View Full Version : White Plains, NY - The Chamberlain Case - WTF is Going On ?!

1st April 2012, 05:53 AM
Chamberlain was a 68 year old black man, retired marine & prison guard, with a Med-Alert bracelet.

the Med-Alert went off, sent a false positive - he was actually OK.

Family called police, said, "he's OK, he's OK".

10 to 12 police came anyway.

Allegedly, Chamberlain defended his home with an axe, which the police took away.

Allegedly, he grabbed a butcher knife. He was tased & shot dead - by the police. Well, at least he doesn't have a heart problem anymore.

Check out the coverage on Jew-Run website Common Dreams, Reporter Abby Zimet -

More coverage in local NY papers -

Saturation coverage of the Chamberlain incident. Or should we call it, the White Plains SWAT team incident.

Sending a SWAT team to deal with a guy who is thought to have a heart problem ?!





Besides the fact that the White Plains paper is using this incident to sell lots of ads - I say the Chamberlain family should get a 50% cut of all the ads sold in conjunction with articles about their father's death - I am just left with a big question mark.

The original incident happened about November 20, 2011.

1st April 2012, 08:39 AM
They had to respond for his safety.

General of Darkness
1st April 2012, 08:46 AM
The more you're "connected" to the system the more you're putting your life into someone else s hands.

One thing is for sure, the system rarely works in YOUR interests.

1st April 2012, 09:15 AM
They hated him for his freedoms.

midnight rambler
1st April 2012, 09:31 AM
Dial 911 and DIE.

1st April 2012, 12:16 PM
Dial 911 and DIE.

"Kenny Randolph listened from his apartment across the hall. “They put fear in his heart,” he says. “It wasn’t a crime scene until they made it one.” "



The string of events that night sounds prosaic, a who-cares accumulation of little mistakes and misapprehensions. Cumulatively, though, it is like tumbling down the stairs. Somehow the uncle, Kenneth Chamberlain Sr., a former Marine who had heart problems and wheezed if he walked more than 40 feet, triggered his medical alert system pendant. The system operator came on the loudspeaker in his one-bedroom apartment, asking: “Mr. Chamberlain, are you O.K.?” All of this is recorded.

Mr. Chamberlain didn’t respond. So the operator signaled for an ambulance. Police patrol cars fell in behind — standard operating procedure in towns across America. Except an hour later, even as Mr. Chamberlain insisted he was in good health, the police had snapped the locks on the apartment door.

They fired electric charges from Tasers, and beanbags from shotguns. Then they said they saw Mr. Chamberlain grab a knife, and an officer fired his handgun.

Boom! Boom! Mr. Chamberlain’s niece Tonyia Greenhill, who lives upstairs, recalls the echoes ricocheting about the hall. She pushed out a back door and ran into the darkness beneath overarching oaks. He lay on the floor near his kitchen, two bullet holes in his chest, blood pooling thick, dying.

It makes sense to be humble in the presence of conflicting accounts. The White Plains public safety commissioner declared this a “warranted use of deadly force”; the shooter was later put on modified assignment. Mr. Chamberlain, in the commissioner’s telling, had withstood electric charges, grabbed a butcher knife and charged the officers.

The alert system phone in Mr. Chamberlain’s apartment recorded most of the standoff, as did a security camera in the hall. And the officers’ Tasers carried video recorders.

Last month, the Westchester County district attorney played these for the dead man’s son, Kenneth Chamberlain Jr., who teaches martial arts for a local nonprofit organization and intends to file a lawsuit. He is lithe, with a shaved head, and takes pride in a reasoned manner. “My family, we’re not into histrionics,” he says. “We don’t run down the street inciting riot.”

His voice cracks, though, as he describes the tapes. “I heard fear,” he says. “In my 45 years on this earth, I never heard my father sound like that.”

The district attorney will present the case to a grand jury and has not released transcripts. But the family’s recollection matches that of neighbors who listened through closed doors.

They say officers taunted Mr. Chamberlain. He shouted: “Semper fi,” the Marine Corps motto. The police answered with loud shouts of “Hoo-rah!” Another officer, the niece says, said he wanted to pee in Mr. Chamberlain’s bathroom.

Someone, the niece and neighbors say, yelled a racial epithet at the door. Black and white officers were present.

Kenny Randolph listened from his apartment across the hall. “They put fear in his heart,” he says. “It wasn’t a crime scene until they made it one.”

the Police in America are so out of control - at the local & federal level. probably at the state & county level too, though i have less experience with bad cops there.

in my town and in White Plains and tens of thousands of other towns, cities, and counties.

i'm getting re-called for Jury Duty in July.

i was planning to ask the Judge if it's OK to talk about Jury Nullification. i'm pretty sure this will get me an instant dismissal.

one of these days, there will be another cop-killer case. and the jury will have one or more members who have witnessed police violence, and they will cut the cop-killer extra slack.

it's probably already happened.

one of the guys at the gym is a retired cop. i mentioned "abuse of power under color of authority" to his wife. she was completely dismissive, like, "that never happens".