View Full Version : Drake: INSIDER Claims Mass Arrests of Globalists, Bankers, Elite

1st April 2012, 05:54 PM
Drake: INSIDER Claims Mass Arrests of Globalists, Bankers, Elite - David Wilcock


This is a very long interview but worht the listen. This guy Drake who is speaking is ostensiby a principle in a clandestine operation to reinstitute Constitutional government in America, all done lawfully and "by the book." Not being a lawyer, I'm having difficulty believing or wrapping my head around this. Apparently, this will constitute a total legal-political reset to pre-1812 Constitutional Common Law United States. The present government U.S.A. Inc, a corporation owned by the private corporation Federal Reserve Bank will be deposed and hundreds or thousands of their operatives will be arrested, tried and sentences executed. Martial law will be averted. Drake says that the military has been informed and will support this operation under their Constitutional oath. The actual arrests will be implemented by Federal Marshalls.

I invite comment from members here, expecially the legal eagles.

Here is Drake's [cryptic] biography posted at 'their' website: http://www.freedomreigns.us/Our_Team.html


It has come to my attention that a lot of people want to know who I am. I will offer a part of the base of what I know without endangering myself or others. The basis of the knowledge I hold is extraordinary in its scope (content and reach) and those whom I am in contact with.
Not being willing to take anyone's word for it, I went behind the scenes and found who 'they' were talking to. This involves most of the 'news' web sites many are familiar with, credible or not.

My military service includes nuclear weapons, very high security clearances, and Vietnam. Most of the "incidents" from this time forward, I was involved in at some level, major, minor, and local. I started in the field of information in the late nineties and progressed from that time forward. I use a portion of the old cold war spy network, people in several sensitive positions, and those who agree to pass along info no one else gets. There are several contact avenues that also offer info, military, political and citizen eyes. In all, an extreme information highway.

The validity of what I've sent out has been the best at the time, almost all of which was verifiable. And yes, I was called on to prove a lot of it at first. This was not an easy task and caused me to be able to protect and out the info at the same time, I learned how.

Forces in the main stream media took most of what I offered and called it everything but true, and I was a nightmare head case trying to cause problems through the use of my imagination, and the internet...

Those who own the media control its content, most of which is questionable at best...I know, because I was directly involved in a few of those 'international and local incidents' that were reported as something else altogether...So I have first hand knowledge of this.
I have been a patriot since taking my oath of service in the 60's. I had always been raised to be a patriot, but that oath haunted me all the time...until I decided I would start taking action.
The present information I have shared comes from a plan I was privileged to read some years ago. To date it has been in the works well over twenty (20) years. Many old fashioned old timers knew better than the direction our country was headed, even way back then, so they started writing the plan. It deals with offering the basic freedoms our country was founded on, and how to return to that freedom.

My research extends into a lot of law, application, and the origin of law itself. The offerings used in the manner in which I stated them to be used, when used correctly, I never lost. This includes local, state, federal, and international applications.

A group of individual people in individual states, has completed the paperwork that sets our nation free.
It is my hope that we all can keep our freedom this time...that is up to We The People.
The extent of the information offered on the recording is, at this time, the limit I use to protect the many who are involved in our efforts. If anyone who reads this believes that freedom can still be available, then I urge all those to play the recording to others of a like mind.

A qualified person does not have to be a rocket scientist. Try finding someone who is so honest it hurts to be around them. A person who knows the meaning of right and wrong according to their conscience...and who listens to it. In order to start to turn things around, it will take as many people as possible to stand up in any way they can. Put together groups all over our country at the local level. Get everyone to know each other and look into using your group to put the right kind of people in office.

Who am I to speak and by what authority do I do so?

It is each persons constitutional 'duty' to remove a repressive government...the present one qualifies.
I feel a moral obligation to stop the theft so hungry children in our own country of plenty, can eat.
It ain't doing this for me.
It is for my children and grandchildren, because their future hangs in the balance...
I feel it is the least I can do for them.
As one voice in the wilderness...I CRY FREEDOM...!


midnight rambler
1st April 2012, 06:01 PM
I'm all in favor of such a thing, but it sounds 'too good to be true'.

1st April 2012, 06:02 PM
Yeah I heard this the other day. It's something I wish I could believe, but it's from David Wilcock. This is no different than Benjamin Fulford and his ninjas. This is the one thing I completely hope I'm wrong on, but David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford say a lot of garbage that never comes to pass.

