View Full Version : Why we don't care

30th March 2012, 10:51 AM
Kind of a long read but very interesting. The race baiters Waterloo? Here's an excerpt...


Why We Don't Care

...The saying goes that generals fight the last war. Obama, and his allies, politically are stuck in the 1960s. Everything for them, is Bull Connor setting police dogs and hoses on peaceful Black civil rights marchers, live on the three networks! But like the Nazi army in late 1942, they seem headed for failure. Not because of the brilliance of their enemies, but because of the fatal but unseen flaws in their own organization.

For the German Army, it was the lack of any real ability to logistically support a mechanized army in the field for any considerable distance. THAT was the reason Adolf Hitler ultimately failed. He inherited a magnificent military machine, whose NCOs to General Staff were superb.

Obama has seemingly fixated on the sad case of a Mestizo man, born to a Peruvian mother, and adopted by a Jewish man in Florida, who shot a 17 year old Black boy in a town near Orlando Florida, in what police ruled self-defense. Latinos are on notice, when they get into conflicts with Blacks, they are “White” (which is to say, automatically guilty). The media is in a 24/7 Trayvon Martin frenzy, with old photos of Martin from age 12-13, not his more recent Facebook photos flashing gang signs, and old photos of George Zimmerman age 20, looking like a fat thug, not a leaner guy in a suit and tie. The media frenzy is to whip up Black violence, for its own sake, to intimidate and create fear among Whites, as emotional payback, and also to create an image of 1965 and Bull Connor. A failed attempt if ever there was one. President Barack Dinkins? Crown Heights?...

30th March 2012, 05:31 PM
...The saying goes that generals fight the last war. Obama, and his allies, politically are stuck in the 1960s.

Should I read the whole thing after reading this line? Stuck in the 60's? They are playing their part of the plan. Obummer's allies? Shouldn't that read handlers, puppet masters, nut sack holders?

30th March 2012, 06:13 PM
Should I read the whole thing after reading this line? Stuck in the 60's? They are playing their part of the plan. Obummer's allies? Shouldn't that read handlers, puppet masters, nut sack holders?

Nah, I'll give you the last paragraph.

...White swing voters cannot be made to care about Trayvon Martin, because they are scared, for the most part, even if they won’t admit it in public. Too much push and they’ll start admitting it. Too much reflexive intimidation, in the Chicago Way, and they’ll push back. Obama might plan a Self-Coup, but he’ll find if he goes that route, he’s no Fujimori...

30th March 2012, 06:21 PM
Nah, I'll give you the last paragraph.

...White swing voters cannot be made to care about Trayvon Martin, because they are scared, for the most part, even if they won’t admit it in public. Too much push and they’ll start admitting it. Too much reflexive intimidation, in the Chicago Way, and they’ll push back. Obama might plan a Self-Coup, but he’ll find if he goes that route, he’s no Fujimori...

Wow what a rambling piece of crappy diatribe. White people are scared? If white people are pushed to hard they will admit they are scared? Scared of what? I hope I am missing something that white folks are supposed to be scared about that was written in the whole article. I still cannot bring myself to read the thing. My guess would be that white folks are scared of being called racist.

Thanks for posting the last paragraph.

30th March 2012, 07:00 PM
You're welcome. White swing voters are scared. The article seems to be saying that they are scared of the prevalent black violence the permeates our land and if they get pushed too far they might push back cause they ain't got no more place to run to like they did when white flight could solve that issue...I ain't no swing voter in fact I may never vote again and I ain't scared either. tater grew up as one of those white folk that got left behind when white flight was all the rage, a po ass cracka. The thing I come away with is that everybody is getting to know/finding out what tater knew as a kid and they ain't gonna have no place to run. They're gonna have to learn to push back just like tater did...one thing though, these feral thugs are way more violent than when I grew up.

General of Darkness
30th March 2012, 07:17 PM
Wow what a rambling piece of crappy diatribe. White people are scared? If white people are pushed to hard they will admit they are scared? Scared of what? I hope I am missing something that white folks are supposed to be scared about that was written in the whole article. I still cannot bring myself to read the thing. My guess would be that white folks are scared of being called racist.

Thanks for posting the last paragraph.

I'm with Osoab on this, and this is how I feel about things. These fucking nogs are calling down the thunder.


