View Full Version : Vote Rigging Congressional Testimony of Programmer Involved,

26th March 2012, 09:00 AM
This is old but good, flipping votes, tactics like this are used today against
Ron Paul, whether electronic or paper, Voxeo in Iowa is covered here,
Bollyn, The Zionist Plot to Stop Ron Paul , INCREDIBLE ! (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?58446-Bollyn-The-Zionist-Plot-to-Stop-Ron-Paul-INCREDIBLE-%21)

This was Congressional testimony of the programmer involved,
working for Republicans in Florida, a crucial State for the Bush
election, remember all the controversies over Florida, reports are Karl Rove
was involved here directing the show, many other related reports and stories.

"Clinton Eugene CURTIS, a computer programmer from Florida, testified before
a Congressional panel that there are computer programs that can be used to



RIGGED US ELECTIONS EXPOSED - 1 IT IS NOW SIMPLE TO RIG ANY ELECTIONS IN THE US [FEDERAL or LOCAL] This Computer Programmer makes it clear: 1. It is Simple 2. "Undetectable" 3. The Computer Program is never subjected to Audit Oversight 4. Whereas Polling Station Rigging was easy to detect - the new method of tampering with the Computer Software Program is far more sophisticated and it is identified as "Fail-Safe" - yet this is far from the case - it is now far, far EASIER to RIG THE VOTE! 5. If the money is paid - the vote can be swung! Clinton Eugene CURTIS, a computer programmer from Florida, testified before a Congressional panel that there are computer programs that can be used to SECRETLY FIX ELECTIONS. He explains how he created a prototype for Florida Congressman Tom Feeny that would FLIP THE VOTE 51%-49% in favour of a specified candidate. This happened all the way back in 2001 but you might not have heard anything about this claim unless you searched for it. Wired News Report on this topic + a few local Florida newspaper stories mention it but otherwise, NO MAINSTREAM COVERAGE! You'd think claims of ELECTION RIGGING software would be plastered all over the news in a sensationalist style - like Watergate. No chance the MAINSTREAM MEDIA was bought out. News media prefers to point out VOTING FRAUD in other foreign jurisdictions but NEVER at home. Clinton CURTIS makes disturbing claims of DEMOCRACY! Something this newsworthy - coming from the same State as the Bush/Gore election hinged upon - was ignored. With US NATIONAL IMPLICATIONS that seem obvious to anyone, 10 (ten) years and 2 (two) elections have gone by with NO media mention of these MAJOR allegations. How many voting polls now use computer programs for voting? Voter fraud allegations at the hands of Rep. Tom Feeny. The potential for this kind of software to exist is enough to warrant scepticism on the reliability of ANY computerized voting machines. LACK OF MAINSTREAM MEDIA attention on a US Congressional panel hearing about such FRAUD is even more frightening. Mr CURTIS is a Software programmer who worked for NASA, Exxon Mobil & the US Department of Transportation in a sworn-oath DEPOSITION testifies that US elections are RIGGED by inserting software into the voting system. The timing of this deposition was just after George W BUSH was re-elected President Of The United States. Should you not be ALARMED that this grave disturbing matter NEVER made it into the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Mr CURTIS goes on to name US Representatives who attempted to pay him to rig their election vote counts. Understand this story & you understand how the Cartel of 5 (five) WALL STREET BANKS owns the FED + the Council on Foreign Relations ("CFR") + Senior US Politicians!

12 Minute Version Here.


26th March 2012, 09:13 AM
They were ready and waiting for Ron Paul, admitting they changed rules to counter Ron Paul. They even studied other States to learn what can be done to counter Ron Paul.

Hidden Camera Catches Missouri GOP Admitting They Rigged.... *HQ AUDIO*


Video Comments
Hidden Camera Catches Missouri GOP Admitting They rigged the St. Charles County Caucus. *HQ AUDIO* Original Video: http://youtu.be/OuQIMfMVMYg Bryan Spencer, Former St. Charles County Republican Central Committeeman and Caucus Subcommittee Chairman, admits to premeditated rigging of the St. Charles County Caucus.

