View Full Version : State of Michigan to Begin Massacring Black Pigs

Silver Rocket Bitches!
27th March 2012, 06:33 AM

Michigan to kill all blacks

Here's some of the language from the Michigan document describing which animals are to be destroyed. Remember: For a pig to qualify as "feral" according to state tyrants, it only has to exhibit ONE of these traits, not all of them:

1) Bristle-tip coloration: exhibit bristle tips that are lighter in color (e.g., white, cream, or buff) than the rest of the hair shaft.

2) Dark point coloration: exhibits "points" (i.e., distal portions of the snout, ears, legs, and tail) that are dark brown to black in coloration, and lack light-colored tips on the bristles.

3) Coat coloration: exhibit a number of coat coloration patterns: solid black, solid red / brown, black and white spotted, black and red / brown spotted.

4) Underfur: exhibit the presence of underfur that is lighter in color (e.g., smoke gray to brown) than the overlying dark brown to black bristles/guard hairs.

5) Juvenile coat pattern: exhibit striped coat patterns -- a light grayish-tan to brown base coat, with a dark brown to black spinal stripe and three to four brown irregular longitudinal stripes with dark margins along the length of the body.

6) Skeletal appearance: Structures include skull morphology, dorsal profile, and external body measurements including tail length, head-body length, hind foot length, ear length, snout length, and shoulder height.

7) Tail structure: Straight tails.

8) Ear structure: Erect ear structure.

9) "Other characteristics not currently known to the MDNR that are identified by the scientific community."

Did you catch that last one? So now the so-called "scientific community" can simply invent whatever trait they want and the state of Michigan will legalize the mass murder of all ranch animals displaying that trait.

The state of Michigan plans to bring guns to destroy local food, local farms

What's clear from all this is that Michigan bureaucrats plan to bring guns and handcuffs to ranches all across Michigan, shooting their family livestock dead and ruining their farming operations. They then plan to arrest these ranchers as felons and separate them from their families, then charge them with felony crimes.

This is all being done under the mantra of "government is good! Government protects you!" It's being pushed under the guise of protecting people from "invasive species," yet what the Michigan bureaucrats don't tell anyone is that now your local food producers have had their own ranch animals placed on that list!

That's the trick here: Michigan has declared farm animals to be an invasive species!

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035372_Michigan_pigs_farm_freedom.html#ixzz1qK8oLQ 7r

Silver Rocket Bitches!
16th April 2012, 05:49 PM

Farmer forced to shoot his own baby piglets in cold blood

"I think this is an unconstitutional order, these actions of the DNR are way out of bounds," attorney Joseph O'Leary told NaturalNews in an interview today. He is representing one of the farmers who was targeted in these raids. "To take what was six months ago an entirely legal activity, and suddenly people are felons over it. They're not growing drugs, running guns or killing anybody, they're raising animals pursuant to USDA regulations and state of Michigan regulations. They haven't done anything wrong here, and the DNR is treating them like they are hardened criminals."

In anticipation of the DNR arriving on the scene, one farmer engaged in what can only be described as a heart-wrenching task of shooting his own pigs, one by one, including baby piglets before the DNR arrived. This was to avoid being arrested as a felon. His livelihood is now completely destroyed, as the state of Michigan has put him out of business. Even after this farmer informed the DNR that he had destroyed his entire herd of pigs, the DNR continued to illegally acquire a search warrant by providing false information to a court Judge, then conducting an armed raid on his ranch to verify that the entire herd of pigs had indeed already been shot to death. That this took place satisfied the DNR, which is now showing itself to be engaged in the mob-style destruction of targeted farming businesses through its mass-murder agenda of Michigan's small-scale farm pigs.

"It was very traumatic for him. These guys are farmers, and I know how much he cared for the animals there, and the DNR treats these like they're some kind of a plant that needs to be exterminated rather than animals that people care about," said O'Leary.

One of the raids targeted Ron McKendrick of Renegade Ranch in Cheboygan County. His ranch was raided on Saturday morning, and DNR agents reportedly conducted an interrogation of his customers and his 75-year-old senior citizen employee. In order to gain access to his property, DNR bureaucrats acquired a temporary restraining order which was used to bully their way onto the property (a violation of the Fourth Amendment).