30th March 2012, 07:52 PM
I don't know about y'all but I've seen scared white folk and I've seen plenty of em too. I ain't got a lot of faith in my brethren if you will. Y'all might be stand up not take any shit but you ain't my neighbors. I can depend on a few select family and that's about it. I've seen white folk eat shit sandwiches before, crust and all. Have you seen this crazy ass gal calling down the thunder? Video at the link...


30th March 2012, 08:07 PM
I don't know what to say tater, I saw three black people today in Safeway, I can only imagine if I saw them all the time, lucky for me I am in Ca. and most of the Mexicans here are on our side, mostly White Mexicans. ;)

30th March 2012, 08:23 PM
I don't know what to say tater, I saw three black people today in Safeway, I can only imagine if I saw them all the time, lucky for me I am in Ca. and most of the Mexicans here are on our side, mostly White Mexicans. ;)

Oh, we'll be fine. Arkansas has pretty decent gun laws and I got a getaway in the Ozarks iffin I just have to run...

General of Darkness
30th March 2012, 08:28 PM
Oh, we'll be fine. Arkansas has pretty decent gun laws and I got a getaway in the Ozarks iffin I just have to run...

Who the fuck is tater? Flat_Tire wants to know.

30th March 2012, 08:33 PM
Who the fuck is tater? Flat_Tire wants to know.

Don't now go starting on a witch hunt, GoM (General of Magnes)

Folks ought to be able to post without that attention, imo.

That being said, race does not supersede our personal liberties and rights to defend them.

I don't care what race you are, but if you try to harm me or my loved ones...we all have the right to defend that. Regardless of race. Let MSN and the media have their field day. Come to my home to cause harm, reality will waiting.

30th March 2012, 08:35 PM
Who the fuck is tater? Flat_Tire wants to know.

Tell Flat-Tire that tater is that fella with Filas and not those skinny lil Dobies...

General of Darkness
30th March 2012, 08:45 PM
Don't now go starting on a witch hunt, GoM (General of Magnes)

Folks ought to be able to post without that attention, imo.

That being said, race does not supersede our personal liberties and rights to defend them.

I don't care what race you are, but if you try to harm me or my loved ones...we all have the right to defend that. Regardless of race. Let MSN and the media have their field day. Come to my home to cause harm, reality will waiting.

LMMFWAO, Pete I just asked a question and all of a sudden someone dumped a ton of sand in you pussy. AHAHAHAHAHA

30th March 2012, 08:48 PM
LMMFWAO, Pete I just asked a question and all of a sudden someone dumped a ton of sand in you pussy. AHAHAHAHAHA

Dude, I just had a ball breaking 12 hour work day...damn, muscles I didn't know exist, ache.

Forgive me, my friend. :)

Hope to see you in a couple of weeks.

General of Darkness
30th March 2012, 08:49 PM
Tell Flat-Tire that tater is that fella with Filas and not those skinny lil Dobies...

Dunno what my dogs have to do with your answer, but I do know that my skinny lil dobies will put your ass in the emergency room faster than some slow ass mastiff variant. You like apples? How about them apples?

30th March 2012, 08:58 PM
Dunno what my dogs have to do with your answer, but I do know that my skinny lil dobies will put your ass in the emergency room faster than some slow ass mastiff variant. You like apples? How about them apples?

I was just attempting to let you know that I've been reading the threads and that I knew you were Flat-Tire. I wasn't trying to insult you or your dogs dumbass! I done told y'all tater ain't scared so stab somebody else's dick.

30th March 2012, 09:03 PM

I believe dumbass ^^^ is the crux of this discussion. Carry on good men.

General of Darkness
30th March 2012, 09:05 PM
I was just attempting to let you know that I've been reading the threads and that I knew you were Flat-Tire. I wasn't trying to insult you or your dogs dumbass! I done told y'all tater ain't scared so stab somebody else's dick.

Hey it's Friday night, we're just having a conversations. Mi se rasgovaramo. It's all good. :)

General of Darkness
30th March 2012, 09:09 PM
I believe dumbass ^^^ is the crux of this discussion. Carry on good men.

Solid, this is for you.


30th March 2012, 09:10 PM
Dunno what my dogs have to do with your answer, but I do know that my skinny lil dobies will put your ass in the emergency room faster than some slow ass mastiff variant. You like apples? How about them apples?


30th March 2012, 09:42 PM
Solid, this is for you.

Fortunately, my balls are the only part of my body that doesn't ache right now.

The title of this thread, is why we don't care.

I don't give a shit right now. Piss off, General!