View Full Version : “Jews will be annihilated in Palestine, God will relieve humanity of their evil”

7th April 2012, 04:48 AM

7th April 2012, 06:58 AM
I just don't understand Amish, they could put anything in subtitles.. Tom Jones is coming to town with Ron Paul... Okay.

7th April 2012, 07:13 AM
A "Muslim" posting clips from Memri.


7th April 2012, 08:48 AM
A "Muslim" posting clips from Memri.


The members of MEMRI's Board of Directors are:

Oliver "Buck" Revell: Chairman; Former FBI Executive Assistant Director (Investigations) in charge of Criminal Investigative, Counter-Terrorism and Counter-Intelligence programs; former Vice Chairman of the Interagency Group for Counterintelligence, former member of the Senior Review Group of the Vice-President's Task Force on Terrorism; and currently President of The Revell Group.
Elliott Abrams: Former Special Assistant to President George W. Bush, Senior Director of the National Security Council for Near East and North African Affairs, and former Deputy National Security Advisor for Global Democracy Strategy.
Steve Emerson: Executive Director of The Investigative Project and known terrorism expert.
Jeffrey Kaufman: Managing Trademark and Copyright Partner at Oblon, Spivak, McClelland, Maier & Neustadt.
Robert Reilly: Former Senior Advisor at the Department of Defense and Chairman of the Committee for Western Civilization at the Claremont Institute.

The members of MEMRI's Board of Advisors are:

Bernard Lewis, Professor of Near Eastern Studies Emeritus at Princeton University.
Elie Wiesel, Recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, Presidential Medal of Freedom, the U.S. Congressional Gold Medal, and the Medal of Liberty Award.
Gen. Michael V. Hayden, retired United States Air Force four-star general and former Director of the National Security Agency and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Jose Maria Aznar, former Prime Minister of Spain.
Stephen J. Trachtenberg, President Emeritus and University Professor of Public Service at George Washington University.
Donald Rumsfeld, Former US Secretary of Defense and US Representative (IL).
James Woolsey, Former Director of Central Intelligence Agency and Under-Secretary of the Navy.
John Bolton, Former US Ambassador to the United Nations.
John Ashcroft, Former US Attorney General and U.S. Senator (MO).
Ehud Barak, Former Prime Minister of Israel.
Irwin Cotler, former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.
Mort Zuckerman, Chairman and editor-in-chief, U.S. News & World Report.
Chin Ho Lee, former FBI Special Agent and Senior Executive of the Hyundai Corporation.
Michael Mukasey, Former U.S. Attorney General and Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.
Deborah Lipstadt, Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies at Emory University.
Norman Podhoretz, Former editor-in-chief of Commentary Magazine.
William Bennett, Former Secretary of Education.
Christopher DeMuth, Former President, American Enterprise Institute.
Paul Bremer, Former Ambassador to the Netherlands; former Director of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance in Iraq (de-factor governor).
Lord George Weidenfeld, Former Vice-President, Oxford University Development Program.
Yehuda Bauer, Former Director of the International Institute for Holocaust Research at Yad Vashem.
Alfred Moses, Former Ambassador to Romania.
Herb London, President Emeritus of the Hudson Institute.
Stuart Eizenstat, former ambassador to the European Union.
Josef Joffe, Publisher of Die Zeit.
Natan Sharanksy, former Israeli Minister for Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs, Minister without Portfolio.
Edgar Bronfman, Former president of the World Jewish Congress, and president of Distillers Corporation-Seagrams Ltd.
Max Kampelman, Recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom; Former Ambassador to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe.
Jana Hybaskova, former Member of the European Parliament and Chairperson of the European Democrats Party (Czech Republic).
Alan Dershowitz, Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, author of 27 works as well as over 100 magazine and journal articles.
Yohanan Friedmann, President Emeritus of Islamic Studies at The Hebrew University.
Dr. Khaled Fouad Allam, Algerian sociologist at the University of Trieste (Italy).
Lafif Lakhdar, Tunisian intellectual.
Dr. Shaker Al-Nabulsi, Jordanian writer and University Professor.
Magdi Khalil, human right activist and Executive Editor of the Egyptian weekly Watani International.
Faraj Sarkouhi, former editor of the Iranian literary monthly magazine Adineh.

