View Full Version : VIDEO: George Zimmerman Has No Injuries

29th March 2012, 07:17 AM

No blood. No bruises. Nose looks fine. Back of head looks fine.

:o Florida Jew Judge Father got junior off

29th March 2012, 07:26 AM
ah yes, they've been playing this all over msm. i watched it a couple of times and i can see a sore on the back of his head. looks like an injury to me. and the video was 4 hours after the incident. plenty of time to get it to stop bleeding and change clothes. besides, the video is poor quality and not real focused in on his head.

29th March 2012, 07:27 AM
I guess you can't defend yourself before your dead?

midnight rambler
29th March 2012, 07:46 AM
I guess you can't defend yourself before your dead?

Of course that's what's expected of us.

I've been compelled to use deadly force over 30 years ago when subjected to an ag assault with a deadly weapon. The sheriff expressed his disappointment when I advised him I 'just missed' blowing the black varmint's head clean off from a distance of 7 yds. - said to me as he shook his head, "To bad you missed, you'd have done a service to the community." How times have changed.

29th March 2012, 08:16 AM
Good thing ABC kept their all important banner over his head for most of the video

29th March 2012, 08:36 AM
On the news this morning they were discussing the video and how it shows a head injury:


29th March 2012, 09:20 AM
What if the MSM created a sensationalistic story - and no one cared, everyone ignored it and instead spent their time doing productive things for themselves?

old steel
29th March 2012, 09:42 AM
Child murderer.

Can't think of any reason why you would need a gun to defend yourself against an unarmed child.

Zipperhead is toast.

29th March 2012, 09:48 AM
Zimmerman is innocent, case closed. No arrest even if he is an offshoot of a Jew he is innocent, this sensationalism is just for a race war, he who has guns win. The illegal guns will lose this battle.

old steel
29th March 2012, 09:54 AM
Either way he can spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder.

I'm betting it will be a short life too.

I know if it was my kid they would never find the body.

old steel
29th March 2012, 10:07 AM
You know i came home from the gym last night around 11:30pm and their were a couple of kids walking past my place on the opposite side of the street. One had a hat on the other one a hoodie and it was dark couldn't really tell anything else but at that hour on a school night obviously they were up to no good.

I should have quickly ran inside got a gun outta the safe loaded it up and headed after them. I could have confronted the little punks and berated them pushed them around until they had enough and one or both perhaps resisted and pushed back or heaven forbid take a swing at me then i could have capped their asses and claimed they attacked me.

What a hero i'd be , eh?

Twisted Titan
29th March 2012, 10:28 AM
Would this before or after you trademark your kids name so you can make money off him OS?

29th March 2012, 10:56 AM
You know i came home from the gym last night around 11:30pm and their were a couple of kids walking past my place on the opposite side of the street. One had a hat on the other one a hoodie and it was dark couldn't really tell anything else but at that hour on a school night obviously they were up to no good.

I should have quickly ran inside got a gun outta the safe loaded it up and headed after them. I could have confronted the little punks and berated them pushed them around until they had enough and one or both perhaps resisted and pushed back or heaven forbid take a swing at me then i could have capped their asses and claimed they attacked me.

What a hero i'd be , eh?
What's the point of this story? Do you think this is what happened?

29th March 2012, 10:59 AM
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSNsKW1JOJ9OIfiUDlXZsFxDcFiwsHPx jgOyYq5q8B4iNjLktsXsEamek1L

29th March 2012, 11:15 AM
I'm not familiar with the details of this case,

but anything more than bringing a knife to a gun fight should be classified as manslaughter on the street.

midnight rambler
29th March 2012, 11:49 AM
You know i came home from the gym last night around 11:30pm and their were a couple of kids walking past my place on the opposite side of the street. One had a hat on the other one a hoodie and it was dark couldn't really tell anything else but at that hour on a school night obviously they were up to no good.

I should have quickly ran inside got a gun outta the safe loaded it up and headed after them. I could have confronted the little punks and berated them pushed them around until they had enough and one or both perhaps resisted and pushed back or heaven forbid take a swing at me then i could have capped their asses and claimed they attacked me.

What a hero i'd be , eh?

You're just being asinine. Why? Have you an agenda? Duh.

29th March 2012, 12:21 PM
Child murderer.

Can't think of any reason why you would need a gun to defend yourself against an unarmed child.

Zipperhead is toast.

Get the facts, until then STFU.




willie pete
29th March 2012, 01:15 PM
Child murderer.

Can't think of any reason why you would need a gun to defend yourself against an unarmed child.

