View Full Version : Detroit 300 Declares War On Detroit Gangs For Killing Babies & Seniors 2012

3rd April 2012, 07:17 AM
Vigilantism coming to Detroit. It's about time, IMO.



midnight rambler
3rd April 2012, 07:28 AM

Black men taking responsibility. Good.

3rd April 2012, 07:38 AM
I thought Jesse Jackson is against Neighborhood Watch stuff like this.

::) God forbid they stop someone like Trayvon

3rd April 2012, 07:41 AM
I thought Jesse Jackson is against Neighborhood Watch stuff like this.

::) God forbid they stop someone like Trayvon

GOD BLESS THEM, and hopefully they deal with the older Trayvons that are a plague to their community!

3rd April 2012, 08:02 AM
This is news that does give hope for the future. Decent people who came together and decided that criminals and psychopaths should not have prominence in their families lives...

3rd April 2012, 08:39 AM
This is news that does give hope for the future. Decent people who came together and decided that criminals and psychopaths should not have prominence in their families lives...

It's great folks are getting together to protect families and make the streets safer.

My only question, is what are they going to do? What does "we are coming for you" mean? It's a challenge to stop crime before it happens, and be there at the right time, when it does happen.

Maybe they know who the criminals are, and are going to do vigilante justice and go beat the hell out of them.

3rd April 2012, 08:59 AM
Reminds me of the Nation of Islams 'Dope Busters'


Bill Cooper had a show with a ton of info about this way back then. They were able to almost toally get rid of the hardcore drugs in certain parts of Washington.....Until the ADL came in and stopped their 'grassroots' effort.....And hard drugs filled the srteets again....

"Community-based efforts led by the Nation of Islam have begun to roll back that new subculture of slavery and despair, restoring safety and dignity to some of the most desperately poor neighborhoods in the United States.

And as soon as they began to be successful, they came under attack by the ADL.

True to its history, the B'nai B'rith/ADL intercedes to turn back the clock to the days of slavery, for drug addiction is a form of euphemistic slavery, and those who are addicted are subject to the whims of those who have enslaved them.

They can even control which way society goes, ladies and gentlemen. You see, if they want to create more crime in order to take rights away from the people--indeed, to make the people scream to have their rights taken away in order to take the fear away, get the crime and the drugs off our streets--they just elevate the price of the drugs so that the poor addict cannot afford to pay for them. So, he has to go out and steal, and rob, and mug somebody and even kill to satisfy the terrible craving of his flesh.

You never thought of it that way, did you? But it's true."

3rd April 2012, 10:48 AM
These guys will be prosecuted big time. They will be arrested by SWAT teams and hauled off. There are practically no cops in Detroit and if there are they won't stop anywhere lol. I do wish them the best of luck and hope I am very wrong.

Twisted Titan
3rd April 2012, 11:57 AM
They shouldn't have annouced nothing .......they just should have started started snuffing.

The only thing the criminial respects is fear.

midnight rambler
3rd April 2012, 12:05 PM
They shouldn't have annouced nothing .......they just should have started started snuffing.

The only thing the criminial respects is fear.

Naw. The only good criminal is a dead criminal.

"Some people don't deserve to live." --Reeves Junket, former Texas DPS rangemaster and pistol instructor who was 'retired' due to his politically incorrect perspective toward two-legged varmints

3rd April 2012, 12:24 PM
While I applaud them for this, there is a blatant double standard: if a bunch of white homeowners did this the blacks would be screaming KKK and Jim Crow racism from the hill tops.

3rd April 2012, 12:36 PM
While I applaud them for this, there is a blatant double standard: if a bunch of white homeowners did this the blacks would be screaming KKK and Jim Crow racism from the hill tops.
I wonder if it is possible to find 300 able bodied white males in Detroit...

I do share the concern some of you have expressed if these guys prove to be efficient probably the Fed will crack down on them hard. To the state it is better that the inhabitants have no protection against crime if the state doesn't have the desire to protect them, so SWAT teams helicoptered in seems a likely scenario.

3rd April 2012, 04:43 PM
While I applaud them for this, there is a blatant double standard: if a bunch of white homeowners did this the blacks would be screaming KKK and Jim Crow racism from the hill tops.

