View Full Version : April 1 Thread - Israel Relinquishes Palestine, Moves to Easter Island

1st April 2012, 05:12 AM
"Israel Confesses to 9-11, Says it was Cheney's Idea"

"Netanyahu promises to be a Good Boy, sends Un-Poisoned Baklava to Ahmadinejad".

Happy April 1, G-S.us'ers ! ;)

1st April 2012, 05:36 AM
In other news
Rev. Al Sharpton says screw Trayvon, I will dedicate the rest of my life fighting for white people and their rights.
Ponce pledges to press the "Thanks" icon on at least 10 posts a day at GSUS for the next 2 decades.

1st April 2012, 06:39 AM
Eric Holder confesses to fast and furious scheme and produces birth certificate of presidents' foreign birth!!

General of Darkness
1st April 2012, 08:09 AM
Obongo admits to not being a citizen .

GoD converts to judaism.

1st April 2012, 01:10 PM
Federal Reserve system closes doors... "We've stolen enough money".

MSM: "We've decided to begin non-biased coverage of Ron Paul's bid for the presidency"

MAGNES: "Skyvike is my new hero, and let's give Mayhem another chance! ...Also, Turkic Mongol Khazars are way cool... they really know how to party down!"

U.S. Congress: "All that imperialistic warmongering stuff was just a joke gone horribly wrong... our foreign policy is returning to the Monroe Doctrine"

GS-US Membership: "Let's re-join GIM2 - can we re-merge the 2 forums?"

Financial Shocker! World economies return to the Gold standard. "No more Fiat!"

1st April 2012, 02:49 PM
Yeah BBC April Fool's DOOOOM!!!!

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/557351_10150619681681262_540096261_9377170_5670185 05_n.jpg

1st April 2012, 03:22 PM
i so admire IsraHell, a peaceful country in the mid-east that embraces Democracy and is a fountain of humanitarian values.

1st April 2012, 03:54 PM

1st April 2012, 03:56 PM
Happy April 1, G-S.us'ers ! ;)

It's our second anniversary here, cheers to every. http://www.punjabigraphics.com/images/1/beer3.gif


Who daaa fools now ?


General of Darkness
1st April 2012, 04:37 PM
It's our second anniversary here, cheers to every. http://www.punjabigraphics.com/images/1/beer3.gif


Who daaa fools now ?


I love how MADFRANKS has a thank there. Oh my goodness.

Twisted Titan
1st April 2012, 06:42 PM
Wow........... looking at some of those names really takes me back.

We lost alot of goodpeople to the memory hole.


I havent thought about GIM1 in ages.

I really miss the people that made that place come alive.

Thank God that GSUS was able to rise from those ashes

Twisted Titan
1st April 2012, 06:45 PM
Oh yeah my April Fools:

ATF announces that it will do door to door searches to make sure there is at least One Rifle, Pistol and Shotgun in every home.

1st April 2012, 07:31 PM
Home -> News -> BREAKING: Barack Obama Declares He Will NOT Seek Second Term

BREAKING: Barack Obama Declares He Will NOT Seek Second Term

by Ulsterman on April 1, 2012 with 9 Comments in News

Entire administration in chaos…Democratic Party apologizes to America…

Ah, we can dream can’t we? ;)


6 hours ago by Ulsterman in News | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


2nd April 2012, 05:08 AM
b a c k 2 r e a l i t y