View Full Version : Md. woman(Leroyetta) won't share $105M lotto jackpot with McD's co-workers

General of Darkness
2nd April 2012, 07:52 AM
A Haitian immigrant for that matter. Maybe she'll be a future president.

Md. woman won't share $105M lotto jackpot with McD's co-workers

* Pool gal: $105M is all mine (http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/what_mega_mess_wHA9HVdfxA1VDSqWn58KtJ)

Last Updated: 9:46 AM, April 2, 2012
Posted: 2:02 AM, April 2, 2012

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Mega Millions mania has plunged a Maryland McDonald’s into a bubbling cauldron of controversy hotter than a deep-fried apple pie.

Workers at the fast-food joint who pooled their cash for tickets are furious at a colleague who claims she won with a ticket she bought for herself and has no intention of sharing.

“We had a group plan, but I went and played by myself. [The ‘winning’ ticket] wasn’t on the group plan,” McDonald’s “winner’’ Mirlande Wilson 37, told The Post yesterday, insisting she alone bought one of the three tickets nationwide that will split a record $656 million payout.
http://www.nypost.com/rw/nypost/2012/04/02/news/web_photos/02.1n005.megamillions.c--300x300.jpg William Farrington
MONEY TROUBLES: Mirlande Wilson (above) claims she purchased a winning Mega Millions ticket for herself and won’t share it with co-workers in her pool, including Davon Wilson and Suleiman Osman Husein.

http://www.nypost.com/rw/nypost/2012/04/02/news/web_photos/02.1n005.megamillions2.c--300x300.jpg William Farrington
MONEY TROUBLES: Mirlande Wilson claims she purchased a winning Mega Millions ticket for herself and won’t share it with co-workers in her pool, including Davon Wilson and Suleiman Osman Husein (above, from left).

see more videos (http://www.nypost.com/video)

“I was in the group, but this was separate. The winning ticket was a separate ticket,” the single mother of seven said as she and her fiancé left her home in the squalid Westport neighborhood to attend church.

The Haitian immigrant refused to show what she said was the winning ticket, claiming she had it hidden in another location and would present it to lottery officials today.

Pressed as the day went on, she became more cagey.

“I don’t know if I won. Some of the numbers were familiar. I recognized some of [them],’’ she said. “I don’t know why’’ people are saying differently. “I’m going to go to the lottery office [today]. I bought some tickets separately.”

With winning tickets also sold in Illinois and Kansas, a single Maryland winner would get an after-tax lump sum of $105 million, or $5.59 million a year for 26 years.
If Wilson won, and if it was with a pooled work ticket, the situation would be shockingly similar to that of New Jersey lottery louse Americo Lopes, who tried to screw five former colleagues after hitting a $24 million jackpot before a jury ordered him to spread the wealth.

Wilson’s co-workers — who make little more than $7.50 an hour — are sizzling with anger over the notion.

“She can’ t do this to us!” said Suleiman Osman Husein, a shift manager and one of 15 members in the pool. “We each paid $5. She took everybody’s money!”
A man identifying himself as the boyfriend of a McDonald’s manager named Layla, who was part of the pool, said Wilson bought tickets for the group at the 7-Eleven in Milford Mill, where the winning ticket was sold.

The group’s tickets — along with a list of those who contributed to the pool — were left in an office safe at the burger joint, said the man, who gave only his first name, Allen, as he stood next to Layla. She declined to comment.

Then, late Friday, before the night’s drawing, the owner of the McDonald’s, Birul Desai, gave Wilson $5 to buy more tickets for the pool on her way home from work, and she went back to the 7-Eleven and bought them, Allen said.
Wilson took those tickets home with her, Allen said.

But Wilson insisted yesterday that she had bought the second batch with an unidentified pal — not for the pool — and that the winning ticket was among them.
A day earlier, a delirious Wilson had called co-workers to break the news — tellingly used the first-person singular.

“I won! I won!” she cried, Allen said.

Another colleague, Davon Wilson, no relation, said he was there when Mirlande Wilson called.

“She said, ‘Turn on the news.’ She said she had won. I thought it was a joke or something. She doesn’t seem like a person who’d do this,” he said.

Allan said he and Layla went to Wilson’s home and pounded on the door for 20 minutes until she finally came out.

