View Full Version : Too bad the majority doesn't get it...

22nd March 2012, 09:25 AM
but oh boy, one day they will!


22nd March 2012, 09:44 AM

Uncle Salty
22nd March 2012, 10:38 AM
I think the majority do get it. But the polls lie, the ballot counters lie, the MSM lies, and everyone then thinks there is not as much support as actually exists. If the media were actually just reporting the truth, RP would be President.

US citizens are ignorant, not necessarily stupid.

22nd March 2012, 12:05 PM
I think the majority do get it. But the polls lie, the ballot counters lie, the MSM lies, and everyone then thinks there is not as much support as actually exists. If the media were actually just reporting the truth, RP would be President.

US citizens are ignorant, not necessarily stupid.

I'm not so sure. With everybody that I know who identifies as conservative, it's either "all Obama's fault and we just need a republican, any republican, to beat him in the next election", or, "Romney is a businessman and will bring the economy back with his business experience", or, "Santorum will bring morality and honesty back to the government." When I bring up RP, it's "his unacceptable foreign policy", or, "who's Ron Paul?"

22nd March 2012, 01:08 PM
"all Obama's fault and we just need a republican, any republican, to beat him in the next election"

I got this yesterday from a guy. Thats all he had to say about anything. Then I said "Well, Romney, for all practical purposes, IS Obama. All of his top donors are financiers, mainly Goldman Sachs."

He then kinda nodded his head. I said "Newt and Santorum are both lying crooks and were ran out of Congress for it."

I then went on about a brokered convention and electronic voting machines and my generation mastering the computer hack and why they cant be trusted and have to be done away with etc....

22nd March 2012, 01:43 PM
I have yet to meet ONE person that said they would vote for frothy or melonhead

based on anecdotal discussions its Ron Paul 1, Romney 2, and Obama 3

Korbin Dallas
22nd March 2012, 01:49 PM

22nd March 2012, 04:47 PM
Ron Paul is a trap.


22nd March 2012, 07:35 PM
Ron Paul is a trap.


A trap for what? We (not you) are getting our asses kicked, voting fraud, GOP BS, MSM brainwashing and blackout, smearing. Tell me where is the trap? I might as well say Dys is a trap.

22nd March 2012, 07:45 PM
Ron Paul is a trap.


I am all open, What do you mean Dys?

Uncle Salty
22nd March 2012, 07:48 PM
I'm not so sure. With everybody that I know who identifies as conservative, it's either "all Obama's fault and we just need a republican, any republican, to beat him in the next election", or, "Romney is a businessman and will bring the economy back with his business experience", or, "Santorum will bring morality and honesty back to the government." When I bring up RP, it's "his unacceptable foreign policy", or, "who's Ron Paul?"

If Rush or Hannity all of a sudden got behind RP, he would be elected in a heart beat. Simple as that. But the msm is a propaganda machine that twists reality.

22nd March 2012, 07:53 PM
US citizens are ignorant, not necessarily stupid.


When will we finally admit the obvious? America is now populated with the laziest dumbest morons on planet Earth.




22nd March 2012, 07:55 PM
A trap for what? We (not you) are getting our asses kicked, voting fraud, GOP BS, MSM brainwashing and blackout, smearing. Tell me where is the trap? I might as well say Dys is a trap.

A trap for your mind.

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."

Ask yourself:
Why is Ron Paul still alive, when others a lot less famous and influential than him have been killed?
Why has he not been discredited or silenced yet?

Take an objective look at his policy concerning especially the national debt and austerity measures.
Why should Americans have to repay a debt they never agreed to borrow?
He talks about the federal reserve, but what about usury and fractitional bank lending?
How does returning to a gold standard reconcile the assets that have been stolen from the American people at the expense of the elite?
What about the CAFR scandal? Why isn't he addressing it?
Masonic connections.

Look at some of the talking heads that support him. Think Mish, Schiff, and others.
Consider the most effective disinformation tactic going- blame the victim to make the followers of the ism feel superior.

Connect the dots.


23rd March 2012, 08:05 AM
dys, you don't know what you are talking about.

They (TPTB) still want you to believe that you live in "the home of the brave and the land of the free". The only time when they'll kill ALL opposition is when they are sure it is absolutely under their full control, and THAT would be your classic FASCIST STATE. As long as they try to maintain image of free election and free will, they will need people like Libertarian party, Ron Paul and Tea Party to be there, just not big enough and not thinking straight enough.

THe fact that Ron Paul has no billions, has nothing to loose and attracted so MUCH attention has escaped them, IMHO. That, and also the fact that their banks are failing distract them a bit, I believe.

sugar plum
23rd March 2012, 09:47 AM
When I bring up RP, it's "his unacceptable foreign policy", or, "who's Ron Paul?"

My parents refuse to be awakened, it seems. We've been trying to educate them about RP, but my mom can't get past his wanting to legalize marijuana...She believes Santorum is the best man for the job.....My dad seems to believe what the MSM says about RP and won't think for himself...They laugh at us and think we're the ignorant ones!