Zipperhead is toast.

lol....you're kidding Right? this "child" was at least 6' tall, most reports say 6'2"-6'3" , so what he was only 17, having been suspended from school for 10 days tells me he's no choir boy, I don't think he was a full fledged gangster either (yet), you ever done any boxing? do this: go out and spar with someone who is quicker, almost a foot taller than you and probably has more experience, you'll see what 'll happen, I think thats what happened to Zimmerman

29th March 2012, 01:27 PM
Read the links in this thread for one.

Original Police Report in PDF is posted, Zimmerman is reported
by Police on scene to have blood both on front of his face and
back of head, they still arrest him. Zimmerman's nose was broken.
@no_limit_nigga (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?60004-no_limit_nigga)

" zimmerman was also bleeding from nose and back of head "

Zimmerman was attended to.

The Police reported this to the media among other media
coverage, that was long ago.

The MSM decided to ignore reports and use this case for an agenda.

That is clear.

Even if Zimmerman was guilty, why is this being promoted this way.

Black on Black crime is far worse, NAACP says so itself, see link above.

Daily events of hate crimes against whites, brutal crimes,
never gets coverage, they hide the race of perps.

COPS: Beating of white man by 6 black men may have been racially motivated... (http://www.foxcarolina.com/story/17284891/seneca-police-arrest-6-accused-of-beating-nc-man)



29th March 2012, 01:39 PM
Isn't Zimmerman hispanic?

29th March 2012, 04:16 PM
Everyone on both sides should zip it immediately. Attorney General should order a grand jury investigation. All evidence, witness testimony and relevant information should be analyzed. Let the jury decide and let the chips fall where they may. If the blacks refuse to allow a far and balanced inquiry, then I say fuck'm; they're full of shit and following an agenda rather than a search for the truth.

old steel
29th March 2012, 06:11 PM
would this before or after you trademark your kids name so you can make money off him OS?

Yeah that is some F'ed up stuff but i guess if he hadn't been murdered we wouldn't have to deal with the craziness his momma is displaying now hell none of them would even be known to us.

Instead we have a full blown psyops.

old steel
29th March 2012, 06:17 PM
Whose facts? All i know is i have guns too and if someone i love is shot down like a dog in the street i'm gonna use them.

Hell if someone shot down my dog, guess what?

29th March 2012, 06:43 PM
He's a CHILD now, LOL.

29th March 2012, 06:46 PM
Whose facts? All i know is i have guns too and if someone i love is shot down like a dog in the street i'm gonna use them.

Hell if someone shot down my dog, guess what?

If the dog is biting the shit out of you, I say shoot it.. So what, America lost another low IQ'd thug, many more were born today on the people's dime. And, they will be feeding them, housing, and so on.

old steel
29th March 2012, 09:29 PM
If the dog is biting the shit out of you, I say shoot it.. So what, America lost another low IQ'd thug, many more were born today on the people's dime. And, they will be feeding them, housing, and so on.

My dog isn't biting anyone who said he was?

Sooooo STFU!

General of Darkness
29th March 2012, 09:37 PM
My dog isn't biting anyone who said he was?

Sooooo STFU!

Are you that negro Black something or other from the old GIM? Black Blade or something like that? Just curious, because you know that's how I roll nigga.

old steel
29th March 2012, 09:56 PM
Are you that negro Black something or other from the old GIM? Black Blade or something like that? Just curious, because you know that's how I roll nigga.

Umm no. Personally IDGAF what color anyone is i know who the real enemy is everything else is a distraction.

General of Darkness
29th March 2012, 09:58 PM
Umm no. Personally IDGAF what color anyone is i know who the real enemy is everything else is a distraction.

And who's that?

old steel
29th March 2012, 10:04 PM
And who's that?

These guys and their useful idiots, you know.


29th March 2012, 10:28 PM
and their useful idiots

Which would be 99% of blacks and 100% of people who cry out for trayvon.

29th March 2012, 11:24 PM
Great posts on Truthinourtime blog.

Where are your sources?

30th March 2012, 03:55 PM
Great posts on Truthinourtime blog.

Where are your sources?

The sources are at the very top of each post. I repost a ton of stuff there for 2 reasons, 1) if I am debating someone I can quickly search through stories of interest and 2) the main reason, is that stuff of this nature a lot of times doesn't last long on various websites or it gets moved and breaks the hyperlink, this is also why I re up a ton of videos to jewtube, and more recently dailymotion, to prevent good stuff from heading down the memory hole.