26th March 2012, 09:28 AM
“Like my fellow mice, our brother cockroaches were plopped onto a plastic ball that spins every which way, but stays in place. Surrounding the ball was a large hollow dome, onto which was projected the virtual world. As our brother cockroaches scampered through what they thought was the forest, scientists measured the activity of their brain cells. Apparently, studying how neurons fire in cockroaches and mice and nematodes offers insights into the nature of human diseases. But the rationale for such experiments is not our concern. Tonight, we must reach a decision: shall we tolerate the falsehood that is virtual reality in exchange for the safety, the comfort, the food we enjoy in our labs? Or shall we pull the cloak from our eyes and never return?”
::) rats now also live in The Matrix
“Like my fellow mice, our brother cockroaches were plopped onto a plastic ball that spins every which way, but stays in place. Surrounding the ball was a large hollow dome, onto which was projected the virtual world. As our brother cockroaches scampered through what they thought was the forest, scientists measured the activity of their brain cells. Apparently, studying how neurons fire in cockroaches and mice and nematodes offers insights into the nature of human diseases. But the rationale for such experiments is not our concern. Tonight, we must reach a decision: shall we tolerate the falsehood that is virtual reality in exchange for the safety, the comfort, the food we enjoy in our labs? Or shall we pull the cloak from our eyes and never return?”
::) rats now also live in The Matrix