If Rush or Hannity all of a sudden got behind RP, he would be elected in a heart beat. Simple as that. But the msm is a propaganda machine that twists reality.

I have to wonder if my mom would accept RP if her beloved Christian radio embraced him....

23rd March 2012, 10:48 AM
I wish the hell he would stress the point that it would be up to the states to either legalize, or not, drugs. Its possible that some states might decide to put you in the electric chair for smoking a dube. The states rights issue, to me, is probably the best part of Ron Pauls platform. We know its impossible to get anything done at the federal level. It has to be easier to start at the state level.

23rd March 2012, 11:12 AM
I wish the hell he would stress the point that it would be up to the states to either legalize, or not, drugs. Its possible that some states might decide to put you in the electric chair for smoking a dube. The states rights issue, to me, is probably the best part of Ron Pauls platform. We know its impossible to get anything done at the federal level. It has to be easier to start at the state level.

I agree...but, the majority and especially the government doesn't want states to have sovereign rights. The government is stripping sovereignty from all states and countries to make way for the NWO.
I think the majority are happy to have the government looking after them, telling them what to eat and what they can do or not do...so they can be safe!

23rd March 2012, 11:41 AM
A trap for your mind.

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."

Ask yourself:
Why is Ron Paul still alive, when others a lot less famous and influential than him have been killed?
Why has he not been discredited or silenced yet?

Take an objective look at his policy concerning especially the national debt and austerity measures.
Why should Americans have to repay a debt they never agreed to borrow?
He talks about the federal reserve, but what about usury and fractitional bank lending?
How does returning to a gold standard reconcile the assets that have been stolen from the American people at the expense of the elite?
What about the CAFR scandal? Why isn't he addressing it?
Masonic connections.

Look at some of the talking heads that support him. Think Mish, Schiff, and others.
Consider the most effective disinformation tactic going- blame the victim to make the followers of the ism feel superior.

Connect the dots.


We've discussed this before and we both have differing opinions and have agreed to disagree but....

Ron doesn't bring all these things to light because it's TOO MUCH for even some of the savvy-est to absorb, it has to be kept as simple as possible and apparently even that is too much. Just look at your own situation as an example, how much did you accomplish by putting it ALL out there? Notta...and in fact you put yourself in a very bad position and pushed him away from what you wanted him to grasp. The "ism to feel superior"? Think about that one, isn't that kinda how you felt when you were force feeding your friend the truth? I say this as a friend and I really hate to say it.

23rd March 2012, 12:12 PM
If Rush or Hannity all of a sudden got behind RP, he would be elected in a heart beat. Simple as that. But the msm is a propaganda machine that twists reality.

I have a relative who is older, and doesn't know how to use the internet or anything; she gets ALL of her info from the mainstream media, it's all she knows. I've tried talking to her, and while she is (thankfully) open to what I say, she will almost always say, "well xxx on Fox news said xxx". Ron Paul isn't even on her radar at all because he's not prominent in the msm.

23rd March 2012, 12:15 PM
my aunt and uncle are like this. smart people. doctor and a nursery owner. if it's not:

a) in the local paper
b) on sean hannity
c) on fox news

they don't know about it.

23rd March 2012, 12:15 PM
We've discussed this before and we both have differing opinions and have agreed to disagree but....

Ron doesn't bring all these things to light because it's TOO MUCH for even some of the savvy-est to absorb, it has to be kept as simple as possible and apparently even that is too much. Just look at your own situation as an example, how much did you accomplish by putting it ALL out there? Notta...and in fact you put yourself in a very bad position and pushed him away from what you wanted him to grasp. The "ism to feel superior"? Think about that one, isn't that kinda how you felt when you were force feeding your friend the truth? I say this as a friend and I really hate to say it.

I think Libertytree is right. In my own life I try to have a lot of tact when I discuss libertarianism or our "conspiracy theory" worldview. You can't go all out all the time, you have to lead them slowly so that they can make the same conclusions we did. Ron Paul is doing that, and even if he loses the election, he is waking up many people who will continue on and discover many of the things we discovered in their own time.

23rd March 2012, 02:17 PM
Too bad the minority controls Diebold & the media.

23rd March 2012, 03:08 PM
Delegates delegates delegates

23rd March 2012, 06:40 PM
We've discussed this before and we both have differing opinions and have agreed to disagree but....

Ron doesn't bring all these things to light because it's TOO MUCH for even some of the savvy-est to absorb, it has to be kept as simple as possible and apparently even that is too much. Just look at your own situation as an example, how much did you accomplish by putting it ALL out there? Notta...and in fact you put yourself in a very bad position and pushed him away from what you wanted him to grasp. The "ism to feel superior"? Think about that one, isn't that kinda how you felt when you were force feeding your friend the truth? I say this as a friend and I really hate to say it.

Listen, one of the last people I want to get into a pissing match with is you. Hell, the way things are going in my life, you are one of the last friends I've got left....
What I said to you wasn't intented to hurt you or upset you, or anyone for that matter. You asked a question, I responded. I feel very strongly that I am right on this one, based on things that you and this forum are privy to and also based on things you and this forum are not privy to- things I can't talk about at this time (but that is neither here nor there).

