View Full Version : Los Angeles Riots
31st March 2012, 03:38 PM
I opened this thread as a reminder, because of this case.
@no_limit_nigga (
ONE HOUR COMPILATION , examples, 44:00, two white men beaten shot dead, random.
UPDATES/EDITS to videos removed.
BANNED by youtube.
White guy wanders into black neighborhood, gets beaten & stripped by black mob! (
This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube's policy on
shocking and disgusting content (
Backup for now. [ REMOVED BY YOUTUBE AGAIN, they swarm the guy, beat him,
rob him, after pretending to be friendly with him, they strip him naked, down for
the count ]
REMOVED AGAIN, 3rd time.
NEW SOURCE, smoking gun has a video on their site.
Second Video Shows Brutal Gang Attack On Tourist Outside Baltimore Courthouse | The Smoking Gun (
Crowd Beats, Strips & Robs Tourist On St. Patrick’s Day; Incident Caught On Camera
THE BEGINNING, of the above video above removed, not complete.
Alternate source, still up.
Stay away from packs.
YouTube is removing these videos, and by doing that
setting up more naive victims, like in the video, a naive
person. Everyone is in on the attack. That tells you something.
Book found this blog, it's being updated, this guy did all the police work.
31st March 2012, 06:03 PM
When I was driving truck the company I drove for would send me down into south central LA. A lot of drivers would refuse to go there but I didn't know any better so I'd go down there and pick up or deliver loads and some of them were high value. The other drivers I talked to said it was a shit hole and dangerous.
After watching these videos I'm thinkin I was'nt packin near enough ammunition when I'd go down there. SOB's
31st March 2012, 06:22 PM
Backup for now.
He got off easy, lucky man
General of Darkness
31st March 2012, 08:03 PM
It's only hate when whitey does it.
31st March 2012, 08:06 PM
After watching these videos I'm thinkin I was'nt packin near enough ammunition when I'd go down there. SOB's
I think I'll forever be haunted by homicide scenes. They are like this, the whole neighborhood drops in for a visit. It's not like what you see on tv.
Twisted Titan
31st March 2012, 10:47 PM
Koreans showed off their Maritial Arts skill quite well.
Gun Fu
1st April 2012, 06:44 AM
Koreans showed off their Maritial Arts skill quite well.
Gun Fu
They used a fairly recent Korean technique called...
ching ching pow
1st April 2012, 06:56 AM
in about March 2001 I went to a protest of the stolen pResidential election at the Academy Awards.
it used to be held at the Masonic Temple near USC.
we got there EARLY - before the star-watchers - and set up on the 50 yard line, right across from the entrance to the theater.
I parked about a half mile south. which was about a mile north of Florence & Normandie. i made it a point to go there, just wanted to see what it looked like. mostly warehouses & vacant lots, nobody around.
1st April 2012, 07:21 AM
That happened on the way to the bottom of the great depression of the 1990's that was postponed
1st April 2012, 07:30 AM
I told this story on GIM (I think).
Two cousins of mine visited from Germany in 1992. I did not know they were arriving until a few days later. They arrived the night the riots started. No one told them a thing. To set it up a bit, this was during the time that European television was really villanizing the US and US race relations.
So they rent a car, and they drive out of LAX. They see people running around, looting, fires, etc. It was exactly as they would have expected based on German news reports at that time! They were pretty scared, but stopped and took a few pictures. They go to a freeway and got the heck out of there.
1st April 2012, 07:46 AM
I told this story on GIM (I think).
Two cousins of mine visited from Germany in 1992. I did not know they were arriving until a few days later. They arrived the night the riots started. No one told them a thing. To set it up a bit, this was during the time that European television was really villanizing the US and US race relations.
So they rent a car, and they drive out of LAX. They see people running around, looting, fires, etc. It was exactly as they would have expected based on German news reports at that time! They were pretty scared, but stopped and took a few pictures. They go to a freeway and got the heck out of there.
they are very lucky.
4th April 2012, 03:18 PM
Banned by YouTube again, Book seems to have found the story to it.
Look what happens to this guy, he gets swarmed, robbed, beaten, stripped.
YouTube is removing these videos, they are criminals.
Different video, same event, this guy is an idiot, must watch, his stripping is not shown.
4th April 2012, 04:07 PM
What the fuck is he going after him for without even being in a position to block anything? Now THAT was about the stupidest white guy in the world there... wow dumb fuck. The only thing he didn't deserve was to have his head block the fall, that must have sucked.... dumb fucker. Unarmed, unprepared and stupid enough to think he is going to go get his watch all while there is 2 tribes worth of crap around him. If the guy got his watch I couldn't tell. He did get a free nose job out of the deal though. I don't like watching this shit by any means but when you cry foul don't be asking for it... stupid asshole.
