View Full Version : 5th National Bio-Threat Conference....March 27-29 Denver

27th March 2012, 11:59 PM
I happen upon this fun party whilst working in the new world capitol. Let's just say the security is very tight. I was trying to just wander in and look at some booths and had several wired up secret agent types remove me from my curiosity double plus quick.

I will try to get some photog's tomorrow. DHS and every other fuckbag plus the corporate "partners" are all here playing what happens "when" we fuck this shit up with our bio crap game.


The security is spooky tight around any non-badged individual getting any info on this.

Creepy brought to you by the creeps.


Attention all units of the solar federation, we have assumed control, we have assumed control, we have assumed control

28th March 2012, 12:39 AM
all your solar are belong to us

Those MiB's are spooky weird huh? There is this hotel in Florida. It's like a 10 star or something. Up past Palm Beach way. I chuckled when I was told we were going to a 10 star. They only go to 5, I said. For the plebs they only go to 5 star but if you are higher up the food chain you can go up to 10 stars. We weren't staying, just sticky beaking. We took a wrong turn in the car park and about a dozen of these guys popped out of now where. In carts, cars and on foot. We were escorted to the <10 star car park.

There was some sort of conference or something going on. Lots of MiB's inside, especially around one of the conference rooms. I saw someone in there signing a book or something. I think it was Jimmy Carter but only got a glance before my face was full of another MiB giving me the dark sunglasses and talking into the cuff routine.

I'm trying to recall the name.... Chequers or something like that, IIRC

So whats it like in downtown New World City?

28th March 2012, 01:25 AM
There's bum's and service people that work the district. Then there's corporate types that come and go to work. Then there's traveling business putzez (me) and conference idiots. Then there's tourists.

We were walking from work to the hotel where the elites are planning bio-genocide and the weather was nice. It was about 7:45PM. The bums are so thick here, that you can't really but walk past them or you would be broke before you reached home. It's very depressing. We walked past a street where there is a theatre and happened upon our begging filled way to hotel to walk by a Peter Frampton "Is he still alive?" concert at the paramount theater. There was about 500 people all running around with all the hucksters trying to scalp tickets. It became overwelming very quick like. I have been depressed working here, it's corporate fucks like me, service people and bums, with a few tourists. You got a very noticeable unemployed and unempoloyable young adult scene. Tons of them. Crime appears pretty low but the coppiceman is everywhere and so are the cameras. It's the NWO city.

And Long's peak is its pyramid.......

It's all right here, come visit. THey are expanding the airport with a new hotel connected by the airport rail and malls and such. Huge digging going on. They are expanding the rails from under the airport to reach this. They are also adding lines from the city to the airport. You could use that airport to hide the ins and outs of thousands of people - fly them in, they go to the train and disappear. The regular business people go to town, the rest, underground. They are building this shit right here, I am paranoid but convinced. This place is a Base.

Ok...spacemonkey out.

These fuckers are up to a lot of no good out here.