I'm happy to agree to disagree with you on this- you know I have a ton of respect for you. I WILL say that I would be ecstatic to be proven wrong on ths one. A question for you:
what would it take for you to change your mind regarding this issue? Not what I would have to do, but what would Ron Paul have to do (or not do)?


23rd March 2012, 10:59 PM
Listen, one of the last people I want to get into a pissing match with is you. Hell, the way things are going in my life, you are one of the last friends I've got left....
What I said to you wasn't intented to hurt you or upset you, or anyone for that matter. You asked a question, I responded. I feel very strongly that I am right on this one, based on things that you and this forum are privy to and also based on things you and this forum are not privy to- things I can't talk about at this time (but that is neither here nor there).

I'm happy to agree to disagree with you on this- you know I have a ton of respect for you. I WILL say that I would be ecstatic to be proven wrong on ths one. A question for you:
what would it take for you to change your mind regarding this issue? Not what I would have to do, but what would Ron Paul have to do (or not do)?


First of all Dys, this ain't no pissin match, you're my friend and this is a conversation. both of us feel strongly with what we believe, that's cool w/ me cause most people don't really know what they believe except for what the tv says. I respect you Dys, period. You haven't upset me in the least, you did make me think though, thanks.

To answer your question..IF RP were to take a position as mittys VP or any position, or Rand for that matter, I will have officially lost my last bastion of faith.

I'll be honest here too Dys, I lost my best friend of 35 years a couple days ago, no he's not dead but his words have surely killed him in my heart and friction of any kind is not what I need either. I apologize if I came off confrontational dude.

24th March 2012, 09:57 AM
First of all Dys, this ain't no pissin match, you're my friend and this is a conversation. both of us feel strongly with what we believe, that's cool w/ me cause most people don't really know what they believe except for what the tv says. I respect you Dys, period. You haven't upset me in the least, you did make me think though, thanks.

To answer your question..IF RP were to take a position as mittys VP or any position, or Rand for that matter, I will have officially lost my last bastion of faith.

I'll be honest here too Dys, I lost my best friend of 35 years a couple days ago, no he's not dead but his words have surely killed him in my heart and friction of any kind is not what I need either. I apologize if I came off confrontational dude.

No not at all, I was tired when I made that post. Probably not the best choice of words by me, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm real sorry about your friend. I think in time the truth will come out concerning Ron Paul, and like I said I would be thrilled if it turns out you are right and I am wrong.


24th March 2012, 10:38 PM
No not at all, I was tired when I made that post. Probably not the best choice of words by me, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm real sorry about your friend. I think in time the truth will come out concerning Ron Paul, and like I said I would be thrilled if it turns out you are right and I am wrong.

Me too Dys, although like you I wonder if RP is just controlled opposition. It would be so easy for TPTB to pull another Ross Perot-type disruption yet they haven't, and in my mind RP is a much better candidate than Perot was.

Of course it could be that their game has simply improved since the 90s, and they will block any one individual from gaining large united nationwide support through their control of the mainstream media.

Hatha Sunahara
25th March 2012, 03:26 PM
So far this has been an interesting discussion for me. I am of the opinion that the vast majority of the world's population is completely clueless as to what's happening and where it is headed. It will stay this way as long as people keep watching TV, and being given their opinions by their bosses. As long as people allow their need for money to control them.

TPTB might find Ron Paul useful to gauge the level of awareness people have, and to discourage them by rigging all the primaries against him. I would imagine in their electronic vote flipping programs they can recreate the 'real' vote. It may be getting heavily in favor of RP, and that is scaring them. What other measures do they have that people are waking up? I can only think of one other measure. The number of people who call themselves Freemen or Sovereigns. The MSM is deathly afraid of these people. Watch on Youtube the CBS Sixty Minutes story recently done on 'Sovreign Citizens'. ABC did a smiliar piece. They paint these people as violent extremists. And they present their view of the law in an extremely biased way. They accuse these people of not accepting 'America's laws', without explaining their objections to America's laws. These people, according to the MSM are nut cases. TPTB are afraid that as people lose their jobs, or their pensions, or whatever they saved that they will look for answers--and the Sovereigns and the Freemen will seduce them with stories about how the law works to favor TPTB. As the numbers of these 'dropouts' grows the preferred means of control (make-believe) becomes far less effective. So we are seeing them crank up the other means of control--violence.

I'm pretty sure the Sovreign/Freemen are predominantly RP supporters, but RP has a wider base of support. According to CBS 60 minutes, there are some 300,000 Sovereign Freemen in the country. That's one in one thousand people. RP could really have a majority of the population supporting him, but we would never know from the MSM.

One in a thousand people who understands how to deny consent to the jurisdiction of anything but the Common Law is pretty dangerous. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Add in all the RP supporters, and TPTB must be hoping they are paying the police and the bailiffs enough.


25th March 2012, 04:57 PM