View Full Version : Ok who believes this? Prescription Drugs, "White Substance" in Whitney Houston's Hote

4th April 2012, 04:54 PM
Prescription Drugs, "White Substance" in Whitney Houston's Hotel Room

Houston's assistant found the legendary singer face-down in bathroom tub

By Olsen Ebright (http://www.nbclosangeles.com/results/?keywords=%22Olsen+Ebright%22&author=y&sort=date), Melissa Pamer (http://www.nbclosangeles.com/results/?keywords=%22Melissa+Pamer%22&author=y&sort=date) and Jonathan Lloyd (http://www.nbclosangeles.com/results/?keywords=%22Jonathan+Lloyd%22&author=y&sort=date)

| Wednesday, Apr 4, 2012 | Updated 4:39 PM PDT

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Whitney Houston

The final coroner’s report on Whitney Houston, who was found face-down in her Beverly Hilton hotel room the day before the Grammys, reinforced the role of substance abuse in the pop star’s demise and provided a multitude of details surrounding her death.
There were a "plethora of prescription medication bottles" in the room, according the Los Angeles County Coroner's final report. Investigators found 12 prescription bottles from five different physicians.
Complete Coverage: Whitney Houston 1963-2012 (http://www.nbclosangeles.com/entertainment/celebrity/Remembering-Pop-Queen-Whitney-Houston-1963-2012-139179364.html?fullSite=y)
A counter in the hotel room's bathroom held: a small spoon containing "a white crystal-like substance;" a small, ripped-open plastic bag; a "rolled-up piece of white paper;" and bottles of prescription drugs.
A drawer below the counter showed "remnants of a white powdery substance" and a portable mirror with more powder on its base.
Photos and Videos

http://media.nbclosangeles.com/images/324*182/9167407_finalhoustonpkg11phe_722x406_2214019653.jp g (http://www.nbclosangeles.com/video/#%21/on-air/as-seen-on/Whitney-Houston-Toxicology-Report/143930966)
Whitney Houston
Toxicology Report (http://www.nbclosangeles.com/video/#%21/on-air/as-seen-on/Whitney-Houston-Toxicology-Report/143930966)

http://media.nbclosangeles.com/images/324*182/whitney-new-thumb.jpg (http://www.nbclosangeles.com/entertainment/music/Whitney-Houstons-Life-In-Photos-139165339.html)
Whitney Houston (http://www.nbclosangeles.com/entertainment/music/Whitney-Houstons-Life-In-Photos-139165339.html)

More Photos and Videos (http://www.nbclosangeles.com/multimedia/)
The report does not identify the substance as cocaine, but it does mention that the drug was found in her system during toxicology tests.
An open bottle of champagne was on top of the hotel room's mini-bar, and an open beer can and a case of beer were elsewhere. Loose tablets, prescription drug bottles and blister packs were found in multiple locations in the hotel room, according to the report.
The report notes that Houston, 48, has “perforation of posterior nasal septum,” a condition commonly seen among long-term cocaine users in which there is a hole in the membrane between the nostrils. The report notes the condition on Houston’s anatomical summary under “history of substance abuse."
The report mentions that Houston's assistant was the last person to see her alive, between 2:45 p.m. and 3 p.m. on Feb. 11.
The assistant said she told Houston to take a bath and start getting ready for a pre-Grammy event. After picking up a few items at Neiman Marcus, Houston's assistant returned at 3:36 p.m. to find the singer face-down in the tub.
"She called out to the bodyguard and they pulled [Houston] out of the bathtub. The assistant then called downstairs, telling them to call 911," according to the report.
The bathroom, where Houston's body was found, was still covered with water by the time the coroner's investigators got to the room later that night.
The report confirms that "death was due to drowning due to effects of atherosclerotic heart disease and cocaine use," details included in the previous report released late last month (http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/Whitney-Houston-143879816.html).
Beverly Hills Police Lt. Mark Rosen said their investigation is still open and he could not comment on the findings.

4th April 2012, 05:40 PM
Face down in the bathtub? Sounds like she was suicided/accidentisized?

I guess it would be possible to drown while falling down in the bathtub, but face down is a bit unusual way of falling, if not helped!

4th April 2012, 05:43 PM
Probably slaughtered to give the shitty western media something to write about.. take focus away from more important matters.

4th April 2012, 09:56 PM
Nornigger your right on spot. I am surprised as a youngun you are the first to spot this out. I usually lay low since friends have left but I wont bother WTF is going on in this world since we are in a forum that pays attention to these things.

5th April 2012, 05:36 AM
So...you feel it's more likely somebody killed her to write about it and take focus off something else.

You sure this just isn't the last chapter in the life of a rich drug addict?

5th April 2012, 06:26 AM
So...you feel it's more likely somebody killed her to write about it and take focus off something else.

You sure this just isn't the last chapter in the life of a rich drug addict?

Fortune and fame... you seem to know a lot about how this works. Selling soul to devil means you play by their rules, they make the plans and when they need a deflection you may be it. It also seems to go 3 at a time.

Undrgrat look around, what is real and what is made to be real... you watch too much talmudvision me thinks.

5th April 2012, 06:33 AM
Fortune and fame... you seem to know a lot about how this works. Selling soul to devil means you play by their rules, they make the plans and when they need a deflection you may be it. It also seems to go 3 at a time.

So...knowing this woman has a history of drug abuse uniquely qualifies me to "know a lot" about how fortune and fame works? I know long time drug users tend to die from drug use. Does that make me a doctor? No...it make me a critical thinker with the magical powers of observation.

Undrgrat look around, what is real and what is made to be real... you watch too much talmudvision me thinks.

I really don't know how to respond to this. If not being surprised a long time drug addict died from drugs mean I watch too much TV, then I guess I watch too much TV.

Sometimes a hamburger is just a hamburger.