Another raid was conducted against the farm of Dave Tuxberry. He's the man who was forced to shoot all his own pigs before DNR agents arrived, in order to avoid being arrested as a felon.

NaturalNews calls for an armed citizens' arrest of DNR agents in Michigan

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035585_Michigan_farms_raids.html#ixzz1sFpLpBVx

16th April 2012, 05:52 PM
State of Michigan to Begin Massacring Black Pig


16th April 2012, 05:57 PM
During the depression farmers were permitted only a certain number of hogs. Neighbors would split a swine herd up so as to fall below the threshold.

During WWI (phase II) my grandmother raised black market chickens in her basement. City folks who wanted a chicken dinner would travel out to the farm to buy them. Didn't want to have these out in the open as they could then be "rationed".

16th April 2012, 06:14 PM
along the same lines but not at this level yet, Australian cows are going to be banned because they do poo. It was in the paper at the weekend. New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Queensland all face bans on breeding and raising cattle. Insane but that's where we are.

On T, are they trying to eradicate pigs or hogs that have been bred with pigs? All pigs must be pink skinned, white furred, curly tailed and floppy eared? Is that the background to this?

16th April 2012, 06:19 PM
Feral hogs are generally razorback or Javellinas in the southwest. They root up the forests, destroy habitat, stink somewhat and disturb city folk who don't like being chased up a tree by a herd of 30 of them who just want to eat.

I don't know of anyone in their right mind who would domesticate one of these feral critters. You wouldn't be able to sell them to any meat packer and unless you wanted to butcher them yourself the whole affair would be a waste.

16th April 2012, 06:45 PM
What this really is about is protecting the huge corporate run hog houses that are producing most of the pork now. The pigs they raise in these huge confinement oporations are very suceptible to disease. they want to eliminate any chance of disease getting in to their hog houses. It's no different with poultry confined to a controlled inviroment. they can't have any contact with wild birds for fear of contracting a disease.

If they are succesful getting rid of all animals that can survive in the natural enviroment we will all be slaves to the corporations that own the hogs. No one will be able to feed themselves and that's what they want. Sob's

16th April 2012, 08:28 PM
The agribusinesses want to create a monoculture, and want the DNR to do their dirty work for them. Kill small-scale farmer's pig, plus reduce genetic diversity, is a double win for them.

16th April 2012, 10:58 PM
Tagged for later.

17th April 2012, 02:53 AM
as short john + tumbleweed said, this will only apply to small farmers. large companies will be allowed to do whatever they wish. this is all designed to get rid of competition and annoying "natural" farmers.

17th April 2012, 02:54 AM
If they are succesful getting rid of all animals that can survive in the natural enviroment we will all be slaves to the corporations that own the hogs. No one will be able to feed themselves and that's what they want. Sob's

It appears that between "livestock control" stunts like this, the chemtrail spraying killing vegetation, & Monsanto's shenanigans generally, "they" are trying to engineer another Holodomor (https://startpage.com/do/search?cmd=process_search&cat=web&query=holodomor+Ukraine&language=english&no_sugg=1&ff=) ala Stalin's murder of ~60MM Ukrainians.

17th April 2012, 05:12 AM
It appears that between "livestock control" stunts like this, the chemtrail spraying killing vegetation, & Monsanto's shenanigans generally, "they" are trying to engineer another Holodomor (https://startpage.com/do/search?cmd=process_search&cat=web&query=holodomor+Ukraine&language=english&no_sugg=1&ff=) ala Stalin's murder of ~60MM Ukrainians.

the US gov. has perpetrated another terrible crime.

but it is great ammunition for those who want to make the point that the US gov. is


Silver Rocket Bitches!
17th April 2012, 05:31 AM
On T, are they trying to eradicate pigs or hogs that have been bred with pigs? All pigs must be pink skinned, white furred, curly tailed and floppy eared? Is that the background to this?

