View Full Version : Atypical Chart Pattern

6th April 2012, 12:45 PM
You guys can talk about inverse double-yous and quivering nipple patterns all you like.

How often does it just flatline and what does that indicate?


6th April 2012, 12:50 PM
Market is closed??::)

6th April 2012, 12:58 PM
Ah, back to the roundhouse gutterslut patterns on Monday.

6th April 2012, 02:51 PM
The quivering nipple thing got a laugh out of me.

6th April 2012, 06:08 PM
You guys can talk about inverse double-yous and quivering nipple patterns all you like.

How often does it just flatline and what does that indicate?

Market is closed??::)

mamboni wins.


7th April 2012, 06:46 AM
Market is closed??::)

market be closed.

/\ from Babelfish Ebonics translator.

7th April 2012, 07:29 AM
Market is closed??::)

Whoa! Hold your horses! Now you are oversimplifying things! Even if the markets happened to close at around the time the curve flatlined, doesn't mean something Really Really disastrous and bad happened here... Btw did you follow the curve all the time since the market "closed". Did you see the little hiccups on the chart earlier today and last night... Don't you think that this is a bit odd behavior for a supposedly closed market? Ghost trading? How about buying and selling reaches an equilibrium and the exact same price is maintained for hours maybe days on end? Mechanism? A group of supreme beings/aliens intervened?

I think the most prudent advice right now is to follow this abnormal chart pattern very closely, until it normalizes it's action, then I can go to bed...

I will pray for your souls, if it is as bad as I think it may be...

7th April 2012, 08:01 AM
Dammit. I planned to go to the coin shop this morning. Now I'm not sure I should.

7th April 2012, 12:09 PM
Dammit. I planned to go to the coin shop this morning. Now I'm not sure I should.

Do you really think it might get any cheaper? ???

7th April 2012, 01:07 PM
Dammit. I planned to go to the coin shop this morning. Now I'm not sure I should.

wouldn't worry about it.

if you might need the cash in the next 12 months, i'd go for some gold.

lots of commentators (i don't mean CNBC commentators, i mean Dan Norcini etc.) are talking about EU weakness being a dominant influence in the PM markets next week, in addition to the normal gross manipulation.

i think we'll be getting a dip below $1600 in gold and below $31 in silver, next week.

but i still think buying at this weekend's prices are a good value. if prices are down 10% next weekend - not a big deal.

also i think it's less stressful doing an over-the-counter/ in-person transaction on a Saturday.