View Full Version : Why All Politicians Are Guilty

30th March 2012, 07:43 AM
Courtesy of William Lambard of Lincolnes Inne Gentleman in his 1602 Booke Eirenarcha

two theeves attempted to rob a true man, who fled from them, the one of the theeves followed him in chase, and the other espying another true man in the same high way (but out of the sight of his fellow, theefe) ridde towardes him, and robbed him: and then returneth to his fellow, from whom the first true man had in the

271CAP 7.
The 2. Booke.

Meane while escaped: this was adjudged robbery in both the theeves, Report Crompton: and yet the one of them was neither within the sight of that robberie, nor assented to it: But because they doth came to robbe and (at the same time) this fact was committed by the one, it is worthily to be imputed to the other also.

You see, you don't have to be physically involved in the robberie. You show up with an intent to rob and a robberie happens even though it was committed by others.

This would be a good one to send your congressman.

30th March 2012, 12:26 PM
The history of conspiracy and abuse of legal procedure By Sir Percy Henry Winfield
