View Full Version : Yup, L.A. is turning into the F.U. capital of the world

General of Darkness
2nd April 2012, 07:38 PM
Just had an interesting experience.

Went to go get some smokes and on the way back home I just thought that this was interesting.

We have some narrow streets around here and with my diesel I try to be courteous to people. I don't cut people off blah blah blah. Well I'm at a normal intersection with a two way stop, and this car is coming so I don't want to cut him off and I wait, he's half a block away and then he just turns right. Well hells bells, if he'd had his turn signal on I would have went and not waited for him.

Then we're both going down the street, and he just slows down turns into his driveway no signal nothing. So I just waited in street so he could get out of his car to tell him to just use his signal. Well he's got two kids and I automatically thought , just be nice. So when he gets out here's the conversation.

Me - It would be nice if you could use signals.
Him - Why's that?
Me - So I don't have to wait half a block for you to turn right

Here's where it gets interesting.

Him - So you waited half a block?
Me - Yeah, I was waiting for you to pass but waited so you could pass and you just turned without signalling?

And at this point he's coming towards me, kind of aggressively. And I don't want to start ANYTHING in front of his kids.

So he says again.

Him - So you had to wait half a block.

The way he said it was complete fuck you.

Me - You know a human being could say I'm sorry and admit their wrong.

And then he backed away because I had a feeling that this was going to ugly, and it was over nothing. I ultimately felt like he didn't give a fuck, right in front of his kids.

My gut tells me that more and more people, do not give a fuck. They're rude, inconsiderate and bad mannered. I really have no interest in harming someone unless I had too, but hells bells.

I learned a lesson tonight, don't mess with ANYONE, people are snapping.

2nd April 2012, 07:41 PM
Pick your battles. Mopes and Half Wits are simply not worth your time and energy.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
2nd April 2012, 07:49 PM
Even in the best of times assholes don't use their turn signal.

2nd April 2012, 07:52 PM
Pick your battles. Mopes and Half Wits are simply not worth your time and energy.

And be ready for the battles that pick you.


General of Darkness
2nd April 2012, 07:55 PM
Yup, you guys are right.

2nd April 2012, 07:56 PM
it's called narcisism. The kid who kills the kitten by beating it, throwing it and burning it with a second thought. These people grow up to be big people.

We were talking about this at the weekend. I said bloods thicker. If you can't rely on your family for trust, assistance and consideration then you are seriously in trouble because no one out there will lift a finger for you. You seen em all standing around while someone dies and no one lifts a finger.

That's where we are at. What were the kids like? Were they causing a riot in the car? I've noticed in the last week that people have been even more absent minded for some reason. I've had 4 major near misses in the last week. I had someone roll from a giveway right out into my path. From maybe 30 metres away. I anticipate, always, you have to so I guessed what they were going to do, but all the same I had to throw out the anchors to pull up my more than 2 ton carriage. I got it pulled up with 3 feet to spare, then I hit the horn. They were right in front of me and still hadn't seen me until I hit the noise. Then they just looked and kept driving on.

Nearly rear ended, side swipped twice and t-boned all in the one week.

2nd April 2012, 08:37 PM
Remind me again, what are you doing in that muddy hellhole?

2nd April 2012, 09:50 PM
General, I think you are losing it!
Stopping to lecture people about their driving...in LA? WTF?
My gun would have been pointed at you through the car door, the second you rolled up on me.

2nd April 2012, 09:54 PM
So, you had to wait half a block?

3rd April 2012, 07:17 AM
i echo ee sentiments. no way i'm bitchin at anyone on not using a turn signal.

but i could becauseTHAT is my biggest pet peave while driving! i really could just punch everyone who doesn't use a damn turn signal. it's not that hard, people!! have some common courtesy!!

edit: it happens everywhere. i've lived in ok, tx, ca (los angeles) and mo. i've driven in many more states along with those. asshole drivers are everywhere.

3rd April 2012, 07:31 AM
i got pulled over last week for using my turn signal too far ahead of the turn.

3rd April 2012, 09:26 AM
General, I think you are losing it!
Stopping to lecture people about their driving...in LA? WTF?
My gun would have been pointed at you through the car door, the second you rolled up on me.

I did something similar last year. I was waiting to make a left turn for a guy, then he makes a left right in front of me, no blinker. I raised my hands up, in a WTF manner at the guy. He gave me the middle finger. I gave him mine back.

After that, it's just not worth dealing with folks who are assholes on the road. Road rage is a real thing.

One time, I made a left at a tough intersection nearby. You could see for about 1000 feet before a hill. As I made the left, a car came over the hill at a very high speed. Almost hit me. The car swerved to miss me, then stopped in front of me blocking my way. I stopped, and gave myself plenty of room to get around the car. Seconds passed, and I thought the driver was going to come out shooting at me. The driver stepped out of the car....a small black woman. She was flailing her arms screaming at me. Just completely insane. I looked at her as I slowly drove by thinking if I wasn't a nice guy, she'd be in big trouble. She followed me for several blocks tailgating me, flashing her lights, honking...

