View Full Version : Supernatural Abilities Of Qi Gong Masters

9th April 2012, 05:13 AM
Heaps of clips here.....


9th April 2012, 06:56 AM
Nothing supernatural there. I watched some of those films. Looks pretty stupid. Simple people being hynoptized. The programming of the mind makes all those hits and jumps simple.

One guy supposedly moves things. All easily faked. I would have pulled the table cloth to reveal the accomplish underneath with his magnets a super fine string.

midnight rambler
9th April 2012, 08:15 AM
Nothing supernatural there. I watched some of those films. Looks pretty stupid. Simple people being hynoptized. The programming of the mind makes all those hits and jumps simple.

One guy supposedly moves things. All easily faked. I would have pulled the table cloth to reveal the accomplish underneath with his magnets a super fine string.

Yet another case of anosognosia. lol

9th April 2012, 08:18 AM
Yet another case of anosognosia. lol

Oh, you are so wise. Fix me up with any of those "masters" and I will see about jumping like a cricket. Tell me, wise one, have YOU experienced it directly?

midnight rambler
9th April 2012, 08:21 AM
have YOU experienced it directly?


9th April 2012, 08:49 AM

Oh, so glad you provided that great treatise on your experiences. I guess your qi/chi is a little low right now and you only had the energy to muster up 3 letters.

midnight rambler
9th April 2012, 08:54 AM
For those who understand, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not understand no explanation is sufficient.

9th April 2012, 09:37 AM
For those who understand, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not understand no explanation is sufficient.

LOL.... yeup... sure.

9th April 2012, 09:42 AM
Science supports this.


9th April 2012, 09:47 AM
Science supports this.


Nope- not applicable. Whole different thing.

Chi- is the kundalini forces.... not physical.... but reportedly has affect on physical.
My objection is looking at the fake videos referenced at that site. It is all mass hypnosis and trickery. Pure BS.

9th April 2012, 09:56 AM

midnight rambler
9th April 2012, 10:38 AM
My objection is looking at the fake videos referenced at that site. It is all mass hypnosis and trickery. Pure BS.

And you're able to ascertain all this from viewing a video from a website. Wow, I'm very impressed by your powers of perception. /sarc

9th April 2012, 10:56 AM
And you're able to ascertain all this from viewing a video from a website. Wow, I'm very impressed by your powers of perception. /sarc

Thanks. You are too kind.

Hey, my barrister from Nigeria would like to talk with you.

midnight rambler
9th April 2012, 10:59 AM
Thanks. You are too kind.

Hey, my barrister from Nigeria would like to talk with you.

That thought had occurred to me, thanks for the confirmation. lol

9th April 2012, 11:33 AM
It works... really... ::)


9th April 2012, 11:44 AM
It works... really... ::)


The hypnotized folks bounced around the old man so much that he even began to believe in his own powers! LOL!!! Then get someone to challenge him who has not bended the kneee to that spirit and kaboom.

Like I said, set me up with any of those masters. I do not bow to their deceptions.

BTW- in an earlier "scientific" study where tha guy was swinging the bat.... I could see the pull technique he used. A simple clue for you to look at is his right hand. He had more if it in front of the bat than behind it. That was to assure his pull of the swing at the moment of impact.

A skilled swordsman can do the same.... pulling the blade to prevent a cut. Let me (or some disinterested party- or a machine) swing the bat, instead of his "disciple".

9th April 2012, 11:53 AM

How do you explain the 2900 pounds of force generated by that spear pressed against his throat? The doctor on site said that much force should have punctured that soft tissue but it didn't.

9th April 2012, 12:25 PM
I was looking at the video where they pile up and "resist" behind the master, it does look like they do it themselves when they are supposedly "pushed" by the master, the supporting foot moves forward just prior to the "punch"... My kids are doing Aikido for about a year, should I pull them from it?

9th April 2012, 02:09 PM

How do you explain the 2900 pounds of force generated by that spear pressed against his throat? The doctor on site said that much force should have punctured that soft tissue but it didn't.