“These people are going to kill you. It’s not worth your life!” Allen said he told her.
“All right! All right! I’ll share, but I can’t find the ticket right now,” she finally said, according to Allen.

Yohannes Michael, a clerk at the 7-Eleven where Wilson bought the tickets, expressed doubts about her story when he said yesterday that lottery officials have reviewed the store’s video and believe that a man bought the winning ticket. Lottery rep Carole Everett would not confirm that.

Reached at his Fairfax, Va., home, Desai, the McDonald’s owner, declined to comment except to say, “It’s all bulls--t, if you ask me. It’s speculation.”

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/what_mega_mess_wHA9HVdfxA1VDSqWn58KtJ#ixzz1qtXZC4M v

2nd April 2012, 08:10 AM
Md. woman won't share $105M lotto jackpot with McD's co-workers
Good for her. Why should she share?

2nd April 2012, 08:20 AM
probably a good idea to just give it all to her. from the looks of her, i estimate 100% of the money will be returned to merchants inside of 5 years. this is a win-win for everybody.

okay, maybe that was uncalled for, but...she doesn't look like the sharpest knife in the drawer.

General of Darkness
2nd April 2012, 08:42 AM
she doesn't look like the sharpest knife in the drawer.

She's 37 years old and works at McDonalds, what do you think?

2nd April 2012, 09:01 AM

2nd April 2012, 09:03 AM
She's a lying greedy skanky c--t. If she had shown her coworkers the tickets she bought for the 'pool' that would be one thing. But to claim that the winning ticket is the one she bought for herself is just bullshit. If I was buying tickets for a pool you can be damn sure the exact tickets would be posted conspicuously for all to see before the drawing so there'd be absolutely no confusion. She's a greedy bitch, period. This goes to show how people, rich or poor, can be such self-serving assholes from hell.

2nd April 2012, 09:50 AM
Wow! She's attractive

2nd April 2012, 09:50 AM
Her co workers will have it all tied up in so court faster than a speeding french fry.

2nd April 2012, 09:51 AM
She's 37 years old and works at McDonalds, what do you think?

good point. i've been giving people the benefit of the doubt since friday, i should probably knock it off.

2nd April 2012, 09:57 AM
At least the lawyers will get some money. I was worried for a moment.

2nd April 2012, 10:41 AM
Any time there is a pool, people have copies of the pool ticket numbers. Sounds like they were not smart enough to do that. If she did not, and she was the manager of the pool, she has no private number.

2nd April 2012, 11:02 AM
lottery officials have reviewed the store’s video and believe that a man bought the winning ticket

Well she certainly looks the part.

2nd April 2012, 11:30 AM
Any time there is a pool, people have copies of the pool ticket numbers. Sounds like they were not smart enough to do that. If she did not, and she was the manager of the pool, she has no private number.

Apparently she got an additional $5 to get more tickets on her way home that they would not have had the chance to record. Someone should have confirmed the numbers with her after the purchase.

I have no idea if she is lying or not but they should review the tape to see if in fact she did buy any tickets. They can cross that time with the machines sales and probably figure it out.

That's a fucked situation all the way around. If she did win her life is ruined and if she is lying her life is ruined (both due to the love of money is the root of all evil)

2nd April 2012, 11:32 AM
Any time there is a pool, people have copies of the pool ticket numbers. Sounds like they were not smart enough to do that. If she did not, and she was the manager of the pool, she has no private number.

Yes, that's standard practice. Is there a chance that this group didn't have the collective intellect to do this? (Note: That was a rhetorical question...) She's negligent for not making a copy for all to see; they're negligent for not demanding one. So we're now going to watch yet another unfolding dramatic showcase of what happens when greed meets stupidity.

2nd April 2012, 11:35 AM
Is it possible she doesn't know she'll still be rich even if she has to split it 15 ways?

2nd April 2012, 11:46 AM
Yes, that's standard practice. Is there a chance that this group didn't have the collective intellect to do this? (Note: That was a rhetorical question...) She's negligent for not making a copy for all to see; they're negligent for not demanding one. So we're now going to watch yet another unfolding dramatic showcase of what happens when greed meets stupidity.

