View Full Version : Trayvon Martin Case: NBC Fires Producer Over Edit

9th April 2012, 08:15 PM

US, New York - NBC News has fired a producer for editing a recording of George Zimmerman's call to police the night he shot Trayvon Martin, a person with direct knowledge of the matter said Saturday.

The identity of the producer was not disclosed. The dismissal followed an internal investigation that led to NBC apologizing for having aired the misleading audio.

The person with knowledge of the firing spoke on the condition of anonymity. An NBC spokeswoman declined to comment.

NBC's Today show first aired the edited version of Zimmerman's call on March 27. The recording that viewers heard was trimmed to suggest that Zimmerman volunteered to police, with no prompting, that Martin was black: "This guy looks like he's up to no good. He looks black."

But the portion of the tape that was deleted had the 911 dispatcher asking Zimmerman if the person who had raised his suspicion was "black, white or Hispanic," to which Zimmerman responded, "He looks black."

Later that night of Feb. 26, the 17-year-old Martin was fatally shot by Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer in Sanford, Fla. Though Martin was unarmed, Zimmerman told police he fired in self-defense after Martin attacked him.

Questions subsequently have arisen over whether Zimmerman was racially profiling the teen, a theory the edited version of the tape seemed to support.

On Tuesday, NBC said its investigation turned up "an error made in the production process that we deeply regret." It promised that "necessary steps" would be taken "to prevent this from happening in the future" and apologized to viewers.

Source: The Associated Press

9th April 2012, 08:16 PM

9th April 2012, 08:28 PM
So we're supposed to just take their word that someone was fired? It's not like they've lied before, right? LOL

He probably just had to take a refresher course on how to lie to the public without getting caught.

10th April 2012, 01:17 AM
So we're supposed to just take their word that someone was fired? It's not like they've lied before, right? LOL

He probably just had to take a refresher course on how to lie to the public without getting caught.

He was probably fired and then promoted to a more important job. "Good job! You're up with the big boys now."

midnight rambler
10th April 2012, 02:07 AM
He was probably fired and then promoted to a more important job. "Good job! You're up with the big boys now."

Yeah, that's their MO.

Twisted Titan
10th April 2012, 03:42 AM
I know zimm is under a lot of pressure but I would sue the shit outta NBC and go.after that prick personally for damages.

That could help a lot on defense costs.

10th April 2012, 07:36 AM
I know zimm is under a lot of pressure but I would sue the shit outta NBC and go.after that prick personally for damages.

That could help a lot on defense costs.

Actually that's not a bad idea.

Twisted Titan
10th April 2012, 11:10 AM
Actually that's not a bad idea.

The fact that he was fired admits guilt the.tapes where doctered.

MSNBC if they were smart would move to settle quickly. without admitting guilt.

10th April 2012, 03:07 PM
Just had to post this, amazing.

Breaking News (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews) · 125,736 like this
57 minutes ago (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715) ·
George Zimmerman's lawyers announced that they are withdrawing as his counsel because they have lost contact with him.
Attorney Craig Sonner said that Zimmerman, who fatally shot Florida teen Trayvon Martin, has not returned phone calls or emails in the past couple of days. - NBC Miami (https://www.facebook.com/NBCMiami)

[/URL]George Zimmerman's Attorneys Say They No Longer Represent Him (http://www.nbcmiami.com/news/George-Zimmerman-Seeking-Donations-on-Website-146803905.html)
www.nbcmiami.com (http://www.nbcmiami.com/)George Zimmerman has launched a new website to defend himself and raise funds for his legal defense in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting

Cody Litkey (https://www.facebook.com/contrariancody) This is a total non story. They just said that they have not heard from him and he might have another lawyer so they can't call themselves his lawyers. They never quit.

just like all of this... the media is off their rocker.