I am not sure I could explain it. I really would not want to try that even with a rubber tipped spear. It appears that part of that trick involves balancing the shoulders of the spear tip on the clavicle bones. With the bend, it was a dangerous move if anything slipped. And, what is really gained by this? The message is that he is spear-proof. Do you think he would let me jab him with less than 200 pounds force?

Ever watch a magic act and because you could not see the trick, it all looked like real magic? Don't be foooled so quickly.

9th April 2012, 02:13 PM
I was looking at the video where they pile up and "resist" behind the master, it does look like they do it themselves when they are supposedly "pushed" by the master, the supporting foot moves forward just prior to the "punch"... My kids are doing Aikido for about a year, should I pull them from it?

In martial arts, watch for their spiritual push. Most of them have the students bow to a "deity". Beware of foreign words used.

I think there are martial arts training plans that are useful. BUT- part of any martial arts is to kill the individual and replace it with a new spirit. In the military, they condition your soul to kill. Building a toughness is fine for personal discipline. Be careful of the "master" who would be your master.

9th April 2012, 03:15 PM
I was looking at the video where they pile up and "resist" behind the master, it does look like they do it themselves when they are supposedly "pushed" by the master, the supporting foot moves forward just prior to the "punch"... My kids are doing Aikido for about a year, should I pull them from it?

Morehei Uyeshiba (founder of Aikido) came to mind for me too.

based on the reverence i have witnessed in the higher Dans towards "O'Sensei", i would have to say that his abilities are real.

how he would do against a MMA guy - i'd like to watch.


9th April 2012, 03:42 PM
It is a choreographed acrobatic dance. The game is to always honor the master. Nothing wrong with that on its own. But let's not pretend that the "Master" has supernatural powers. There is only one who fits that bill..... and his bills are enormous...


10th April 2012, 07:10 AM
I was looking at the video where they pile up and "resist" behind the master, it does look like they do it themselves when they are supposedly "pushed" by the master, the supporting foot moves forward just prior to the "punch"... My kids are doing Aikido for about a year, should I pull them from it?


I studied Aikido in my late teens-early 20s. It is a fascinating style. With regards to teaching it to children I think there is 1 important point learned by all in Aikido that is applicable to kids - the art of falling. I'm sure they spent the first several weeks learning how to fall down correctly.

With any training you get from it what you put into it. Personally, I think if the kids are older than 5 and younger than late teens I would push for them to learn Ninjutsu or Wing Chun (~Kung Fu). Those styles include much more stretching, leg use and to a certain extent overall physical balance that is lacking in Aikido. I think, since they are young, they would benefit greatly from a more diverse training regiment than that of Aikido.

And believe me, Aikido definitely has a place in my heart. I was lucky enough to train under Yoshimitsu Yamada, a direct student of the founder Morihei Ueshiba.

I just think there are better styles for the physical development of children.

Do not be scared by any religious aspect to these arts - it is clear as day (who/what is going on) when you enter a dojo and I've never had an instructor push it. If you are the type that thinks participating in an Easter egg hunt is going to condemn one to hell for practicing occult than some folks praying/meditating out of respect to former masters is going to be a red flag. Otherwise - who cares? Live and let live.

I applaud you for getting your kids into a program like Aikido - the discipline they will learn is truly beyond $ value!

10th April 2012, 07:13 AM

With all due respect your writing off of martial arts masters as "choreographed acrobatic dance" shows you as ethnocentric or downright ignorant.

I couldn't disagree more.

10th April 2012, 10:32 AM

With all due respect your writing off of martial arts masters as "choreographed acrobatic dance" shows you as ethnocentric or downright ignorant.

I couldn't disagree more.

Yes, they do very well in world-wide MMA matches... :D ::)

10th April 2012, 10:37 AM
Chinese Kenpo anyone?


10th April 2012, 11:58 AM

With all due respect your writing off of martial arts masters as "choreographed acrobatic dance" shows you as ethnocentric or downright ignorant.

I couldn't disagree more.

I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. A true master is one who has learned his skills well and is able to teach them. But when they reach a certain age, don't pretend they are more powerful with supernatural abilities. That stuff makes good movies but is a bit of a stretch from reality.