4th April 2012, 05:45 PM
Where that guy fucked up (besides NOT being armed and prepared) was in letting hismelf be surrounded, no matter the reason. If a group, ANY GROUP, but particular a group like that, starts to surround you on all sides, you've fucked up if you dont GTFO ASAP.
4th April 2012, 05:57 PM
My brother and I were 20 and 21 at the time. We packed the car and drove out to Santa Monica to our grandparents' house incase things started heading that way. On the way, we got off the freeway to get some beer. There was a free for all going on at a Circle K, with people of every race grabbing what they could. It was surreal, and eventhough we were heavily armed, we didn't stick around. Also, it was weird being just about the only one on the freeway that night, speeding along at 135mph.
5th April 2012, 04:00 AM
Banned by YouTube again, Book seems to have found the story to it.
Look what happens to this guy, he gets swarmed, robbed, beaten, stripped.
YouTube is removing these videos, they are criminals.
Different video, same event, this guy is an idiot, must watch, his stripping is not shown.
That guy surely didn't help himself, but he sure as fuck didn't deserve what he got.
I'm glad the nearest jungle from me is still and hour and ahalf away...
12th April 2012, 09:32 PM
Crowd Beats, Strips & Robs Tourist On St. Patrick’s Day; Incident Caught On Camera
BALTIMORE (WJZ)– Caught on camera– a tourist being beaten in downtown Baltimore, and instead of helping him, a crowd laughs and steals his belongings.
The video shows a man being punched in the face in downtown Baltimore. You can hear his head hit the pavement near the entrance to Courthouse East.
Instead of helping, people laugh.
Then, the crowd strips him naked and takes his car keys, watch, money and iPhone.
“Not only was he relieved of his property after he was assaulted, but there were a lot of other things done to him that are disturbing to look at, and we want to bring these people to justice,” Monroe said
Police say they’ve gotten leads but made no arrests.
Those who filmed it for fun and posted it for the world to see unwittingly provided cops and prosecutors with the key evidence in this vicious attack.
The victim didn’t even know that such a video existed until a relative watched it online and told him.
After the attack, people bragged about it on camera.
12th April 2012, 09:40 PM
Police say they’ve gotten leads but made no arrests.
::) unbelievable.
18th April 2012, 08:43 PM
Got caught cause of internet, police admit that.
Man arrested in Baltimore St. Patrick's Day beating - (
In the video, a crowd laughs as the victim is punched in the face. The crowd then strips him naked and takes his belongings, including his car keys, watch and phone.
Parsons is charged with assault, robbery and other crimes.
Videotaped beating: Man charged in connection with Baltimore assault and robbery - (,0,5224605.story)
The humiliation of the victim drew attention to the video — which appeared on websites such as the Drudge Report and Huffington Post (, and on CNN ( — and prompted tips that pointed police to Parsons.
Twisted Titan
19th April 2012, 04:33 AM
Its only a petty crime In the eyes of the court.
lawyers will be jumping far and wide to defend him cause this is a star power case
13th July 2013, 10:38 AM
New Black Panther Party Tweets About ‘Street Maneuvers’ Surrounding Zimmerman Verdict: ‘HIGH Chance of Rebellion’ If Acquitted |
( “This Time We’re Going Out To Whitey’s Suburbs and Burning Down HIS Community” | InvestmentWatch (
New Black Panther Party allegedly busing mobs to Sanford, Florida for expected riots (
Media Blackout: Gang Hunts “Whites” In Cincinnati | (
DOJ actively worked to foment Trayvon racial unrest, spending thousands in taxpayer dollars (
The PJ Tatler » Newly Released Documents Detail the Department of Justice’s Role in Organizing Trayvon Martin Protests (
Facebook Won't Remove 'Kill Zimmerman' Page, Delays in Blocking 'Riot for Trayvon' Account (
‘If Zimmerman Get Off, Ima Go Kill a White Boy’: Trayvon Martin Supporters Make Shocking Threats Ahead of Verdict | (
Broward County Sheriff's Office Prepares Zimmerman Verdict Riot Plan (
Zimmerman Could Be Acquitted Friday; Get Ready for Riots, Curfew | Altermedia news U.S.A. (
by James Buchanan
The prosecution made a desperate attempt to add more charges against George Zimmerman including aggravated assault, manslaughter, third degree murder and even child abuse. The child abuse and third degree murder charges were dropped by the judge after the defense attorney, Don West strongly objected, but a lesser charge of manslaughter was added.
The reason the prosecution is doing this is that they know they will lose on the second degree murder charge after the disastrous performance of their witnesses and the fact that they really didn’t have evidence to bring charges against Zimmerman in the first place.
