View Full Version : Ron Paul screams "At least I'm not George Bush, and the CIA, dealing in drugs!" -1988

30th March 2012, 02:18 AM


They ridicule his position for the first two minutes, accuse him of being a dopehead for wanting drugs legalized, then someone says, "Can you imagine this guy as president, speaking with someone from Russia?" and Ron Paul just loses it and screams, "At least I'm not George Bush, and the CIA, dealing in drugs! That's right, George Bush, CIA, Dealing in Drugs!" End Quote. 2:30-2:40 I have it queued but you should watch the whole thing, it is interesting.

p.s. the vid embed code isn't working even though the syntax looks fine

30th March 2012, 02:31 AM
So do you think the CIA paid Ron Paul a visit after he screamed about "Illegal CIA drug money" on Television in 1998?

Yes / No / Maybe?

30th March 2012, 03:30 AM
I hope this shuts up all the people who say he's controlled opposition. Jeez.

30th March 2012, 04:45 AM
definately an interesting video. She is, he isn't. The guy hosting is as well. Even though he has a bronx accent. I'm talking about the clan.

30th March 2012, 06:01 AM
Was that the political version of Jerry Springer?

30th March 2012, 06:03 AM
well it works now ! - the vid embed code that is.

30th March 2012, 06:32 AM
I hope this shuts up all the people who say he's controlled opposition. Jeez.I don't know if he's controlled opposition or not, but if he is, his job is to get us to rally behind him and give us hope, then derail and fail.

30th March 2012, 09:06 AM
I don't know if he's controlled opposition or not, but if he is, his job is to get us to rally behind him and give us hope, then derail and fail.

What's your job?

30th March 2012, 09:21 AM
Was that the political version of Jerry Springer?

First thing that popped in my mind too!

30th March 2012, 09:28 AM
I wonder why the Republican/media didn't bring up this clip to defame Ron?
They dug twenty years into his past for the racist letters he didn't write, and they had this coming right from the horses mouth?
Any ideas why they didn't bring this up? I have mine...

30th March 2012, 11:59 AM
I hope this shuts up all the people who say he's controlled opposition. Jeez.

Here is the thing that scares me.

If there is a TPTB, and RP made comments like this, wouldn't this even have guaranteed a visit from them? Which means that for Ron to continue operating, he could be doing so at the behest of TPTB.

Just a possibility. I have always loved RP and his message, but I have to say that him being this blatant in 1988 doesn't sit right with me. This definitely got their attention, so can we really assume they just "left him alone" after he fired this shot across their bow?

Am I reaching in thinking this way?

30th March 2012, 12:12 PM
I wonder why the Republican/media didn't bring up this clip to defame Ron?
They dug twenty years into his past for the racist letters he didn't write, and they had this coming right from the horses mouth?
Any ideas why they didn't bring this up? I have mine...

Because it's so damn easy to prove? I mean, opium production in Afghanistan what, doubled since the invasion? I think this is one pandora's box the MSM doesn't want to open.


30th March 2012, 12:17 PM
I wonder why the Republican/media didn't bring up this clip to defame Ron?
They dug twenty years into his past for the racist letters he didn't write, and they had this coming right from the horses mouth?
Any ideas why they didn't bring this up? I have mine...

Because it's so close to the truth they don't want to risk bringing it up even to use it against Ron? Better to just bury it so no one sees it.

30th March 2012, 01:04 PM
Because it's so close to the truth they don't want to risk bringing it up even to use it against Ron? Better to just bury it so no one sees it.


The establishment let's "kooky Ron" be "kooky Ron".

No one listens to him anyway.

That is the spirit of the Establishment.

The powers that be do not feel threatened by him. They have the entire media with which they can attempt to smear him whenever they so desire.

30th March 2012, 01:17 PM
Because it's so damn easy to prove? I mean, opium production in Afghanistan what, doubled since the invasion? I think this is one pandora's box the MSM doesn't want to open.


A recent study from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime found opium cultivation up 7 percent from 2010, and that the most insecure regions in Afghanistan were responsible for 95 percent of its opium cultivation.

The study also shows a mere 19 acres of land were being used for opium cultivation in 2001, the year the United States invaded Afghanistan. Since then, opium cultivation in Afghanistan has dramatically increased, with 323 acres used for opium growth in 2011.

Rick Rozoff, a Chicago-based writer who contributes to a blog called Stop NATO, points out that Viktor Ivanov, a director of Russia’s Federal Service for the Control of Narcotics, has been critical of U.S. and NATO occupation of Afghanistan for years.

“The same Ivanov has been saying for years that under NATO occupation, opium cultivation in Afghanistan has increased 40 times, 4,000 percent,” he said.

United Nations data also states that Afghanistan suffers from one of the highest rates of opium consumption in the world.

“Russia is suffering a heroin epidemic, Iran is suffering from a heroin epidemic and the only thing that 10 years of military carnage in Afghanistan has accomplished is a 4,000 percent increase in opium cultivation,” Rozoff said.


