View Full Version : Defeating Delphi technique at (fake) "public input" mtgs

25th March 2012, 09:03 PM
@ PPJ Gazette blog:

Fredinburg Interviews Heather Gass – Defeating the Delphi Technique (http://ppjg.me/2012/03/17/fredinburg-interviews-heather-gass-defeating-the-delphi-technique/)

March 17, 2012 by ppjg (http://ppjg.me/author/ppjg/)

Have you been a victim of the Delphi Technique? Controlled public meetings where the public is prohibited from speaking? How about being divided up into groups and directed to [stations] where trained facilitators control the dialogue? Have you been called names? Screamed at by shills planted in the audience? Do you know what an ADD meeting is? Its an “already done deal”. They made their decisions before you got there.

These and many other techniques are used to prevent the public from expressing its true opinion. Listen to Heather Gass explain what the Delphi Technique is, and how it is used to control YOU.



Roger Fredinburg’s 3-14-2012 interview with Heather Gass of the East Bay Tea Party about how to disrupt the psychology of the Delphi Technique used by the facilitator to control public input at meetings promoting the sustainable development goals of the UN Agenda 21 agreement signed by George H.W. Bush at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.

Heather’s website is: http://www.theeastbayteaparty.com/greentyranny/greentyranny.html
Roger’s websites are: http://www.regularguy.com/ http://www.hohumproductions.com/ and the Holocaust Series website http://www.wemustremember.weebly.com/

Washington State complied with the Earth Summit / UN Agenda 21 goals by passing the “Growth Management Act” land use legislation in the early 1990s. In alliance with the Washington Planning Association, the State Dept of Commerce provides an online course for professional and aspiring facilitator’s: “Citizen Participation and the Public Process” http://www.commerce.wa.gov/DesktopModules/CTEDPublications/CTEDPublicationsVi… (http://www.commerce.wa.gov/DesktopModules/CTEDPublications/CTEDPublicationsView.aspx?tabID=0&ItemID=7550&MId=944&wversion=Staging)

Posted in Agenda 21 (http://ppjg.me/category/agenda-21/) | Tagged A.D.D. meetings (http://ppjg.me/tag/a-d-d-meetings/), citizen participation (http://ppjg.me/tag/citizen-participation/), controlling public meetings (http://ppjg.me/tag/controlling-public-meetings/), Delphi Technique (http://ppjg.me/tag/delphi-technique/), facilitators (http://ppjg.me/tag/facilitators/), Heather Gass (http://ppjg.me/tag/heather-gass/), public process (http://ppjg.me/tag/public-process/), Roger Fredinburg (http://ppjg.me/tag/roger-fredinburg/), shills in the audience (http://ppjg.me/tag/shills-in-the-audience/) | 4 Comments » (http://ppjg.me/2012/03/17/fredinburg-interviews-heather-gass-defeating-the-delphi-technique/#comments)

Delphi Technique is used heavily at ICLEI/Agenda 21 "rigged meetings", so cross posting to
Thread: Agenda 21 For Dummies (incl: abolition of private property) (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?35061-Agenda-21-For-Dummies-%28incl-abolition-of-private-property%29)

BTW, this Roger Fredinburg character (radio show host) is apparently a holohoax enabler- see his site above. But this interview should be fairly independent of that subject.

26th March 2012, 09:52 AM

Twisted Titan
26th March 2012, 11:27 AM
Basically what you have to do is have several people of your own you can't sit together and have one person ask.a question and when the moderator blows him off.....have one of the other people stand up and remind him he Didn't answer the question....

What that dose it get them to stay on task and explain themselves which they Don't want to do....

by that time you will.have others members of the public chime in......The hearing will probally be adjourned early

26th March 2012, 06:52 PM
Great stuff. I wish more people on this forum would make themselves aware of the various controlled opposition tactics and strategies that Patcol and others have exposed.


26th March 2012, 08:18 PM
Here's an actual meeting using the Delphi technique..