Humanity will roll over and die. We will not be saved.

I posted Benjamin Fulford's latest interview on my YouTube channel a few weeks ago:


1st April 2012, 06:38 PM
Like my father always said, "if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. This is along the lines of Sam Kennedy, Sam "I Am" Davis and Tim Turner's Restore America Plan. Time will tell.

1st April 2012, 07:01 PM

:D where have we heard this before?

1st April 2012, 07:40 PM

I'm an old fuddy duddy I guess...but hope springs eternal. Something is afoot on the planet. I don't care if it is Turner, or if it is Ret. General Schwassinger, or Martin Luther King's widow.

Here are my 4 questions.

1) Who left the barn door open for all this unimaginable, breaking all land speed records accumulation of global debt?

2) To what end?

3) Why are all these "people/fiduciaries" resigning?
(The statistics I've found most credible are the stats which come from INDEPENDENT 3rd party researchers examining required stockholder quarterly 8Q's and 10Kfilings, uploaded for public viewing, on EDGAR aggregated quarter over quarter. These have been reported, are confirmable, and they've taken enormous jumps statistically, indicating a powerful trend, which is significantly increasing and chartable. By anyone.)

4) Who would it have to be saying these things for me and Helen to believe they were speaking truthfully?

I don't have the answer to Mamboni's question.

But I listened to all 2hrs 56mins. So, I'm seeking for truth, and hope to God on THE Throne that I'll recognize its resonance if and when I hear it.

I'm looking for a credible voice. They are hard to discern.


1st April 2012, 07:53 PM

Great questions. I don't have the answers. But I still have hope. I also listened to all 2 hrs. and 56 min. some of it twice. And i do agree . . . something is afoot.


1st April 2012, 09:07 PM
Until it dosnt happen it is happening................



1st April 2012, 09:17 PM
"Yes Mr. President. We'll go pick up
that Bernanke jew right now Sir"

::) silliest thread here in a long time...lol.

1st April 2012, 09:43 PM
"Yes Mr. President. We'll go pick up
that Bernanke jew right now Sir"

::) silliest thread here in a long time...lol.

You're one smug sonofabitch, aren't you?

1st April 2012, 10:40 PM
The "it's too good to be true" reasoning isn't reasoning at all. It's simply a pattern recognition function to make our lives easier in a stagnant environment. It's a buffer. It allows us to absorb the impacts of the real world without getting rattled to the core by everything we see and here.

The downside from it making our lives easier and keeping us insulated is that it precludes us from really changing course, rapidly growing, or being flexible. As a child you can do all those things, but you don't have maturity and discernment. As an adult you gain those things, but many times you lose the flexibility, belief, and hope.

2nd April 2012, 01:34 AM
::) silliest thread here in a long time...lol.
There was an almost identical thread not long ago, that you commented almost the same way... But I agree, there is nothing behind this made up story!O0

Large Sarge
2nd April 2012, 06:00 AM

I was thinking on this scenario last night.

I find it plausible, if for only a few reasons (want to clarify I am not endorsing this, etc)

1. some mid level folks put enough of the puzzle together, i.e. reduce world population by 85%, and the remaining folks are all slaves. These same mid level folks have kids, possibly grandkids involved, and realized what the future held for their progeny.
2. The mid level folks got some coercion or enticement, possibly from outside sources, and have decided to rat out the higher ups (similar to a police sting operation), you tell me who your supplier of drugs are, and you get no time in jail.

likely other scenarios I am missing, but those 2 came to mind, protecting your family, and keeping yourself out of a cage

2nd April 2012, 06:36 AM
this reminds me of the movie, "Instinct".

Anthony Hopkins plays an anthropologist who lives with a group of gorillas. when some poachers come, he kills 2 or 3 of the poachers. is brought up on murder charges - when in his mind, he was defending his family.

Cuba Gooding gets to play the Shrink whose job it is to convince the Hopkins character to speak.

Although it was brought to us by the same people who try to take away our freedoms, and to channel our thinking within bounds that they control, it is still a good movie - makes you think about what really is freedom, vs. the illusion of freedom, vs. control.

because the conversion of America to a full-on police state was gradual, now that we wake up and find ourselves living in a full-on police state, the natural reaction to such a condition is sometimes muted by fear - along with the fact that it's illegal to talk about how to remove the cancer.

