Yahwehism. (look for the Rabbi Stephen Wise quote)

Rest assured, Freemasonry is jewish incepted, and jew managed.

Listen to Mamboni on this one. Unless you're prepared to have people visit you at home, etc. The cult doesn't take kindly to having the veil of secrecy lifted. He woulnd't tell you the truths anyways: They are instructed to lie explicitly to non-masons. The only way you are going to know their secrets is to either join the cult, rise through the ranks, and be a luciferian, or read previous authors throughout history that have done that, and been killed for it after publishing the secrets.

Magnes is right. 32nd degree is as high as you can get, outside of the 33rd which is extremely exclusive. This guy is an out and out satanic inculcator. He is there, as that school, to do their work.

mick silver
22nd March 2012, 07:12 AM
set back and let him tell you , just maybe he will let some thing come out . but i would not ask him stuff

22nd March 2012, 07:43 AM
I would just keep my mouth shut and play dumb

I agree with Magnes on this one; keep your head low and don't make any splashes.

22nd March 2012, 08:18 AM
It sounds like the 61 year old is stirring the pot for you, let him stir.

22nd March 2012, 08:27 AM
a lot of 32 degree masons don't know shit

a new mason can often go through all the degrees in a single day.

Reading Morals & Dogma one time will tell you a hell of a lot more about what masonry is (or is supposed to be).

22nd March 2012, 10:05 AM
Read this book.

22nd March 2012, 10:23 AM
what sort of course is this

it's called Social Deviance

22nd March 2012, 10:26 AM
it's called Social Deviance

I find that hilarious.

22nd March 2012, 10:32 AM
I find that hilarious.

yeah so do I. this is the course outline. I have that class tomorrow by the way.

Part 1. Intro to definitions, concepts, statistics, and theories of deviance.

Part 2. Functions and dysfunctions of deviance; ways of being stigmatized and ways of responding to stigmatization.

Part 3. Discussion of a diversity of specific topics (e.g., white-collar crimes, drugs, sexuality).

Part 4. Discussion of reincarnation, UFOs, and other related topics, in order to examine our thinking processes as to whether specific things are deviant or not.

22nd March 2012, 10:36 AM
& the books we are reading:

The Mythology of Crime and Criminal Justice by Victor Kappeler and Gary W. Potter

A Renegade History of the United States by Thaddeus Russell

Through Time into Healing by Brian L. Weiss

The Paranormal: Who Believes, Why They Believe, And Why It Matters by Erich Goode

22nd March 2012, 12:33 PM
it's called Social Deviance

I find that hilarious.

I find it typical. Have we established that this prfessor is a Khazarian yet?

22nd March 2012, 01:49 PM
& the books we are reading:

The Mythology of Crime and Criminal Justice by Victor Kappeler and Gary W. Potter

A Renegade History of the United States by Thaddeus Russell

Through Time into Healing by Brian L. Weiss

The Paranormal: Who Believes, Why They Believe, And Why It Matters by Erich Goode

No offense meant Luis, but that class looks like one gigantic waste of time.

willie pete
22nd March 2012, 05:28 PM
keep your head down and stay off the radar

22nd March 2012, 11:00 PM
No offense meant Luis, but that class looks like one gigantic waste of time.

It is, but it's an easy credit & the only sociology class requirement for my major. I have 5 other classes to worry about

23rd March 2012, 09:27 AM
keep your head down and stay off the radar
exactly...dont wear blaze orange when bugging out..... do nothing to flag your behavior, hes reprobate.