View Full Version : U.S. Judges Admit to Jailing Children for Money

10th April 2012, 01:37 PM
Posted: March 27, 2012

Philadelphia, Pa. – Judges Mark Ciavarella and Michael Conahan of the Court of Common Pleas in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, plead guilty in open court that they sentenced children to juvenile detention because they were paid off to do it by the PA Childcare and a sister company, Western PA Childcare corporation that ran the private facilities.
Ciavarella wrote in a letter to the court,

“Your statement that I have disgraced my judgeship is true. My actions have destroyed everything I worked to accomplish and I have only myself to blame.”
The two judges face up to seven years in prison under a plea agreement made with the state.
The companies in question paid the two judges more than $2.6 million dollars to send children to detention. The companies receive a stipend from the government for each inmate they house. So as more children were sentenced to the detention center, PA Childcare and Western PA Childcare received more money from the government, prosecutors said.
According to the Juvenile Law Center, a Philadelphia nonprofit group, teenagers were sentenced to detention for simple misdemeanors.
The Constitution guarantees the right to legal representation in U.S. courts. But many of the juveniles appeared before Ciavarella without an attorney because they were told by the probation service that their minor offenses didn’t require one.
Marsha Levick, chief counsel for the Juvenile Law Center, estimated that of approximately 5,000 juveniles who came before Ciavarella from 2003 and 2006, between 1,000 and 2,000 received sentences that far outweighed their crimes. She said the center will be suing the judges and the companies to compensate the victims.
Levick said.
“That judges would allow their greed to trump the rights of defendants is just obscene,”
This nightmare scenario has long been the cry of those trying to end the practice of privatizing prisons (http://www.inquisitr.com/180576/us-prisons-turn-to-call-center-jobs-for-inmates/) in the United States.

Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/211740/u-s-judges-admit-to-jailing-children-for-money/#WdSTHP2Fd4jWjCbF.99

10th April 2012, 01:48 PM
The only fair sentence is to add up all the sentences they handed out and make them serve that amount of time. This doesn't even include punitive action. Anything less would be very unjust to the kids who did time.

But I agree this has more to do with the system than those two individuals.

10th April 2012, 02:26 PM
So what do the two corporations involved get by way of punishment? These two judges were not operating in a vacuum were they?

Twisted Titan
10th April 2012, 02:44 PM
They should be drawn and quarterd but not before they're witness to watching their familes being stripped of every dime and worldy possesion and watching their childeren work in the deepest salt mines of Seberia for 19 years.

10th April 2012, 02:47 PM
They should be drawn and quarterd but not before they're witness to watching their familes being stripped of every dime and worldy possesion and watching their childeren work in the deepest salt mines of Seberia for 19 years.

Ever thought of being a Judge yourself TT , you seem to have a flair for sentencing.;D

10th April 2012, 03:17 PM
There seems to be a lot of child abuse and pedophilia involved with the government agencies like 'child protective' services and the courts.

10th April 2012, 04:39 PM
Yes rest assured these 2 are taking the fall to cover for the MASSIVE pedophilia, white slavery, child trafficking, etc that runs rampant not only in our courts and government but in our 'higher' educational systems, as this is where they are bred....

Twisted Titan
10th April 2012, 04:55 PM
Yes rest assured these 2 are taking the fall to cover for the MASSIVE pedophilia, white slavery, child trafficking, etc that runs rampant not only in our courts and government but in our 'higher' educational systems, as this is where they are bred....

A chilling documentary I have yet to finish


10th April 2012, 05:25 PM
Our corrupt courts imprison anyone at anytime for any reason. Especially dangerous for good looking children and adults with money.

Try to live under the radar, If you get a demand to appear consider the payoff, if available. It is as a mob ransom. Pay it and keep yourself and your family away from the court.

7th trump
10th April 2012, 08:07 PM
They should be drawn and quarterd but not before they're witness to watching their familes being stripped of every dime and worldy possesion and watching their childeren work in the deepest salt mines of Seberia for 19 years.
I for one hope to God you are being sarcastic TT!
Thats very unjust for the innocent children of the guilty.
Hey TT let me strip your child of every dime and worldly possession for the rest of its life for your unjust comment.

Gods judgment is fair and just.............He just so happens to address justice by stating "a childs teeth does not go on edge because the father bites a lemon".
Well its pretty close to being verbatum, but I think you get the point our Father makes.
God doesnt punish any innocent regardless of it background.
Not very thought out TT...not at all!

Twisted Titan
10th April 2012, 08:30 PM
I for one hope to God you are being sarcastic TT!
Thats very unjust for the innocent children of the guilty.
Hey TT let me strip your child of every dime and worldly possession for the rest of its life for your unjust comment.

Gods judgment is fair and just.............He just so happens to address justice by stating "a childs teeth does not go on edge because the father bites a lemon".
Well its pretty close to being verbatum, but I think you get the point our Father makes.
God doesnt punish any innocent regardless of it background.
Not very thought out TT...not at all!

In another time and place I really would back off.

But the thing that truly tests my Faith in a higher power is crimes against childeren.

I can almost( and i use that term loosely) tolerate any crime if it happens to a adult.

But I can not for the life of me Understand while God will allow the most wicked things to happen to the most innocent.

I have zero tolerence for those who bring harm to little ones....as there is no need for it except that you have a heart as dark and black as pitch.

And for the spawn of wicked men.........I remember a few sayings a myself.

Apples dont fall far from the tree.

The only offspring a tiger can have is another tiger.

7th trump
11th April 2012, 04:16 AM
In another time and place I really would back off.

But the thing that truly tests my Faith in a higher power is crimes against childeren.

I can almost( and i use that term loosely) tolerate any crime if it happens to a adult.

But I can not for the life of me Understand while God will allow the most wicked things to happen to the most innocent.

I have zero tolerence for those who bring harm to little ones....as there is no need for it except that you have a heart as dark and black as pitch.

And for the spawn of wicked men.........I remember a few sayings a myself.

Apples dont fall far from the tree.

The only offspring a tiger can have is another tiger.

Everyone gets a calling regardless TT.
You are acting no different than those judges to think the innocent deserves punishment.
Think about that for a minute.

I've said it before........some of you people are no different than the criminals running this show. I hope I'm not around any of you when this all goes down. You are far more dangerous than they are.