Exactly. Under the guise of protecting the environment against endangered species, they are forcing farmers to slaughter pigs without compensation if they find even one spot on the pig. A gross overstep of powers adding to an already rolling boil. It's obvious this is a control issue. Feral pigs are not on the same level as a true invasive species like the asian carp.

17th April 2012, 05:46 AM
i stay awake nights sometimes worrying about the invasive pigs.

the ones on 2 legs.

17th April 2012, 06:30 AM
they are forcing farmers to slaughter pigs without compensation

The federal government is usually pretty fair about offering compensation. You have to have enough sense not to file a claim in any federal district court though. These are maritime courts and cannot recognize common law principles (private property). The only federal court that recognizes private property rights is the U.S. court of claims. I believe it is located in New York. A gentleman in Nevada who was arrested by the BLM charged with trespassing for cutting down trees in his own irrigation ditches filed in this NY court. He did end up with a judgment against the federal government but it only occurred several years after he died. His family ended up with the benefit though (and the federal government ended up with a large area of sub terrain water).

Equity courts can always be found to issue injunctions when rights are involved and common law is not competent to address the trespass. Another alternative is to file an original action in the U.S. supreme court as an Article III court. This is supposed to stop federal agencies in their tracks but don't expect any other result from the action. The supreme court will not act in Article III status until the (un)civil war is resolved.

17th April 2012, 07:26 AM
Farmer forced to shoot his own baby piglets in cold blood


You mean he gave into the FEAR tactics the Government uses to coerce you into consenting to their unlawful ways? I guess its too 'scary' to have to stand up for yourself and your family. You may have to even visit the inside of their 'courtroom' to do battle, you know the old fashioned way.

Why are people so afraid of FICTIONS?

Notice the fellow who made the Youtube video (OP) with him and his family havent been arrested yet. He literally told them "Im waiting for you"....And they decided they would go pick on a jellyfish American, instead of a red blooded one......

17th April 2012, 09:26 AM


You mean he gave into the FEAR tactics the Government uses to coerce you into consenting to their unlawful ways? I guess its too 'scary' to have to stand up for yourself and your family. You may have to even visit the inside of their 'courtroom' to do battle, you know the old fashioned way.

Why are people so afraid of FICTIONS?

Notice the fellow who made the Youtube video (OP) with him and his family havent been arrested yet. He literally told them "Im waiting for you"....And they decided they would go pick on a jellyfish American, instead of a red blooded one......

I agree. The guy that shot his pigs pussed out.

I would have gotten a whole bunch of cameras. Some weilded by friends or family and some hidden and I would have taped the filthy swine (the governement ones) arresting me and then killing my livestock in cold blood. Would have gone viral on the internet maybe even national news.

"Evil (ignorance) is like a shadow--it has no real substance of its own, it is simply a lack of light. You cannot cause a shadow to disappear by trying to fight it, stamp on it, by railing against it, or any other form of emotional or physical resistance. In order to cause a shadow to disappear, you must shine light on it."

Shakti Gawain

17th April 2012, 09:38 AM
i stay awake nights sometimes worrying about the invasive pigs.

the ones on 2 legs.

and the hook-nosed varmints (members of the criminal sect of Judaism) that those 2 legged pigs work for.

Uncle Salty
17th April 2012, 10:48 AM
The agribusinesses want to create a monoculture, and want the DNR to do their dirty work for them. Kill small-scale farmer's pig, plus reduce genetic diversity, is a double win for them.

Bingo was his name.

Celtic Rogue
17th April 2012, 11:38 AM
Well now.... this type of police action is disgusting at best! HOW DARE THEM!!!!! So When as a nation will we say enough is enough? When will we mass in the streets... when will the proverbial last straw be laid?

17th April 2012, 11:42 AM
1931 ... Cedar County Iowa Cow War

Governor Turner ordered that the Iowa National Guard
be sent to Cedar County to enforce testing. The next day, 1800 soldiers
arrived in Tipton, the county seat of Cedar County, in order to protect state
veterinarians and prevent further action by the farmers. Machine guns were
placed at cross roads, and soldiers enforced state law with bayonets.


Wake me up when Michigan starts putting machine guns on the cross roads.

17th April 2012, 12:37 PM
Welcome to the new feudal age.