Powerful observation. Man, I'm having a red-pill kind of day. During a leisurely stroll in the city, I was approached by a SPLC spokesperson. Friendly guy, he spoke a lot about bullying in school, a lot about anti-gay hate. I agreed with a lot that he had to say. He tried to get me to donate, I told him I'd check out the SPLC website in more detail to decide.

So, I looked at the SPLC website and gave it a good read. I found it interested that out of the hundreds of race incidents on the website...not 1, not 1 incident of a race crime against white people. The only white victims were gay folks.

That prompted a lot of questions from me...what does it take for it to be a race crime if the victim is white? Does the SPLC even acknowledge race crimes against white people?

I found this article, it's a tough eye-opening read...


3rd April 2012, 05:09 PM
Powerful observation. Man, I'm having a red-pill kind of day. During a leisurely stroll in the city, I was approached by a SPLC spokesperson. Friendly guy, he spoke a lot about bullying in school, a lot about anti-gay hate. I agreed with a lot that he had to say. He tried to get me to donate, I told him I'd check out the SPLC website in more detail to decide.

So, I looked at the SPLC website and gave it a good read. I found it interested that out of the hundreds of race incidents on the website...not 1, not 1 incident of a race crime against white people. The only white victims were gay folks.

That prompted a lot of questions from me...what does it take for it to be a race crime if the victim is white? Does the SPLC even acknowledge race crimes against white people?

I found this article, it's a tough eye-opening read...


You live on your own little planet.

Jew King works for the SPLC for one.

Understanding the SPLC, that is so yesterday, pre gim .

They are directly involved in major crimes, not just propaganda.

Masonic Plot threatened us on here claiming to work for them.
He did that on 3 forums actually.
Masonic Plot's favorite delicacy. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?60115-Masonic-Plot-s-favorite-delicacy.)

Edit add,
Anyone that doesn't know what the SPLC is at this point is clueless.

Nice threads solid, your snide underhanded attacks on me have not gone unnoticed.

You just revealed to everyone how much of a student you are on issues.

another Edit add, Gaillo called Jew King on here " MP ", Masonic Plot

SPLC = ADL , they are into the authorities, FBI, DHS, FEDS, Police, ..., it never ends ...

3rd April 2012, 05:11 PM
You live on your own little planet.

Your buddy Jew King works for the SPLC for one.

Understanding the SPLC, that is so yesterday, pre gim .

Excuse me...oh great one, for not being part of the cool kids here. I didn't realize SPLC discussions were so out of fashion. Who the heck are you, anyway?

You really have an air of superiority about you Magnes. This is an internet forum.

3rd April 2012, 05:18 PM
Go back to sleep.

You sir, can piss off. If you want to act like an asshole, go back to your troll hunting and leave me out of it.

3rd April 2012, 06:00 PM
Edit add,
[/B]Anyone that doesn't know what the SPLC is at this point is clueless.

Nice threads solid, your snide underhanded attacks on me have not gone unnoticed.

You just revealed to everyone how much of a student you are on issues.

Nice little edit to sneak in this attack, Magnes. Yet you accuse me of an underhanded attack. You are deluded.

And another thing, it's pretty damn rude to assume I don't know anything about the SPLC. It's rude to make things up about another poster. That's bad form.

3rd April 2012, 08:02 PM
So, I looked at the SPLC website and gave it a good read.


4th April 2012, 02:56 AM

Let me ask you this, Book. Have you ever actually spoke to a SPLC member, in person, face to face?

Or, is all your research done online?

I actually got the chance to speak to one today.

I suppose that's the difference between looking up a pineapple in the dictionary, by definition...or actually tasting one.

The stupid fuck is the one that never tastes anything, in life. Just like a pineapple. He just knows definitions.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
4th April 2012, 06:09 AM
I applaud these men. I noticed a few white men in the background too. Maybe they should just answer phones or something. If they go after the gangbangers they will surely be branded as racist.

Call me cynical but this will probably not lead to justice. The few police resources Detroit has left has will probably go towards stopping these men while the gangstas run unabated.

4th April 2012, 03:44 PM
Wearing scary masks does stink of FBI/ADL CoIntelPro......

I mean, why hide your face? I thought they claimed to have the moral high ground? Or maybe, some realize they may have made real enemies with this little 'press conference'.