View Full Version : Consider yourself 'conservative'? You must be cognitively challenged.

midnight rambler
31st March 2012, 09:26 AM
aka not so bright.

New research provides evidence that, when under time pressure or otherwise cognitively impaired, people are more likely to express conservative views.


However the really, really smart people know where to dig for gold (see my avatar).

31st March 2012, 10:11 AM
The liberals were the ones who wanted to split off from England and King George lo these many moons past. Somehow the liberals of the past generations have morphed into the conservatives of the present. Along the same lines as the Federalists who could speak of nothing but Nationalist policies but then they got first choice at the name. The REAL Federalists couldn't take what was left (Nationalists) so they instead called themselves Anti-Federalists and argued against their own policies.

31st March 2012, 10:14 AM
palani NAILED it......

The real true Liberal revolution was one of intellectual, moral and spiritual powers. And the first real true Liberal was none other than.......Thomas Jefferson.

And now the definition of a conservative is any politician who wants to conserve the present system of ROBBERY.

31st March 2012, 10:57 AM
palani NAILED it......
fed·er·al (fdr-l, fdrl)
1. Of, relating to, or being a form of government in which a union of states recognizes the sovereignty of a central authority while retaining certain residual powers of government.

2. Of or constituting a form of government in which sovereign power is divided between a central authority and a number of constituent political units.

3. Of or relating to the central government of a federation as distinct from the governments of its member units.

4. Favorable to or advocating federation: The senator's federal leanings were well known.

5. Relating to or formed by a treaty or compact between constituent political units.

"one devoted to his nation," 1715, from national in a now obsolete sense of "patriotic" (1711), from nation (q.v.).

The real true Liberal revolution was one of intellectual, moral and spiritual powers. And the first real true Liberal was none other than.......Thomas Jefferson.

And now the definition of a conservative is any politician who wants to conserve the present system of ROBBERY.

Agree on both counts.

31st March 2012, 01:06 PM
I define liberal and conservative as the tendency of the political party to apply governmental power toward any particular situation. Liberals apply it liberally, while consevatives "conserve" governmental power until it's really needed.

By this yardstick, both modern political parties in the U.S. are liberal as hell... :(

31st March 2012, 02:14 PM
By this yardstick, both modern political parties in the U.S. are liberal as hell... :(

Suffering from a fully statist stint.

31st March 2012, 02:23 PM
I define liberal and conservative as the tendency of the political party to apply governmental power toward any particular situation. Liberals apply it liberally, while consevatives "conserve" governmental power until it's really needed.

By this yardstick, both modern political parties in the U.S. are liberal as hell... :(
My definition is that "conservative" refers to keeping the status quo, whatever it is (slow social change). "Liberal" means revolution or radical change away from the status quo (fast social change).

As you can see, it is a relative rather than absolute distinction.

31st March 2012, 02:33 PM
i would say that my values have not changed but my awareness of crime has changed and my country's government has changed.

i am not conservative across the board. i don't identify with Rush Limbaugh. i do support workers and think it's very worthwhile to protect the environment we live in from corporate trashing.

one of the best statements i've seen, about 5 lines, was about Anarchy, on the TV show Sons of Anarchy. i will see if i can dig it up. i would have to get my home network re-set-up so i can access Netflix Streaming. not a priority but i will get around to it.

because the State has become so Evil, and so Anarchistic/ Fascistic - where the Corzines of the world are allowed to commit any crime they want - I am also libertarian & anarchist.

31st March 2012, 02:41 PM
i would say that my values have not changed but my awareness of crime has changed

Strange thing about values, most think they are instilled from the outside.

Santorum is the modern epitome of this crime of "instillation".