View Full Version : Martin Armstrong on the Sovereign Debt Crisis

29th March 2012, 11:54 AM

29th March 2012, 04:27 PM

here's another joker that needs to follow Sinclair into ex-pat hibernation. Would serve the 2 of them right to share the same "foxhole" for all remaining time, yes?

HRN: Are you saying that the U.S. federal government’s tax policies have driven companies offshore?

Martin Armstrong: In order to compete internationally, American companies have to leave the United States. It isn’t just because of the labor costs because you have to have a skilled labor force. I helped take a lot of companies into Europe. You have to balance the type of labor force versus tax advantages. You can’t just put an automaker in Zimbabwe. It’s much more of a delicate balance than what politicians tend to say.Why is it sheeple are so interested in hearing what those who have done massive harm to the American Worker has to say? No good can come of this fawning!!!

NOT implying you, Serpo of fawning!! I know you are simply informing as to what and to whom the elite and filthy politicos are listening to, and spouting, as a supportive GS reporter.

Armstrong was effectively silenced for a very long time for all practical purposes, even tho' his missives were purportedly snuck out, scribed onto toilet tissue sections.

Now the very same PTB who incarcerated him have RELEASED HIM...a thinking person has to ask the OBVIOUS "to what end " question, yes?

So today, readership gets treated to this piece of arrogant bilge/chest thumping?


29th March 2012, 04:34 PM
Hard to know what side of the fence Armstrong really is on and we all know sitting on the middle of the fence can be painful.haha

29th March 2012, 06:03 PM
Armstrong has been compromised. He sold out to TPTB and is a misinformation agent. Listen to him at your own peril.

29th March 2012, 07:15 PM
My wife will confirm willful "selective hearing"...

I only read Armstrong for any of his cyclical commentary, and sometimes wade through his recall of European History. I was never strong in history, so that "guided tromp" is and has been enlightening.

Other than that, I characterize him as fingernails on the financial blackboard.

Good summation there, Doc.


29th March 2012, 07:33 PM
The only country that has funded its pension plan is Australia......

he is right about this and I intend to have/ taken full advantage of this ..............can retire at any time after 55 if you can.........9% of earnings go into pension account and you can add more........ie 20% of your wages before tax.....

29th March 2012, 09:31 PM
WHOA....Sinclair just took a left-hooked Martin Armstrong. Mano Mano, is Mr. Gold TICKED OFF!

3.29.2012 JSMineset:

Jim Sinclair’s Commentary
A man who the gold gang helped get out of the can with thousands of letters on his behalf is talking trash about the dedication of gold investors.

I firmly believe he is dead wrong, and shooting himself directly in the foot.

I knew him in the 70s and I guess nothing really ever changes.

Respect and gratitude is not the long suit of many. Have no fear because we are here.


Don't know whether to Barf or Boo


30th March 2012, 07:31 AM
WHOA....Sinclair just took a left-hooked Martin Armstrong. Mano Mano, is Mr. Gold TICKED OFF!

Don't know whether to Barf or Boo


Armstrong gets out under mysterious circumstances. No reason given or official edict from TPTB. Next thing one hears of a movie being made about him. A magnificent transmogrification from villain to hero - how wondrous.

Think Big Pussy Bonpensiero.

30th March 2012, 07:59 AM
he's a thief. co-mingling funds, classy mf global type guy.

30th March 2012, 09:16 AM
While that's certainly been alleged, that hasn't been proven to my satisfaction. Anyone can level charges of theft against anyone else. Seems there's a whole lot of thieving going on, name the genre'.