They trusted her: big mistake. Never never never rely on 'trust' when money is involved; especially if family members are involved, especially.

She will not see a dime of the money. The other two moulignons will attract some shark Jew lawyer like a fly to shit who will slap an injunction on her protuberant ass. This matter will be tied up in litigation for years and the lottery money chum attracts every lawyer and bureaucrat parasite within miles. In the interum, she will die of a tragic and freakish accident, choked on a chicken mcnugget while crushed under a pile of frozen big Mac paddies.

willie pete
2nd April 2012, 06:39 PM
"a single mother of SEVEN"....all them babies daddies are going to crawl out of the woodwork now....::)

2nd April 2012, 06:53 PM

3rd April 2012, 04:11 AM

This is like an epic nigger fairy tale.

3rd April 2012, 05:50 AM
so ... anybody got her home phone number ?

3rd April 2012, 10:08 AM
so ... anybody got her home phone number ?

Are you going to apply for the baby daddy #8 position? :)

This whole situation is a nightmare, but as stated, the lawyers will love it. Who knows, maybe she will get a hollywood movie deal out of it when the drama settles.

3rd April 2012, 11:51 AM
I saw a news report this morning on her.... she DID give the others copies of the purchased lottery tickets..... so she claimed...... and they were not THE winning ticket. She has still not been confirmed to have the winning ticket either.

3rd April 2012, 12:01 PM
Watch this,the emloyees will do a collective "nigger pile' in court ,and the jewish lawyers will walk with all the loot.

midnight rambler
3rd April 2012, 12:09 PM
so ... anybody got her home phone number ?


3rd April 2012, 01:13 PM
Are you going to apply for the baby daddy #8 position? :)

This whole situation is a nightmare, but as stated, the lawyers will love it. Who knows, maybe she will get a hollywood movie deal out of it when the drama settles.

nope, just kidding. ;)

Uncle Salty
3rd April 2012, 01:45 PM
I saw a news report this morning on her.... she DID give the others copies of the purchased lottery tickets..... so she claimed...... and they were not THE winning ticket. She has still not been confirmed to have the winning ticket either.

She probably does not even have the winning ticket. Just a fool looking for attention.

8th April 2012, 10:32 AM
Alleged Mega Millions winner says she lost ticket
A woman who has claimed to have Maryland's winning Mega Millions ticket now says she has lost it.

Mirlande Wilson of Baltimore told WRC-TV (http://bit.ly/Hk55w9) in Washington she would claim the jackpot if she finds the ticket.

Wilson had previously said she hid the ticket at the McDonald's where she works.

One of three winning tickets for the record-breaking $656 million prize was sold at a 7-Eleven in Milford Mill. The others were sold in Kansas and Illinois. Kansas officials said Friday that the holder of the winning ticket had come forward.
http://news.yahoo.com/alleged-mega-millions-winner-says-she-lost-ticket-191058807.html;_ylt=AtKAO.KLaSQicg6rnKVKwiRMEP0E;_ ylu=X3oDMTRvMGsyYm90BGNjb2RlA2dtcHRvcDEwMDBwb29sd2 lraXVwcmVzdARtaXQDTmV3cyBmb3IgeW91BHBrZwMxZDdmMGU2 Ny02MTJlLTM4ODgtODQ0Yi1lNTM3ZWE2OGM3NzYEcG9zAzQEc2 VjA25ld3NfZm9yX3lvdQR2ZXIDOTMzMDA3NzAtODAyMS0xMWUx LWJiZjctYzY4OGY1Yjc5MDM2;_ylg=X3oDMTNkNTE2aDBuBGlu dGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDZjBjNzc4NzctMDVjNy 0zMTYzLTlhMzItYjFjYTgwZDQ5MzY3BHBzdGNhdAN1c3xjcmlt ZXMgYW5kIHRyaWFscwRwdANzdG9yeXBhZ2UEdGVzdAM-;_ylv=3

midnight rambler
8th April 2012, 10:44 AM
World's Biggest Fuck-up Ever. 'Epic fail' doesn't come close to describing that situation.

8th April 2012, 01:51 PM
I think I will be spending some time at the dump looking through Mcdonalds garbage.

What? They incinerate the garbage? Nevermind.