26th March 2012, 09:15 AM
Remember the names and stories, they will come up again and again.

Another big story, vote rigging, Karl Rove and murder.

michael connell vote rigging rove
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&gs_l=serp.3...2312l13109l0l13265l33l33l1l17l2l0l17 2l1673l7j8l15l0.frgbld.&q=michael%20connell%20vote%20rigging%20rove&spell=1&sa=X

A Republican IT consultant is killed in a mysterious plane crash (http://rawstory.com/news/2008/Karl_Roves_IT_guru_Mike_Connell_1220.html), just days before he is scheduled to testify about conservative political operatives hacking the 2004 presidential election.
And yet the story is real, or at least parts of it are.
Technology consultant Mike Connell, (http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Mike_Connell) whose GovTech Solutions firm created Web sites for George W. Bush and John McCain among other leading Republicans, died on December 19 when a Piper Supercub he was flying crashed (http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2008/12/federal_officials_probing_plan.html) three miles short of the runway at Ohio's Akron-Canton Airport.
GovTech is one of three firms involved in "mirroring" votes for the 2004 presidential election in Ohio. Connell was set to testify in a lawsuit alleging computer fraud bought against Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell (http://www.dispatch.com/live/contentbe/dispatch/2006/09/01/20060901-E3-00.html) by voters' rights groups.
The man who will now forever be known as "Karl Rove's IT guru" was an experienced pilot who allegedly had been warned not to fly the plane (http://rawstory.com/news/2008/Killed_GOP_pilot_suspected_plane_had_1222.html) because it might be sabotaged.


Bollyn has the goods on Mukasey = Chertoff.

Request for protection

In July 2008, the lead attorney in the King Lincoln Bronzeville Neighborhood Association v. Blackwell (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Lincoln_Bronzeville_Neighborhood_Association_ v._Blackwell)Cliff Arnebeck (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cliff_Arnebeck), sent a letter [3] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Connell#cite_note-2) to U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Mukasey) seeking protection for Connell as a witness in the case, saying he had been threatened. case, Arnebeck wrote, “We have been confidentially informed by a source we believe to be credible that Karl Rove (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Rove) has threatened Michael Connell, a principal witness we have identified in our King Lincoln case in federal court in Columbus, Ohio, that if he does not agree to 'take the fall' for election fraud in Ohio, his wife Heather will be prosecuted for supposed lobby law violations." [4] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Connell#cite_note-3) Arnebeck claims that months later, his source called back and warned that Connell's life was in danger.[5] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Connell#cite_note-4)
He was served with a subpoena in Ohio on September 22, 2008,[6] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Connell#cite_note-ReuterSub-5) in a case alleging that vote-tampering during the 2004 presidential election resulted in civil rights (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_rights) violations. Connell, president of GovTech Solutions and New Media Communications, was a website designer and IT (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_technology) professional and created a website for Ohio Secretary of State (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohio_Secretary_of_State) Ken Blackwell (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Blackwell) that presented the results of the 2004 election in real time as they were tabulated. At the time, Blackwell was also chairman of the Bush-Cheney (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Bush_presidential_campaign,_2004) 2004 reelection effort in Ohio (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohio). Connell refused to testify or to produce documents relating to the system used in the 2004 and 2006 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Senate_election,_2006) elections, lawyers said.[7] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Connell#cite_note-6)
[edit (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Michael_Connell&action=edit&section=3)] Death