Mark O’Mara will be making the closing remarks for the defense, and he’s already stated that he will argue that if Zimmerman used self defense then he’s innocent of not only second degree murder, but also manslaughter (and presumably any other criminal charges that the prosecution may add on at the last minute).
The all-female jury may feel pressured into making a compromise verdict because of the threats of Black violence.
The prosecution in its closing remarks claimed that Trayvon through “no fault of his own” was shot dead. Excuse me, but did Bernie de la Rionda miss all the pictures of George Zimmerman’s head covered in blood, and the expert testimony that said head injuries are extremely serious and that too many minor concussions or stunnings could be fatal??
The prosecution tried to paint an image of innocent little “St. Trayvon” which of course is much easier after banning the admission of over 600 photographs as well as Twitter messages that show Trayvon to be involved in drug-dealing, illegal gun selling and MMA-style fights.
One thing being left out of all this is that Trayvon really was casing homes for future burglaries. In one of his statements Zimmerman said Trayvon was looking “into homes” in that neighborhood. Near the scene of the altercation, the police found a “slim jim” which in all probability was discarded by Trayvon because he was afraid the police might be coming. A “slim jim” can be used to break into houses or cars.
Also, this was a gated community with BIG neighborhood watch signs. Trayvon had a good idea of who was following him and he knew he had been caught staring into people’s homes (which is why he chose not to keep walking home which is what an innocent person would do –Trayvon didn’t want the Neighborhood Watchman and the police finding out where he lived and who he was).
Add to all that, the fact that Trayvon was caught with women’s jewelry and a burglary tool at his school. As far as I’ve heard the state of Florida never compared that jewelry with reported stolen items in Sanford, Fl. The jury unfortunately has been denied the information about Trayvon with the bag full of jewelry and a burglary tool, which would allow any logical person to quickly connect the dots and rule out Trayvon being some innocent child who is “in heaven” now. The Twitter messages and phone pics strongly suggest that Trayvon is in the other place.
There is a world of difference between Whites and Blacks on this case.
According to many Blacks:
** Trayvon had the right to beat Zimmerman to a pulp for following him.
** Zimmerman approached Trayvon (even though Trayvon is much faster) and
** Zimmmerman started the “fight” (even though all the beating injuries were on Zimmmerman; Zimmerman had no fighting skills, and no short, overweight office worker is going to pick a fight with a tall, muscular street kid).
And now the Blacks are likely going to riot and burn down our cities because one of their street thugs viciously attacked someone, was shot by the victim of the beating in self-defense and the victim of the beating was found innocent of murder charges.
This is why a White nation should NEVER have a large Third World population inside it because they simply aren’t rational.
One reason the Blacks are supporting Trayvon is because many of their kids are violent thugs. If this were a White 17 year old who viciously attacked someone and got shot, White people would still be saying “good riddance” but for Blacks, they think their juvenile delinquent offspring should be allowed to beat up White people with no serious repercussions.
There’s an excellent chance that we will have riots as early as Friday after the announcement of the verdict and curfews imposed on entire cities as happened during the last L.A. riots. The closing remarks by the defense will take place Friday morning starting at 8am East Coast Time. The jury might take as little as an hour or two to deliberate especially if they judge this case by the facts. The Blacks –thanks to Twitter and text-messaging– could start rioting immediately after the jury verdict.
White people need to make sure their guns are loaded and ready in case their neighborhoods are attacked. It’s also a good idea to stock up on groceries in case there’s a curfew. We can thank the dishonest Jewish media for misreporting the news on this case from their earliest national coverage. Riots are good for the ratings of news shows and they’ve done everything they can to cover up the truth and provoke a violent response from the Blacks.
13th July 2013, 01:50 PM
Apparently they didn't want a weekend full of rioting. Weekdays will be better because white people will need to go to work and will make easier targets.
13th July 2013, 07:47 PM
Tempers flare as crowd at courthouse waits for Zimmerman verdict - (,0,3154829.story)
Parents of Zimmerman, Dad and Mom, Mom is " Hispanic " of Peruvian extraction,
Statement of Robert Zimmerman, father
and apparently she is part black, some of this information comes from Zimmerman's own
family. Zimmerman himself was a mentor in the community for young blacks,
that counts for nothing to the Black community organizers, Feds, and Jews Media.
The Jews Media is responsible for all of this nonsense.
This almost worked, I don't think this is legal, as of today the Jury was asking for
more information on manslaughter, this should not have even allowed to be contemplated,
get Zimmerman on manslaughter, jail him, you still have riots possibly. Fail !
Judge allows jury to consider manslaughter in Zimmerman case | The Daily Caller (
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