View Full Version : OctoMom- now on public dole
6th April 2012, 06:33 AM
Nadya Suleman is a mother of 14, including a set of octuplets born in January 2009. All the children were born subsequent to her separation from her (now) ex-husband, and all were conceived through in vitro fertilization from a donor who is not her ex-husband.
Also Known As: Octumom, Natalie Denise Doud, Octo-mom, Octu-mom, Natalie Denise Suleman, Octomom
Octomom tried her best to avoid going on welfare, but she says "becoming totally destitute" forced her hand ... temporarily.
As TMZ first reported, Nadya is getting $2,000 a month ( from the State of California, which can only be used on food.
We spoke to her at her home today, where the mother of 14 said she's hoping she only needs the assistance for a month or two at the most.
Octo has been receiving death threats ( since the news of her welfare broke, but she feels people should be directing their anger towards those who are abusing the system and not at her.
6th April 2012, 06:40 AM
This story is so insignificant compared to what congress is doing on our dime.
Picture 534 octomoms sucking 10X of what it costs for this one octomom kids.
They should all be executed and their money seized.
6th April 2012, 06:42 AM
Execute who? Congress?
Nah.... they would be better suited to work in mining camps until they drop.
6th April 2012, 06:43 AM
Execute who? Congress?
Nah.... they would be better suited to work in mining camps until they drop.
In a word...Yes!
6th April 2012, 07:16 AM
This story is so insignificant compared to what congress is doing on our dime.
Picture 534 octomoms sucking 10X of what it costs for this one octomom kids.
They should all be executed and their money seized.
434 Reps
100 Senators
1 Good Rep = RP.
is that the count ?
6th April 2012, 07:17 AM
But I thought Octo-mom was a khazar-made celebrity? How could they ABANDON HER?
6th April 2012, 07:23 AM
434 Reps
100 Senators
1 Good Rep = RP.
is that the count ?
435 is with Ron Paul
I'm sure you've heard other congress critters speak that Ron Paul is the only member that couldn't be persuaded or 434 must go!
Old Herb Lady
6th April 2012, 07:26 AM
I thought she recently posed her half nekkid bod for funds. I could be wrong.
how much could that be worth. no pics please !
Twisted Titan
6th April 2012, 09:53 AM
This story is so insignificant compared to what congress is doing on our dime.
Picture 534 octomoms sucking 10X of what it costs for this one octomom kids.
They should all be executed and their money seized.
The petty theives we hang.....the great ones we elect to high office.
6th April 2012, 10:09 AM
i thought OctoMom has been on welfare during the entire Octo-Mom saga.
maybe she could sue
for trademark infringement
"This web site has nothing to do with the octuplet mom, Nadya Suleman.
The,, and domains are the property of Bernice Kirkland. Mrs. Kirkland is the original registrant of these domain names and has owned them since February 2001.
Mrs. Kirkland coined the term "octomom" as tribute to busy moms with plans to use it in the distribution of her children's writings themed on the sea and the mother octopus needing all 8 arms manage things around the house.
Mrs. Kirkland is employed as an elementary music educator. She received her BA degree in music from Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas. She is active with the Dickinson HS Band Boosters and is a member of Texas Music Educators Association. She earned Teacher of the Year award at her school in 2004 and is a frequent contributing writer in Hal Leonard's "Music Express" magazine. She has also recently became an amateur radio operator. Husband Marty and daughter Ruth are also amateur radio operators. As a family project they are all beginning to aggregate materials to be included on this site in the near future. Please come back again soon.
They have picked a few things on Amazon that you may enjoy obtaining for yourself, your family or your friends."
the OTHER Octomom's Amazon store -
crack me up !! ;)
i get the impression that the 8 children don't all have the same father.
i could imagine Christmas could get a little awkward.
if i was her 'manager', where my job was to maximize the value of the Octomom property, i would have ALL the Dad's over & make a Christmas album.
i bet that IF it was well-produced, and IF any of them can sing & play musical instruments - they'd sell 125K+ copies. probably even get picked up on Zio-radio. Yahoo would have "Octomom" on their "Trending" list.
and for the sake of completeness, let us check her Facebook page. Please do not vomit ;)
2 Facebook pages !
6th April 2012, 01:28 PM
Part of me thinks we are being too hard on this woman. She says she's hoping to just need assistance for only a month or two. With all the leeches on the system, it is there to help folks who need it temporarily. The key word is temporarily. She has 14 kids.
I know when I was injured and could not work, I was grateful to have state disability. Of course over the years I paid a lot more into it, than I took out, but it was there when I needed it.
I don't mind my taxes going to help folks who truly need it.
6th April 2012, 01:36 PM
Someone who artificially inseminates 8 children at once and claims she will never need public assistance to support her brilliant choice should be held to account for her actions. Also, I would go after the doctors and associates who did that publicity stunt. They are all culpable.
6th April 2012, 03:19 PM
Part of me thinks we are being too hard on this woman. She says she's hoping to just need assistance for only a month or two. With all the leeches on the system, it is there to help folks who need it temporarily. The key word is temporarily. She has 14 kids.
I know when I was injured and could not work, I was grateful to have state disability. Of course over the years I paid a lot more into it, than I took out, but it was there when I needed it.
I don't mind my taxes going to help folks who truly need it.
I think the point is,, she doing it so she doesn't have to find a job.
I see a lot of women, with lots of kids that are 'unemployable' by any definition.
6th April 2012, 03:27 PM
Awesome. Now she has more money to continue her plastic surgery addiction.
6th April 2012, 04:00 PM
Fuck her. Why are we wasting mental thought on this broad.
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