Afghan drug war debacle: Blair said smashing opium trade was a major reason to invade but 10 years on heroin production is up from 185 tons a year to 5,800

30th March 2012, 02:42 PM
I mean, opium production in Afghanistan what, doubled since the invasion?

I have read that opium production is up 3100% since the invasion and estimates are that 70-90% of the world's total opium supply comes from Afghanistan.

Edit: Ximmy links to 4000% increase since 2001.

Something else to think about, when was the last time you heard about Ron Paul talking about "Eliminating the black budget operations funded by illegal drug money in the CIA" like he did in this video? He used to talk about it all the time, and the govt clearly still has a heavy monetary interest in illegal drugs - so why does Ron no longer talk about it?

I love Ron and his message but it's just not adding up to me right now.

30th March 2012, 03:45 PM
If he talked about everything it would just freak the shit out of the sheeple, they would refer to him as a nut case (which he doesn't need right now)

I remember a video where he did acknowledge the 911 coverup yet he doesn't speak of it.

30th March 2012, 06:21 PM
was that Abe Foxman himself asking a question in the audience? wtf?

30th March 2012, 07:26 PM
If he talked about everything it would just freak the shit out of the sheeple, they would refer to him as a nut case (which he doesn't need right now)

I remember a video where he did acknowledge the 911 coverup yet he doesn't speak of it.

This is it, TNE.

And his family has been threatened before, unless I'm much mistaken he has mentioned it before.

31st March 2012, 05:55 AM
I watched this again last night.....And I have to ask this question:

What happened to RP?

This was a FIRE breathing Libertarian who wasnt afraid to raise his voice in opposition to ignorance and apathy. This man in this video was ALIVE! Outspoken, LOUD and most of all......Right about the issues.

Now before i get flamed, is it just his age? I know he's 76, so its not like he is in the 'prime' of his life. But this seems to show a completely different side to Dr. Paul, one that may have been neutered somewhere along the way in his political career? I dont know, just spit ballin'......

But lets be honest, people like Larry McDonald and Paul Wellstone didnt have as much 'luck' as Dr. Paul as had with their political careers.

31st March 2012, 07:01 AM
He can't be as loud my goodness he is running for president.

midnight rambler
31st March 2012, 07:05 AM
"Most of these people don't want to be unplugged (from the matrix)...they will fight to protect it."


31st March 2012, 08:03 AM
I watched this again last night.....And I have to ask this question:

What happened to RP?

This was a FIRE breathing Libertarian who wasnt afraid to raise his voice in opposition to ignorance and apathy. This man in this video was ALIVE! Outspoken, LOUD and most of all......Right about the issues.

Now before i get flamed, is it just his age? I know he's 76, so its not like he is in the 'prime' of his life. But this seems to show a completely different side to Dr. Paul, one that may have been neutered somewhere along the way in his political career? I dont know, just spit ballin'......

But lets be honest, people like Larry McDonald and Paul Wellstone didnt have as much 'luck' as Dr. Paul as had with their political careers.

I think Ron Paul has wisdom to choose what he says carefully. He's come a long way against those who would destroy him. I like this quote and hope it's what he's practicing.
“Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill”.

31st March 2012, 12:19 PM
I watched this again last night.....And I have to ask this question:

What happened to RP?

This was a FIRE breathing Libertarian who wasnt afraid to raise his voice in opposition to ignorance and apathy. This man in this video was ALIVE! Outspoken, LOUD and most of all......Right about the issues.

Now before i get flamed, is it just his age? I know he's 76, so its not like he is in the 'prime' of his life. But this seems to show a completely different side to Dr. Paul, one that may have been neutered somewhere along the way in his political career? I dont know, just spit ballin'......

But lets be honest, people like Larry McDonald and Paul Wellstone didnt have as much 'luck' as Dr. Paul as had with their political careers.

It was the Morton Downey Jr show! lol...Probbaly Jesse Bentons decision to have him on there too...lmao...just like how he set up the "Bruno" interview with Kohanim Sacha Baron Cohen

31st March 2012, 02:35 PM
The study also shows a mere 19 acres of land were being used for opium cultivation in 2001, the year the United States invaded Afghanistan. Since then, opium cultivation in Afghanistan has dramatically increased, with 323 acres used for opium growth in 2011.

Could also be some indigenous farmers there who know that local demand rises for opiates once a foreign army invades.

Their only vacation being spent in a desert tent...

1st April 2012, 06:14 AM
It was the Morton Downey Jr show! lol...Probbaly Jesse Bentons decision to have him on there too...lmao...just like how he set up the "Bruno" interview with Kohanim Sacha Baron Cohen

Ah ha......Good analysis......I hadnt seen that angle. Whats with this Jesse Benton character anyway? Why would he even consider doing the 'Bruno' thing? Strictly for publicity with young people? It most certainly didnt help his 'anti gay' detractors....Seems stupid.