8th April 2012, 10:23 PM
Our lottery pool actually has a contract that we all had to sign.
I'm in two pools, and buy straggler tickets once in a while.

8th April 2012, 10:33 PM
Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but how do you know you won the lotto if you can't find your ticket?

The thought of jumping up and down...cheering "I won I won"...without the damn ticket...makes no sense at all.

9th April 2012, 12:08 AM
She lawyered up. Lost the ticket, started a trust. The trust will come up with the ticket after this shit rolls over. She won't be connected to the trust. Another trust will be beneficiary and she will be beneficiary of that trust. She gots her a lawyer.

9th April 2012, 05:11 PM

Lottery officials in the eastern US state of Maryland said Monday that a winner had come forward to claim his or her share of the record $656 million Mega Millions jackpot.

Maryland lottery director Stephen Martino was to hold a press conference in Baltimore on Tuesday "to provide details about the winning ticket," officials said.

A lottery spokeswoman told The Baltimore Sun that the winner -- who purchased the ticket at a 7-Eleven convenience store in Baltimore County -- wished to remain anonymous, but a "storyline" would be shared with the public.

A 37-year-old Haitian-born mother of seven who claimed last week that she held Maryland's winning Mega Millions ticket later told a Washington television station that she had "misplaced" it.

Two of the three winning tickets in the March 30 drawing have now been confirmed.

Kansas lottery chief Dennis Wilson said his state's winner turned up at his offices in Topeka shortly before noon Friday with a lawyer and financial officer in tow -- and a request to stay out of the headlines.

Tickets with the winning combination of 2, 4, 23, 38, 46 plus Mega Ball 23 were sold in Illinois, Kansas and Maryland amid an unprecedented nationwide lottery-buying frenzy.

9th April 2012, 05:17 PM
Who want's to bet that the stupid bitch read the numbers wrong and never checked again before her publicity stunt?

Uncle Salty
10th April 2012, 09:48 AM
Three school teachers/admins won the Maryland lotto.

The Haiti woman was a lying piece of shit looking for some attention.

10th April 2012, 09:50 AM
Three school teachers/admins won the Maryland lotto.

The Haiti woman was a lying piece of shit looking for some attention.

So one leach was replaced by 3 leaches?

10th April 2012, 09:58 AM
Three Maryland public school system employees won a share of the record Mega Millions $656 jackpot, lottery officials announced Tuesday, ending a mystery that involved a McDonald's employee who claimed she had the golden ticket.

Maryland Lottery Director Stephen Martino said the employees, who will remain anonymous, will each receive $34.997 million after taxes. The trio bought a total of 60 tickets at three different locations throughout the state, or a total investment of $20 per person for the $218.6 million portion of the grand prize.

A closer look at the conflicting stories surrounding the woman who may - or may not - possess a golden winning lottery ticket

"It is the first time that the three friends have pooled their money together," Martino said.
The winners -- a woman in her 20s, another in her 50s and a man in his 40s who refer to themselves as "The Three Amigos" -- have decided to take the lump sum winnings and plan to purchase new homes. One also plans to take a backpacking trip through Europe, while another will pay for his daughter's college education, Martino said. A third winner will tour Italy's wine country, he said.

All three have indicated they intend to remain employees within Maryland's public school system. One employee is an elementary school teacher, another is a special education instructor and the third works in an administrative role, Martino said.

"They were modest," Martino continued. "They were humbled by this stroke of luck they've received."

The announcement ended a two-week mystery following the record-breaking, $656 million drawing on March 30. It was known the next morning that one of three winning tickets was purchased at a Baltimore-area 7-Eleven, and a McDonald's worker stepped forward claiming to have it. Mirlande Wilson, a Haitian single mom of seven, went as far as alienating her co-workers by claiming she bought it separately from tickets she purchased for a pool of 15 co-workers and even held a press conference at her lawyer's office.

As her co-workers fumed about being cut out of a jackpot they were never really in on, Wilson told the New York Post she'd hidden the ticket somewhere in the restaurant.

"We believe it to be a legitimate claim," attorney Edward Smith told a packed press conference at his law office last week. "When it is time to present the ticket or whatever it is that needs to be presented to the lottery commissioner, I am sure that we will be there."