Jody Mehetabel Taylor (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247620) interesting.....there is more to this then meets the pubilc eye
Glenn Matthew Brown (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247623) Long live Zimmerman!
Judy Branham (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002911509829) The lawyers said Shawn Hannity knows where he is but won't tell them,so yes I believe that. His father will only go on Fox and say stupid crap.
Tammy Grayson (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247626) He's way too much of a coward to hang or hurt himself. Guilty as charged are the only words i'm interested in.
ASarah Davis (https://www.facebook.com/absarahd1) dont any one besides me think that this is crazy stuff , just me but both sides have used this as a money bomb
Cody Litkey (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247630) In fact these lawyers are still talking and defending him... Break your news slower.
Brian A Renaud (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247631) so was O.J. trial
Michele Sosslau (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247632) If they were to arrest him, how would they find him ??49 minutes ago (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247633) · Like · https://s-static.ak.facebook.com/rsrc.php/v1/yw/r/drP8vlvSl_8.gif 1 (https://www.facebook.com/browse/likes/?id=412994352063818)
Donna Zellman (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003089985433) He disappeared because he knows he's guilty!!
Valerie Gould (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247635) i support zimmerman. that martin punk was a gangster member he attacked first and as far as rioting how come they didnt riot for Caylee Anthony..hmm? how come florida?
Adam Slobodow (https://www.facebook.com/aslobodow) I am reasonably sure the scope of is duty was "observe and report". He did more against police instruction.... Are we supposed to believe an unarmed 13yr old attacked this armed adult who should have not even pursued? All poilitics aside, how woyld u feel if it were your kid involved in an unnecessary death?
Martin Matthes Jr. (https://www.facebook.com/martin.matthes) I'm sure a Patriot is hiding him so the blood-thirsty racists don't get a hold of him. Heck, I'd hide Zimmerman if he needed it.
Jane Barbontin (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247648) I can't wait for Zimmerman's trial... Stupid POS... Hope they beat him in prison...
Robin Carlin- Holder (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247649) Since all of America was there that night and knows what happened. I dont blame the guy he has been tried and convicted by media.
Tammy Grayson (https://www.facebook.com/tammy.warnock1) Really Valerie and you would know this how? Why was he following this kid with a gun after being told not too. He should get the chair
Aric Miller (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247654) This whole thing is a mess and no one looks good in it.
Michele Sosslau (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247665) I'm anxious to see how the entire case ends !! It'll go on for much longer, I'm sure.
Cody Litkey (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247671) Adam... he was 17 and over 6 feet tall. When the 911 operator told him to stop following they also asked him for the address, he gave it and walked back to his car where he was *attacked*.
Virginia McKenna (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000181433607) He is probably in Peru with his mother's family, getting home cooked meals and his laundry done. He is a murdering, vigilante and should be arrested and tried.
Hester Chapman (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247674) why all the fuss , the man followed the law of Fla . law is law
Jeff Bidoli (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247678) Unarmed 13 year old??? No need to comment here folks.
Brenda Carter (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247681) The rats are jumping ship!!
Jacob Stohler (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247683) He should try stalking his lawyers with a gun. That always gets results.40 minutes ago (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247685) · Like · https://s-static.ak.facebook.com/rsrc.php/v1/yw/r/drP8vlvSl_8.gif 4 (https://www.facebook.com/browse/likes/?id=413000135396573)
Rob Schellinger (https://www.facebook.com/rob.schellinger) ‎"His father will only go on Fox and say stupid crap."

Better to go on NBC-BS and let THEM say stupid crap, I suppose. The one bright spot in this kerfuffle is that you can easily spot the raving morons who are easily led.
Maggie MacKenzie (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247686) Bigots like Valerie Gould... make me want to puke!!! Please... do tell... HOW exactly Trayvon Martin attacked that racist POS when he was sitting in his car... He didn't!!! Zimmerman lost the whole "stand your ground" stance when he exited ...See More

Ashok Patel (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247689) This guy should start a super pack.
Gloria Alvarado (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247692) my guess is that this coward has gone inhiding
Michelle Williams Falk (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247695) IMO Zimmerman is guilty. He should have been arrested from the beginning. And it should not have taken filing a missing person report for Trayvon's parents to find out he had been shot and killed. The police dept needs to be held accountable too!
Rob Schellinger (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247697) ‎@Maggie MacKenzie "Bigots like Valerie Gould... make me want to puke!!!"