Road rage. Some people completely lose it. It's not worth it to get pissed at them and will only escalate the situation. People can be very unpredictable.

General of Darkness
3rd April 2012, 09:27 AM
You know what. You guys are absolutely right.

1 - I should mind me own business
2 - Pick the right battles

Lesson learned.

midnight rambler
3rd April 2012, 09:36 AM
An attitude I acquired decades ago is: Avoid fucking with strangers because you *never* know who you're fucking with and what (stupid shit) they're capable of doing. Easiest way in the world to avoid dealing with the aftermath of having to plug someone. Practicing active disengagement is a very practical MO.

Suggested reading - 'In the Gravest Extreme' by Massad Ayoob

3rd April 2012, 09:41 AM
You know what. You guys are absolutely right.

1 - I should mind me own business
2 - Pick the right battles

Lesson learned.


3rd April 2012, 09:46 AM

I guess you forgot the lesson about never teaching a pig to sing.

You annoyed the pig.

3rd April 2012, 10:16 AM
Two weeks ago, as I was walking into the post office, a guy leaned out of his window and told me I needed to slow down in the parking lot. I told him that I never was over 5mph, but I did goose the throttle to avoid him as almost backed into me. He said that never happened and started in on me, and I realised it was like arguing with the ex. I asked him if he was the hall monitor and he called me an asshole and drove away

3rd April 2012, 10:28 AM
My driving changed completely after being in the Philippines, really unbelievable over there. No lights, lanes or signs except in the big cities. People, kids and animals crossing streets in front of speeding cars buses and a variant of other things. Once we were going down a mountain road at like 80ish around blind curves. The driver just blew the horn as we approached curves, if there was anything at all it would have been dead and I am pretty damn sure he wouldn't have stopped to check it out. Vehicles have the right of way there not people. They blow their horns at everything and it seems no one gets angry, just the way life is. Not one time did I see anyone get angry or give gestures.

After returning, road rage here is calm and nothing bothers me anymore.

This vid is pretty funny but you'll get the idea.


3rd April 2012, 11:23 AM
i got pulled over last week for using my turn signal too far ahead of the turn.

I told my wife your ticket story and at first she was incredulous. Then she said "thank G-d we moved out of the suburbs to the country. This society is insane and sinking fast." Coming from her, the eternal optimist, this is quite a commentary.

We have a population containing a high percentage of narcissistic myopic selfish assholes who have rejected G-D or any higher moral code, who live for themselves and don't give a damn for anyone else, even their own children in many cases; and they will go insane and become violent if anyone disturbs their self-serving bubble existence.

3rd April 2012, 11:29 AM
I told my wife your ticket story and at first she was incredulous. Then she said "thank G-d we moved out of the suburbs to the country. This society is insane and sinking fast." Coming from her, the eternal optimist, this is quite a commentary.

We have a population containing a high percentage of narcissistic myopic selfish assholes who have rejected G-D or any higher moral code, who live for themselves and don't give a damn for anyone else, even their own children in many cases; and they will go insane and become violent if anyone disturbs their self-serving bubble existence.

What is this mister?---> G-D
Are you messing with us?

3rd April 2012, 11:35 AM
What is this mister?---> G-D
Are you messing with us?

A little respect for the big boss upstairs, that his name not be used in vane. You never know...

3rd April 2012, 11:40 AM
A little respect for the big boss upstairs, that his name not be used in vane. You never know...

Okaaaay...let's just say

3rd April 2012, 11:43 AM
A little respect for the big boss upstairs, that his name not be used in vane. You never know...

It's true. This used to be on a house in New Orleans. Cthulhu(PBUH) was not pleased.


3rd April 2012, 11:56 AM
Okaaaay...let's just say

You see what just happened to gold EE? Slap slap slap!! Next time, don't ask!:-[

3rd April 2012, 11:59 AM
Okaaaay...let's just say

I'm sure Doc is White-Chinese...

3rd April 2012, 12:01 PM
It's true. This used to be on a house in New Orleans. Cthulhu(PBUH) was not pleased.


Good one! LOL

3rd April 2012, 01:12 PM
A little respect for the big boss upstairs, that his name not be used in vane. You never know...

that's one of the ways i manage a lot of work tasks. if a task leads me to take the Lord's name in vain, i step away from the keyboard (or drill or whatever) and take a break.

personally, i think God's shoulders are broad, and that He/She/They don't care too much if someone rants, "G*d D*** it", etc.

but if i do take the Lord's name in vain, it's just a sign that i have lost my temper, 99% of the time unnecessarily.

the only profession i know where it helps to be REAL angry is professional boxing. in San Diego i shared the weight room with a retired full-contact boxer, a guy about 6'6" who used to fight in Madison Square Garden. he told me about his pre-fight routine. basically tried to get as angry as he could.

he was also a retired leg-breaker for East Coast organized crime. did 10 years in the joint.

now he is a born-again Christian.