28th August 2013, 09:35 AM
National Academy of Science tells BLM to use Delphi (manipulate you) (http://ppjg.me/2013/08/27/national-academy-of-science-tells-blm-to-use-delphi-manipulate-you/)

August 27, 2013
debcoffey Agenda 21 (http://ppjg.me/category/agenda-21/), BLM corruption (http://ppjg.me/category/government/corruption-government/blm-corruption/), Constitution (http://ppjg.me/category/government/constitution-government/), Debbie Coffey (http://ppjg.me/category/debbie-coffey/), Government (http://ppjg.me/category/government/), Uncategorized (http://ppjg.me/category/odds-ends/uncategorized/) Bureau of Land Management (http://ppjg.me/tag/bureau-of-land-management/), Delphi (http://ppjg.me/tag/delphi/), National Academy of Sciences (http://ppjg.me/tag/national-academy-of-sciences/), wild horse & burros (http://ppjg.me/tag/wild-horse-burros/) 6 Comments (http://ppjg.me/2013/08/27/national-academy-of-science-tells-blm-to-use-delphi-manipulate-you/#comments)
by Debbie Coffey Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved.

While some advocacy groups quickly lauded certain aspects of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) report regarding the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Wild Horse & Burro Program, Anne Novak of Protect Mustangs noticed something and brought it to my attention:

On page 275 of this report, under the Chapter 8 topic of Social Considerations, the NAS Board advised the Bureau of Land Management:

“One possible method to gather the latest information from experts and to focus it on a particular problem is to use a Delphi process.”
What’s troubling about this? The Delphi process was developed in the 1950s by the Rand Corporation, and has since been used for the purpose of maneuvering segments of the public into accepting predetermined government policies.

In other words, the Delphi process gives the illusion of public input and participation, but the input isn’t really considered and participation doesn’t matter. It’s basically just a way for the government to pretend there is public participation and accountability.

http://ppjg.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/photos_par_27912_image_-1_-1_1.jpg?w=300&h=199 (http://ppjg.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/photos_par_27912_image_-1_-1_1.jpg)
BLM photo of National Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board meeting


Here’s how the Delphi process works: There is a predetermined outcome. (Most likely, not the one you’d hoped for.) And who picks the supposedly unbiased ”experts” who will be submitting “the latest information?” Who chooses what to “focus” on? (Not you.)

There may be a series of meetings where people are broken into smaller groups and sit at different tables around the room. The purpose of this is that if knowledgeable people arrive together, they’ll have to sit with strangers and hopefully be more subdued.

Each table will have a facilitator, who will know which way to help “steer” the group. The people will be instructed to answer some questions among themselves, then arrive at a table “consensus.”

The Delphi process often uses surveys to bring about this “consensus,” but the questions on the survey are loaded and skewed to manipulate the desired outcome. The survey will use grading like “agree all of the time, agree most of the time, agree some of the time, and don’t agree. Or, the survey will ask respondents to use ratings like “most important, moderately important and least important.”

After the first survey, people are told most people agreed or somewhat agreed with the predetermined outcome. Then, people are given another survey and are asked if they can be flexible and try to rethink the “few remaining” areas of disagreement. Then, the respondents are told that the majority achieved a “consensus” (which is the direction that the group leading this meeting wanted: the predetermined outcome).

Someone is chosen to speak for the table, most likely a person who has been secretly pre-briefed about the desired Delphi outcome. The table “spokesperson” is the only one allowed to address the podium and there will be little, if any, opportunity to address the podium or the crowd directly.


Under Chapter 8 of the NAS report, the committee also advises the BLM to use Appreciative Inquiry (AI). AI creates a situation where people in a group only talk about positive things, not any problems or “negative” aspects of an issue.

An example of this might be if you had to rack your brain to think of something good about the BLM’s mismanaged Wild Horse & Burro Program, you might think “Well, sometimes a few horses are adopted by nice people.”

So, using AI, you’d ONLY be able to talk about nice people adopting wild horses. You wouldn’t be able to talk about the BLM’s skewed population inventories/estimates with no photos or videos to back up their wild claims of excessive horses and burros. You wouldn’t be able to bring up issues like the BLM’s roundups and inhumane handling of wild horses and burros.

You wouldn’t be able to express concerns about the lack of public access and accountability with BLM’s blanket bait trapping contracts, where the public doesn’t know when or where these roundups are taking place. You wouldn’t be able to talk about horses needing shade while warehoused in feedlot conditions in sweltering temperatures. You also wouldn’t be able to ask about the many thousands of wild horses and burros that most likely have gone to slaughter.

I’m not sure who would appreciate “Appreciative Inquiry,” but I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be wild horse & burro advocates.