Well, folks whose comments are full of crap make me shake my head.
Timothy Wright (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247698) They're setting this up for an insanity defense. Just watch!https://s-static.ak.facebook.com/rsrc.php/v1/yw/r/drP8vlvSl_8.gif (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247705)
Cody Litkey (https://www.facebook.com/contrariancody) Why do they need a defense? Zimmerman won't even be charged. No law was broken besides Trayvon Martin committing battery.
Sharon Swift (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247715) He should of just called the police and left it to them, since when is it a crime to walk down the street! When he was told to back off he should have gone in the house and left it alone! He should have to answer to the court!
Kim Wawrowicz (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247717) This case is over! No grand jury is being put into place....whatever anyone seems to think a decision has already been made in this case and Zimmerman will go free... right or wrong...idk? I was not there...and neither were any of you. The 911 calls were admidittly altered....this whole situation has come to a point where there is nothing more to be said
Jere A. Call (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247718) ‎"The one bright spot in this kerfuffle is that you can easily spot the raving morons who are easily led." Indeed.
Elaine Fowley (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247730) The movie Copland springs to mind guilty
Rob Schellinger (https://www.facebook.com/rob.schellinger) The movie Idiocracy springs to mind. Stupid.
Christopher Maple (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247748) http://mrctv.org/videos/zo-trayvons-left-forgot24 minutes ago (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247750) · Like
Gene Wales (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000368254751) ‎"Most likely because he has a price on his freaking head,you A-Holes.
WHY are the black panthers not being charged with inciting domestic terrorism?
Virginia McKenna (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247755) ‎@ Kim Wawrowicz, yeah and a 17 yr old kid is dead, armed with nothing but a can of tea and a bag of Skittles. Florida must be one hell hole.
Rose Hundley-Lundy (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247763) Wow
Robyn S. Dawson (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247764) Seems to me like the TRUTH about Zimmerman is coming out. He's a rouge human being. He goes AGAINST everything his attorney's advised him of. He build's his own website and solicits money for HIMSELF. He then goes out on his own and is t...See More

Daniel Almendarez (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247766) that Martin punk was a gang member? where that info from Valarie? oh ya...cuz he smoked weed and was black...
Gene Wales (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247772) Robyn S. Dawson,prove it.
Gene Wales (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247776) I work at a convenient store and I see young thug wanna be gangstas all day that could physicality take me down if they wanted to,so the poor little innocent 15 yr old boy BS isn't flying with me & a lot of folks.
It's time for the AMERICAN citizens let this be handled by the courts,Not in the streets.
Glenn Matthew Brown (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247779) rouge =/= rogue.

Jane Payne (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247785) http://youtu.be/Hc3khvfJTGs13 minutes ago (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247786) · Like
David Barton (https://www.facebook.com/tobruk) The murderer is standing his ground again and being the idiot he's always been... Trying to profit off the murder of Trayvon with his website. Arrest this sub human being NOW and DEMAND JUSTICE FOR TRAYVON!! He murderer!!
Maggie MacKenzie (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247798) Well... Gene Wales... when you are a small minded, uneducated conservative bigot... I guess you gotta be forced to work low skilled low paying jobs like working in a convenience store... You should probably try to do something about your anger issues tho...
[URL="https://www.facebook.com/crash409"]Glenn Matthew Brown (https://www.facebook.com/BreakingNews/posts/412988715397715?comment_id=5247811) I enjoy the grammatical errors of the Trayvon supporters.

Carry on.