::) Rabbi Norweger trolling GSUS:


7th April 2012, 08:59 AM
I know very well that Memri is a mosad front thank you very much.

I still agree with the message that jewry is being gathered in Palestine in order to be smashed once and for all.

The purpose of memri is to find what they perceive as "extreme" and then show it to the goyim in order to gain support. I do however believe that some of the cats at this forum sees beyond that.

7th April 2012, 09:15 AM
The purpose of memri is to find what they perceive as "extreme" and then show it to the goyim in order to gain support.


::) Oy Vey! Like you just tried to do here...lol.

7th April 2012, 09:17 AM
A "Muslim" posting clips from Memri.




7th April 2012, 12:40 PM
I still agree with the message that jewry is being gathered in Palestine in order to be smashed once and for all.

They literally stole the birthright (Israel), (and no matter what they call themselves, Jew, Christian, Zionist, whatever) this qualifies the occupiers to be the Edomites of the tribe of Esau who God hated before Esau was even born. Esau is destined to be utterly annihilated.

"Esau said I will sieze the brthright and rebuild the high places, and God said you will build, then I will throw you down."

No tribe of Israel is allowed to call Israel home until the return of the messiah when He sends out His hunters and fishers to INVITE people to return. Sephardic Jews know it and that is why most don't go there or even lay claim to the holy land.

Could'nt pay me enough to be in that land, especially right now.

10th April 2012, 07:45 AM
I know very well that Memri is a mosad front thank you very much.

I still agree with the message that jewry is being gathered in Palestine in order to be smashed once and for all.

The purpose of memri is to find what they perceive as "extreme" and then show it to the goyim in order to gain support. I do however believe that some of the cats at this forum sees beyond that.

"I still agree with the message that jewry is being gathered in Palestine in order to be smashed once and for all."

Because there are no large amounts of Jewish people in NY. Or California. Or Florida. Or Moscow. Or London. Or in France, or Germany. Or in South America.

Right, so just smash Palestine, then smash NY and California and on, and on.

"The purpose of memri is to find what they perceive as "extreme" and then show it to the goyim in order to gain support."

No the purpose of Memri is to frame the argument, or in lay terms, tell the fools watching this crap what to think, truth be damned.

This propaganda you're trolling the board with will not fly around here.

I have a buck that says Norweger's source IP is in the Maryland/Virginia region.

10th April 2012, 08:31 AM
This propaganda you're trolling the board with will not fly around here.

I have a buck that says Norweger's source IP is in the Maryland/Virginia region.


...or Tucson.


10th April 2012, 09:11 AM
Aren't there more jews in new york than israel?

Edit: not quite

10th April 2012, 03:09 PM
"I still agree with the message that jewry is being gathered in Palestine in order to be smashed once and for all."

Because there are no large amounts of Jewish people in NY. Or California. Or Florida. Or Moscow. Or London. Or in France, or Germany. Or in South America.

Right, so just smash Palestine, then smash NY and California and on, and on.

"The purpose of memri is to find what they perceive as "extreme" and then show it to the goyim in order to gain support."

No the purpose of Memri is to frame the argument, or in lay terms, tell the fools watching this crap what to think, truth be damned.

This propaganda you're trolling the board with will not fly around here.

I have a buck that says Norweger's source IP is in the Maryland/Virginia region.

"Jewry", is gathered in Isreal to stash their LOOT.

They never had any place permanent to store their winnings before, like all that European art they bought at ten cents on the Mark or foreclosed on during Germany's economic collapse and the 'Great Depression'.. But they got 'receipts for it'.

Nobody will miss them.