Appreciative Inquiry has been critiqued for being almost evangelically focused on “the positive” (Dick 2004) and too “Pollyanna-ish” (Fitzgerald, Murrell & Newman, 2001). Rogers and Fraser (2003) question whether AI encourages “unrealistic and dysfunctional perceptions, attitudes, and behavior.” Golembiewski (2000) noted that AI discourages analysis.

Most importantly, if you don’t look at problems, how can you fix them? This process isn’t about fixing problems, it is about controlling your participation and input.

BLM has already been denying problems with their program for a long time. It showed callousness (and a lot of gall) for a BLM employee to speak at a National Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board meeting and say “You have to go slow to go fast” in referring to developing a humane treatment policy, after the BLM has blatantly ignored their mandate to care for the wild horses and burros for 42 years. (That’s pretty slow.)

The NAS suggestions in Chapter 8 of the report seem to squelch your right to speak at a public meeting. (There is already little opportunity to speak at most BLM meetings now, even at the upcoming National Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board meeting. Public comment time is always strictly limited on the agenda.)

With the Delphi process, anyone who tries to speak out in opposition may be told from the podium “We don’t have time to discuss that now,” or “We discussed that on another date,” or “We can discuss that after the meeting.”

In other words, your comments won’t be on public record, and the predetermined outcome will then look like a unanimous decision. They may even try to discredit you. This technique is meant to bully people into submission.

It has been advised that people who don’t want to be manipulated by the Delphi process arrive separately, and sit far apart. Remain polite, smile, but be firm. The Dephi facilitators are trained to make anyone who doesn’t accept their agenda look aggressive or silly.

If the facilitators interrupt you, listen politely, then ask your question or make your comment again. If they try to distort your question or your comment, clarify to the group that this is not what you were saying, and then repeat your comment or question verbatim. If your friends do the same, and you persist, you may retain some control over free speech and the democratic process. Or, go hold your own meeting at another location and give your plan to the government agency.

This isn’t just about the BLM and wild horse & burro advocates. This issue should be of concern to everyone who cares about our Constitution and free speech.

http://appreciativeinquiry.case.edu/uploads/critical%20evaluation%20of%20appreciative%20inquir y.pdf


19th December 2013, 05:42 PM
Spingola today, ~82 mins:

Spingola Speaks 2013.12.19 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/12/spingola-speaks-20131219.html)

http://www.spingola.com/Deanna%2005.jpg (http://www.spingola.com/Deanna%2005.jpg)
Guest: Deanna talks about the information in Beverly Eakman’s book, How to Counter Group Manipulation Tactics: The Techniques of Unethical Consensus Building Unmasked! (http://www.amazon.com/Counter-Group-Manipulation-Tactics-ebook/dp/B005J7LELS/?_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=ur2&tag=dotinfo00-20)

News Page (http://mynewspage.wordpress.com/websites/deanna-spingola/)
Deanna's site (http://www.spingola.com/radio_schedule.html)
Official chat room (http://spingola.chatango.com/)
Spingola Speaks .Info (http://spingolaspeaks.info/)



Posted by Mami (http://www.blogger.com/profile/13298385482303078866) at 3:15 PM 1 comment: (http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=3731700972656151890)

The one & only Mamis comment atm is a nice recap,

Signifier (http://www.blogger.com/profile/05335421090696262499) said...I liked this broadcast. Deanna here is thinking on her feet a bit more than we've usually heard her, getting her viewpoint and her experiences and opinions expressed.

She read from and talked about "How to Counter Group Manipulation Tactics" by Beverly Eakman.

Anyone who has tried to defeat "Visioning Sessions" at local meetings where Regionalism is trying to infiltrate will have encountered agents well-skilled in the use of the Delphi Technique.

Communitarianism, like Lark from Texas has been discussing and as Niki Raapana has written about in her book "2020, a Common Destiny", is the running rampant in the U.S. and over the globe.

Deanna mentions Niki Raapana on this broadcast and has interviewed her -- twice -- this past year in previous broadcasts.

A book needs to be written as to how to defeat the Delphi Technique. So far, a few counties in the U.S. have refused to join the Regionalism song-and-dance, but most have fallen prey to it.

