View Full Version : Brutal Hate Crime - Mr Obama, would you say these could be your parents??

28th March 2012, 11:49 AM
Does Obama Imagine Bob and Nancy Strait as His Parents? (http://www.seraphicpress.com/does-obama-imagine-bob-and-nancy-strait-as-his-parents/)
[url=http://www.seraphicpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/strait.jpg]http://www.seraphicpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/strait-300x224.jpg (http://www.seraphicpress.com/does-obama-imagine-bob-and-nancy-strait-as-his-parents/)

Nancy and Bob Strait

Here’s a story (http://www.tulsaworld.com/site/printerfriendlystory.aspx?articleid=20120320_11_A1 _ULNSet211200&PrintComments=1) you won’t hear about in the mainstream media.

Bob Strait, 90 a veteran of the 101st Airborne, was married to his wife Nancy, 85, for 65 years.

A few days ago, their home in Tulsa, Oklahoma was invaded by Tyrone Dale David Woodfork, 20, a black thug armed with a BB gun.

Tyrone beat the aged couple (http://www.kjrh.com/dpp/news/local_news/surviving-victim-of-deadly-home-invasion-back-in-hospital) and raped Nancy to death.

http://www.seraphicpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/woodfork-300x243.jpg (http://www.seraphicpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/woodfork.jpg)

Tyrone Dale David Woodfork

Our post-racial President has made no statement about this outrage.

And except for the local media in Oklahoma, no one has noticed.

Instead, all the self-righteous attention is on black victim Trayvon Martin, and the demonized (http://weaselzippers.us/2012/03/25/new-black-panthers-pledge-to-recruit-10000-men-to-hunt-down-george-zimmerman/) George Zimmerman, described by the NY Times as a “white Hispanic” a racial classification of which I have never heard, but leave it to liberals to out-Nazi the Nuremberg Laws (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_Laws).

George Zimmerman will be charged with a hate crime. Again, leave it to liberals to invent a victim hierarchy based on race.

Let me state the obvious: The Straits are not the victims of a hate crime, they don’t even exist and count for nothing in the cynical calculus that animates the mainstream media and the politicians who feed on politically correct corpses.

As for President Obama, you can be sure he does not imagine Bob or Nancy Strait as his parents.

A fund has been set up at Arvest Bank to help the family cover funeral expenses for Nancy Strait and rehabilitation for Bob Strait. The fund is called the Nancy Strait and Bob Strait Support Trust.

28th March 2012, 11:57 AM
How many times have I read some young black guy raping granny,
that is not sex, that is seething hatred that drives them to do that,
gang raping is the same MO in my opinion, one gang rape after another,
Muslims and Blacks for the most part against whites. Just recently read
about Muslims doing this to an Asian in UK. They are waging war. Don't
mind my rant, I am just a " hater " for speaking to real events. FBI
statistics tell the truth as well.

2 16 year olds vs a 13 year old.
YouTube - Black teens set white kid on fire ('You get what you deserve, white boy') They said! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU07MVS0KJs)


28th March 2012, 12:04 PM

28th March 2012, 01:52 PM
Two things - it's never a hate crime if it's blacks hurting whites and you won't see Al Charlatan or Jesse Jackson anywhere near this story.

28th March 2012, 04:59 PM
GREAT post DMac, your analysis was spot on.

And Chad, thanks for that video! That deserves its own thread!

29th March 2012, 05:43 AM
Is MSM still ignoring this ?

29th March 2012, 08:21 AM
How many times have I read some young black guy raping granny,
that is not sex, that is seething hatred that drives them to do that,
gang raping is the same MO in my opinion, one gang rape after another,
Muslims and Blacks for the most part ........

Muslims and Blacks share the common ancestor, who was known for having sexual problems.
Interesting that catholic system is also plagued with sexual scandals and it also could be traced to the same originator.

I am not saying that Asians and Europeans are angels, but their “spots” are different.

29th March 2012, 04:30 PM
I have been discussing the whole hoodie hoodlum thing with the boss. Nothing "crazy", but he probably already thinks I'm a little off. ;D

I was very surprised that he brought up the shootings in chi-town that Obummer didn't describe as "could have been one of his kids". That's how I got into the discussion with the OP. He had to of read it somewhere. I don't remember talking about this subject prior to the conversation. I did describe the exact same thing on the board a day or two ago.

Anyway, the boss was dumbfounded and pissed (my observation) when I described the OP to him. He had yet to hear of the story. Granted, the Zio-news definitely isn't pushing the OP.

On another note. One of the guys in the shop brought up the whole trademark thing. I think she trademarked "Travon Wilson" and something like "Support Travon Wilson". I can't find a solid verification though. I have heard that she was granted the trademarks several times today. If anyone finds solid proof, I would appreciate it.

Anyway, I told the shop guy that they should trademark "Fuck Travon Wilson".
I will let you guess the reaction. ;D

I do apologize, I did miss the second Travon Wilson march that occurred in my area.
Hundreds march at UI for Trayvon Martin (http://www.news-gazette.com/news/courts-police-and-fire/2012-03-29/hundreds-march-ui-trayvon-martin.html)



30th March 2012, 05:10 AM
Any MSM coverage of the Strait's yet ?