But it was all a fabrication, and it is not clear why Wilson went public with her phony tale. Calls to Smith's office on Tuesday seeking comment were not immediately returned.

A winner in Kansas, who also chose to remain anonymous, claimed a portion of the prize last week. Another winner in Illinois has yet to come forward.
"These are the only winners of the jackpot," Martino said in reference to the three public school employees announced on Tuesday.
One winner said she "forgot about the drawing" when she went to sleep on March 30.

"That evening, I forgot about the drawing and went to sleep," she said, according to a news release from lottery officials. "It was around 11:30 p.m., and my phone just kept ringing and ringing. I finally decided to answer it, thinking something was wrong."

Once she picked up, her two lottery partners said: "Get dressed. We're coming over right now."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/04/10/mega-mystery-solved-winning-maryland-lottery-ticket-claimed/?test=latestnews#ixzz1repgMixU

10th April 2012, 10:29 AM
Maryland Lottery Director Stephen Martino said the employees, who will remain anonymous, will each receive $34.997 million after taxes.

I say live your life to the fullest on the $4,997,000 and put the rest of the $30 mill in gold and silver and you will be a multi-billionaire in the near future....

10th April 2012, 11:35 AM
Three Maryland public school system employees won a share of the record Mega Millions $656 jackpot, lottery officials announced Tuesday, ending a mystery that involved a McDonald's employee who claimed she had the golden ticket.

Maryland Lottery Director Stephen Martino said the employees, who will remain anonymous, will each receive $34.997 million after taxes. The trio bought a total of 60 tickets at three different locations throughout the state, or a total investment of $20 per person for the $218.6 million portion of the grand prize.

A closer look at the conflicting stories surrounding the woman who may - or may not - possess a golden winning lottery ticket

"It is the first time that the three friends have pooled their money together," Martino said.
The winners -- a woman in her 20s, another in her 50s and a man in his 40s who refer to themselves as "The Three Amigos" -- have decided to take the lump sum winnings and plan to purchase new homes. One also plans to take a backpacking trip through Europe, while another will pay for his daughter's college education, Martino said. A third winner will tour Italy's wine country, he said.

All three have indicated they intend to remain employees within Maryland's public school system. One employee is an elementary school teacher, another is a special education instructor and the third works in an administrative role, Martino said.

"They were modest," Martino continued. "They were humbled by this stroke of luck they've received."

The announcement ended a two-week mystery following the record-breaking, $656 million drawing on March 30. It was known the next morning that one of three winning tickets was purchased at a Baltimore-area 7-Eleven, and a McDonald's worker stepped forward claiming to have it. Mirlande Wilson, a Haitian single mom of seven, went as far as alienating her co-workers by claiming she bought it separately from tickets she purchased for a pool of 15 co-workers and even held a press conference at her lawyer's office.

As her co-workers fumed about being cut out of a jackpot they were never really in on, Wilson told the New York Post she'd hidden the ticket somewhere in the restaurant.

"We believe it to be a legitimate claim," attorney Edward Smith told a packed press conference at his law office last week. "When it is time to present the ticket or whatever it is that needs to be presented to the lottery commissioner, I am sure that we will be there."

But it was all a fabrication, and it is not clear why Wilson went public with her phony tale. Calls to Smith's office on Tuesday seeking comment were not immediately returned.

A winner in Kansas, who also chose to remain anonymous, claimed a portion of the prize last week. Another winner in Illinois has yet to come forward.
"These are the only winners of the jackpot," Martino said in reference to the three public school employees announced on Tuesday.
One winner said she "forgot about the drawing" when she went to sleep on March 30.

"That evening, I forgot about the drawing and went to sleep," she said, according to a news release from lottery officials. "It was around 11:30 p.m., and my phone just kept ringing and ringing. I finally decided to answer it, thinking something was wrong."

Once she picked up, her two lottery partners said: "Get dressed. We're coming over right now."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/04/10/mega-mystery-solved-winning-maryland-lottery-ticket-claimed/?test=latestnews#ixzz1repgMixU

The bulk of the money reverts to the state as taxes. The lottery is nothing more than a stealth tax. What utter bullshit this is.

10th April 2012, 11:40 AM
Not a tax...shell game...nobody is forced to participate.