And don't count on bringing in Glenn Beck to your meetings to "expose the plan"! LOL!
December 19, 2013 at 3:36 PM

11th February 2014, 06:08 AM
Haven't listened to this show yet, will later:

Iconoclast Report june 13 2009 with Carolyn Harris (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2014/02/iconoclast-report-june-13-2009-with.html)

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-N7psHUv6eDo/UvlqpPOOqMI/AAAAAAAABFQ/A5Ek4RT-g18/s1600/111142_orig.jpg (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-N7psHUv6eDo/UvlqpPOOqMI/AAAAAAAABFQ/A5Ek4RT-g18/s1600/111142_orig.jpg)

Tentacles of Tavistock and the Delphi Technique

Learn just how the agenda is accomplished via foundations, org and corporations using the Delphi technique and influence from the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations.

Download (http://k007.kiwi6.com/hotlink/fnlwmxqlzv/iconoclastreport_2009-06-13T12_49_25-07_00.mp3)

26th February 2016, 06:46 PM
Truman Show USA – “Concerned Citizens” at Town Hall Meetings are Often Paid Actors (http://libertyblitzkrieg.com/2016/02/23/truman-show-usa-concerned-citizens-at-town-hall-meetings-are-often-paid-actors/)

Michael Krieger (http://libertyblitzkrieg.com/author/mkriegs/) | Posted Tuesday Feb 23, 2016 at 10:38 am

Here’s a bothersome trend that seems quite fitting for the smoke and mirrors driven, celebrity obsessed, hologram society that America has become. A company known as Crowds on Demand is actually in the business of providing fake protesters for causes, fake entourages for wanna be celebrities and seemingly even fake supporters for unpopular corporate activities.

This just furthers my feeling that action is far more important than traditional protests in the 21st Century. They key to getting out of the mess we are in is to actively create a parallel economy and even monetary system adjacent to the current terminal one. That way, when this one blows up, we already have the infrastructure in place to move to another paradigm. One characterized by peaceful, voluntary human interaction and dominated by decentralization in virtually all aspects of human existence.

– From the 2013 post: Protesters for Hire: For a Few Thousand Dollars We’ll Buy You a Small Entourage
I first highlighted the company Crowds on Demand over two years ago in the above post. Turns out it’s much worse than I could have imagined.
From NBC News (http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/Concerned-Citizens-Turn-Out-to-Be-Political-Theater-369230811.html):

In Camarillo, citizens aren’t shy about expressing their opinions. But on a chilly Wednesday night in December, city officials say one man stood out.

For nearly three minutes, Prince Jordan Tyson is on camera telling city leaders what he later admits, is a lie.

In fact, Tyson, who is not from Camarillo, is a self described struggling actor from Beverly Hills and he now believes he was involved in a secretive new industry where actors are hired to try and sway public officials.

In this case, a construction project in Camarillo he says he was hired to criticize.

“It was scripted, they told me what to say,” Tyson told NBC4.

Some of those scripted lines, he says were provided by recent UCLA graduate Adam Swart, CEO of a company called Crowds on Demand, which will stage rallies and demonstrations for any almost candidate or cause.

Swart says he has employed actors to sway city officials in meetings across the country.

“I have worked with dozens of campaigns for state officials, and 2016 presidential candidates,” Swart told NBC4, adding that he won’t name any names.

“I can’t go in to detail… if I did, nobody would hire us.”

The California Political Practices Commission tells NBC4 political campaigns are required by law to report expenditures.

But, public records indicate only one committee in the entire state has ever reported paying “Crowds On Demand”, that committee is Six California’s, the campaign to split California in to 6 different states.

State officials say some campaigns and politicians who hire “Crowds On Demand”… and fail to report campaign expenditures, could be breaking the law.

Hiring actors is not illegal. Although, entertainment law attorney and USC professor Lincoln Bandlow says telling those actors what to do and say could lead to lawsuits, if someone feels harmed.

“Paying someone to go out there and make false representations to a city council is going to give rise to possible fraud claims, possible intentional interference with business relations claims, maybe defamatory statement claims.”

Swart would not confirm to NBC4 that he hired Tyson or gave him lines, but says he has hired actors on multiple occasions to try and sway city officials across the country.

Swart tells NBC4 he has 20,000 actors across the country and most are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

If there’s a hell, this guy’s going. Personally, I’d settle for prison.

In Liberty,

Michael Krieger
