View Full Version : Guns.....

8th April 2012, 12:01 PM
For you the citizen, you should not carry a gun. Why? Because you could hurt you or someone else.

If you ever do find yourself in the situation where you might need a gun to protect your life, please call the Government. They will come to the aide and they will be the one's to bring the gun.

In the event you should make that call, the Government will not only arrive with their guns, but they will choose who is the criminal and who is the victim. They will decide who gets the gun pointed at them, based on the Governments best interest. Based on who is a threat to the Government. Not based on a threat to the citizens.

For you the citizen, you cannot choose who is threatening your life. You are not smart enough. You only went to Government schools.

For you the citizen, you cannot use faith to guide you, because you are not spiritual enough. You only went to Government church's.

Once on scene, and all threats assessed, Government will then choose to use FORCE or COERCION on all present, and in what manner they see fit; All in the name of 'Public Safety'. Government might choose to kill all citizens; victims and criminals; if it deems so for the good of the STATE. Government will bring Law and Order when it is demanded, all by using these bad things called 'guns', that you the citizen should never own.

For you the citizen, guns are unnecessary. You will find life much more 'peaceful' when these guns are gone off of your streets and out of your homes. Peace is when only Government has the guns. You will be much more easier to handle, should the Government need to bring 'Public Safety' to the scene.

Disarmament is the safest policy for Government to decide who are the criminals.

For you the citizen, guns are dangerous.

8th April 2012, 12:29 PM
In the interest of promoting proper English:

This is my rifle
This is my gun
The first is for fighting
The second for fun

or ... as the saying goes ... Do you have a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

8th April 2012, 12:37 PM
I personally choose to carry a gun... because a cop is just too heavy. ;)

Twisted Titan
8th April 2012, 05:58 PM
Are we at last brought to such a humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our own defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in our possession and under our own direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands tcan they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?

Patrick henry

8th April 2012, 06:07 PM
I guess you don't live in Florida, Sui Juris. Here, we're allowed to decide who is a threat and who is not, and act accordingly. At first, on our own property with the Castle Doctrine, but then later with "Stand Your Ground", we can defend ourselves in other areas too. I personally don't want to shoot anyone unless they are on my property, uninvited and threatening me. I would like to believe, admittedly naively, that in other areas I could get away. I also don't leave my house much. :)

It is interesting, though, that we have laws that outline the level of which we may legally defend ourselves. Joke about Flori-duh all you want, and there are plenty of reasons to joke about Florida . . . but at least we have laws that protect our rights to protect ourselves.

8th April 2012, 06:18 PM
I guess you don't live in Florida, Sui Juris. Here, we're allowed to decide who is a threat and who is not, and act accordingly. At first, on our own property with the Castle Doctrine, but then later with "Stand Your Ground", we can defend ourselves in other areas too. I personally don't want to shoot anyone unless they are on my property, uninvited and threatening me. I would like to believe, admittedly naively, that in other areas I could get away. I also don't leave my house much. :)

It is interesting, though, that we have laws that outline the level of which we may legally defend ourselves. Joke about Flori-duh all you want, and there are plenty of reasons to joke about Florida . . . but at least we have laws that protect our rights to protect ourselves.

YEA! and a giant peninsula is better to defend against zombies too.

8th April 2012, 06:30 PM
I guess you don't live in Florida, Sui Juris. Here, we're allowed to decide who is a threat and who is not, and act accordingly. At first, on our own property with the Castle Doctrine, but then later with "Stand Your Ground", we can defend ourselves in other areas too.

I submit, you have that Right by birth. No all powerful Government can 'allow' you to do what your Creator endowed you to do, before Government was created.

The irony in the situation i posed is quite perplexing.

Give up your guns for peace, yet call Government to bring the 'official' guns when needed to kill all threats to Government.
Give up your rights for peace, yet call Government to fix all of the problems that were created by Government.
Give up your privacy for peace, yet allow Government to work in unseen light in order to preserve the destiny of Government.

8th April 2012, 07:23 PM
I guess you don't live in Florida, Sui Juris. Here, we're allowed to decide who is a threat and who is not, and act accordingly. At first, on our own property with the Castle Doctrine, but then later with "Stand Your Ground", we can defend ourselves in other areas too. I personally don't want to shoot anyone unless they are on my property, uninvited and threatening me. I would like to believe, admittedly naively, that in other areas I could get away. I also don't leave my house much. :)

It is interesting, though, that we have laws that outline the level of which we may legally defend ourselves. Joke about Flori-duh all you want, and there are plenty of reasons to joke about Florida . . . but at least we have laws that protect our rights to protect ourselves.

Florida: America's penis. ;D

Sorry... nothing but respect for that state - mostly for the reasons k-os mentioned.

8th April 2012, 07:28 PM
What she meant is we actualy worked very hard within our state government for them to finaly re-recognize, respect and observe our affirmative self defense rights.

The law is very specficily written to limit the state in matters of firearms and self defense rather than the individual or "citizen". It is a law as laws are meant to be. To bind the hands of the state from infringing upon the natural rights of the people. This is how it is written.

It is currently under heavy attack due to this Treyvon Martin bullshit, but as far as firearms go, Florida is one of the better states and the people are constantly striving to make it even better.