At about 6 p.m. on December 19, 2008, Connell was killed, at the age of 45,[1] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Connell#cite_note-wkyc-0) in the crash of a single-engine 1997 Piper Saratoga (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piper_Saratoga) private airplane, which he was flying, which occurred in Lake Township (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Township,_Stark_County,_Ohio), between 2.5 and 3 miles short of the runway at the Akron-Canton Airport (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akron-Canton_Airport) near Akron, Ohio (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akron,_Ohio). Connell was alone in the plane and had been returning from the College Park Airport (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/College_Park_Airport) in Maryland (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maryland), near Washington, D.C. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington,_D.C.).[8] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Connell#cite_note-7) The plane crashed on its final approach to the airport's main runway, between two houses, one of which was vacant. Connell had flown the plane from the Akron-Canton Airport to the College Park Airport on December 18, 2008 and, according to the Stark County, Ohio (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stark_County,_Ohio) coroner, Connell had on his person a receipt for a breakfast he had purchased in Washington, D.C. on December 19, 2008.
On December 31, 2008 it was reported that air traffic controllers had noted prior to the crash that Connell was off course, that they had been in communication with him regarding this, and that he had been trying to get back on course at the time of the crash. There were reported to have been no signs of mechanical problems with the plane.[9] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Connell#cite_note-8)

[ they messed with the instruments, this is a known old tactic for enemies, Casey killed many
of his own partners in this way, related to but not limited to Iran Contra, people in the intelligence community reported this, more visible to everyone, key people at key moments in history have been killed this way, the list is long, either you have a minor crash or deadly crash,
the message is sent even if you survive ]

26th March 2012, 09:27 AM
They were ready and waiting for Ron Paul, admitting they changed rules to counter Ron Paul. They even studied other States to learn what can be done to counter Ron Paul.

Hidden Camera Catches Missouri GOP Admitting They Rigged.... *HQ AUDIO*


Video Comments
Hidden Camera Catches Missouri GOP Admitting They rigged the St. Charles County Caucus. *HQ AUDIO* Original Video: http://youtu.be/OuQIMfMVMYg Bryan Spencer, Former St. Charles County Republican Central Committeeman and Caucus Subcommittee Chairman, admits to premeditated rigging of the St. Charles County Caucus.


Holy crap. Ron Paul and his true grassroots organic support has SCARED the shit out of these partisan hacks. I can actually feel the run up to 1775......and beyond. And these Commies claim they love 'Democracy'. NO. They love AUTHORITARIAN DICTATORSHIPS, as long as it is 'their' dictator.

Imagine if the founders had the internet and Youtube....... :)

26th March 2012, 09:29 AM

26th March 2012, 08:16 PM
Holy crap. Ron Paul and his true grassroots organic support has SCARED
the shit out of these partisan hacks.

Thanks, the first post, and older Connell story are forgotten explosive stories.

That's a similar good one you posted about today and Ron Paul.

Apparently this attempted rigging by Romney people at this level did not work out for them.

" but we didn't do this till we saw 3 legislative districts in King County get
taken over by the Ron Paul folks "

" the savagery of the opposition "

theyallied is the creator and uploader, see his comments below, it's amazing,
Romney gets screwed, Paul and Santorum do deal, lol . WRH picked this up.

Securing Nomination 4 Mitt by Tricking Santorum and Newt supporters in Tacoma WA 3-24-2012


Video Comments theyallied
Alex Hayes, President of the Mainstream Republicans in WA State, tells Pierce County 2nd district delegates at the County convention that they need to vote on a slate to stop Ron Paul. It worked in several districts, but this one later shifted and Santorum's people cut a deal with Paul's people. "This was my district (2nd). I actually got to count votes! We ended up sending 15 Paul, 15 Santorum, and 1 Romney. The Romney people were pissed! I'm not sure how the alternates worked out, but it was either 15 Paul, 16 Santorum, or vice versa. My wife and I are both alternates. I was so upset by the "Unity Slate" people and their disgusting bias that I used part of my speech to express how appalled I was at their behavior. They were very rude anytime a speech maker mentioned Ron Paul, and their "savagery" caused them to yell "time" and interrupt well before the allotted time had run out. The Ron Paul people were all very civilized, in my humble opinion." Brandon Clarke What was it the Paul people tried to do on the main floor? Nick Sherwood tried to pass a motion to reinstate a rule that would have allowed elections of chairs in each legislative district. The party had recently changed the rules to make the permanent chairs of each legislative meeting, the GOP chosen leadership of each legislative district. In the past there was always a temporary chair and an election for a permanent chair. I would have filmed the whole thing but I did not have a camera, just my phone and so I had to be picky.