2nd April 2012, 07:10 AM
Apparently, this will constitute a total legal-political reset to pre-1812 Constitutional Common Law United States. There is no single "law" in existence. There is only Law. "law" might be administered by professionals for the benefit of the general public while Law is what you carry with you at all times. It could be said to be what keeps you from killing people or robbing banks (I don't do either because they are against my policy). "law" seldom aligns identically with Law. If you agree to it then it could be said to be in alignment and you are completely in synch with societal laws. Any moral "person" will balk at doing some of the things society permits them to do.

It is each persons constitutional 'duty' to remove a repressive government...the present one qualifies. Inside yourself State and Government are merged as one. If you chose to be irresponsible or incompetent you assign your governmental functions to a third party "representative". This third party government is the one everyone has a problem with. But then you are only obligated to be regulated when you volunteer (voter registration, licensed privileges, social security, marriage license). Don't agree with this third party representative government? Just leave and perform your own governmental functions again. Nobody holds a gun to your head to make you participate. Says it right there in the Declaration of Independence: Governments derive their authority from the consent of the governed.

2nd April 2012, 07:52 AM

Did you happen to notice that Drake is closely associated with Teri Hinkle? Which means Jackie Smith? So is Drake "Guam?" Sure sounded like him, after all those "talkshoe Q&As" of not so long ago.
Drake aka Guam has been "on the scene" and ignored and disbelieved. Nothing new here. He's been active on several freedom forums, including God Like Productions, where he has been outted and cornered and revealed as a glory hound, many many times.

I heard Drake utter several veiled references to what sounded like SamIAM Davis now residing in federal prison for his shennigans and teachings of how to avoid tickets and stuff. He was caught siphoning money off for himself in an FBI moneylaundering sting.

This "miracle making freedom filing with the Hague" stuff is the same game plan Turner pulled off first no less, in last 24mo. In fact I thought I was listening to a Turner clone.

Guam is definitely on an ego trip.

Some parts of the story he droned on and on about last night sounded plausible, I'll give him that. But that is the way deception is...find a couple plausible themes, build the psy-ops from there.

But it was a Drake ego centric tale, not some official version any thinking man would swallow nor follow with his wife and kids. THe only thing missing was the "offering plate."

Is it not interesting that Drake was "popped onto the scene by accident" acc'd to him, and vetted by another Area 51 sensationalist. If this is what this faction is going to use for "credible"...they/he missed. Then, on cue, the phrase always comes out, "I can't talk about it or folks will die."

Well, here's a news flash, Drake...folks have been dying, by the thousands, yes even since his "5-inch stack of papers in 1979 or thereabouts..." starting point for his particular "rendition." The good guys "with the freedom plan" letting folks die in the thousands, or the bad guys killing them off by the thousands...looks to me like it's potato/po-TAAHto from the bleachers nosebleed section viewpoint.

I go back to my 4 questions. This guy didn't help nor answer any of them.

Mess up my TV programming with the always promised announcements and then you'll probably get my attention. I'll also be suspicious and resentful because it will be "re-education" only using electronic media for the brainwashing.

By the end of the 3rd hour when Drake obviously ran out of steam because his scripted patter was exhausted, he unraveled and crumpled like a cheap suit, engaging in mine is bigger than yours fish tale swapping with the show host, and suddenly left the stage like Superman jumping off the nearest rooftop.

Your thoughts?


2nd April 2012, 08:36 AM
To defeat our evil overlords, they first must be uncovered for all to see. Stealth can be used against them as well.


2nd April 2012, 06:54 PM
Recent interview with Sean Stone. Sean kept mentioning Wilcock and Fulford, so I had to post this:




2nd April 2012, 06:55 PM

Yes, I did see the connection with Teri Hinkley. Also Jacklyn Smith is promoting this. Sam Davis came to mind, as well as the Hague filings. What power does the Hague have in our domestic affairs? Zero, I believe. Very early in the interview I began to see red flags.

Another thing that bothered me was the way he stumbled and stammered when asked about the duties of the U. S. Marshal's Service. Their primary function is serving the Federal Court system. The guy completely showed his ignorance there.

This all sounds way too familiar. Perhaps a few new twists and perhaps some valid information.

All in all I am not sold on his "plan".


4-1-12 More Information from Drake and Company… MP3s
Posted on April 1, 2012

Today on the Freedom Reigns radio show (called the Freedomizer Radio Show), Drake and his group presented more information on what is going on currently. Drake appears in the first 60 minutes (Parts 1 & 2), and answers questions from readers and chat rooms during the call.

Go here to get the links……
