View Full Version : Summons for Jury

10th April 2012, 03:57 PM
Got one in the mail today. Complete, sign and return this page within ten days. You must report for jury service unless you receive notice that you are excused. 10 questions pertaining to residency and such. I'm not interested in participating. Any ideas on how to get out of it?

10th April 2012, 03:59 PM
Unfortunately the constitutional provision against forced servitude no longer applies. Your best bet is to fake a death in the family. Tell them your beloved aunt just passed and you're emotionally unfit for service.

midnight rambler
10th April 2012, 04:00 PM
Loudly mention 'jury nullification' at your earliest opportunity* and be one of the first (if not THE first) to be sent home.

*It's the least you can do.

10th April 2012, 04:09 PM
Why wouldn't you want to participate? Understandable if it's a $ issue but go be a PITA to the corrupt system, next time it might be you who needs enlightened patriots on your side.

midnight rambler
10th April 2012, 04:13 PM
'Enlightened patriots'* don't acquiesce to administrative courts established under the fraudulent 14th Amendment and participate in their sham 'hearings'.

*'Enlightened patriots' also don't swear under the pains and penalties of perjury that they are a (14th Amendment) 'U.S. citizen' by signing a 'voter registration' card.

10th April 2012, 04:16 PM
Federal or State ?
Feds pay better than my state.
Called but never served.
Once, case got settled.
For the Fed Case, I didn't fill out some of the nosy questions they asked and was dismissed by either plaintiff or defendants lawyers.

10th April 2012, 04:19 PM
Illegible writing is good with lots of opinion. What are the 10 questions?

This might be fun!

10th April 2012, 04:23 PM
If you have half a brain, you would be smarter than 90% of those who show up. They excuse anyone who appears to be a thinker. Go! Don't answer more than yes or no. Don't add anything or offer info not asked. The system is rigged to try off the independent thinkers in favor of those who can be manipulated by the lawyers.

10th April 2012, 04:23 PM
Got one in the mail today. Complete, sign and return this page within ten days. You must report for jury service unless you receive notice that you are excused. 10 questions pertaining to residency and such. I'm not interested in participating. Any ideas on how to get out of it?

I URGE you to reconsider.

This is your chance to make sure that Government stays within the Rule of the Law. You may have the chance to stop the railroad of Government from running over another citizen. There are good innocent people everyday that get screwed by this system, because the only people that show up for Jury Duty are the pro Government vampires who would convict Santa Clause for eating cookies.

We all need to make sure we stop unlawful actions by Government. And they are literally asking you to make sure they are doing their job.

Can you imagine if all juries were filled with GSUS type people? The Government would have a HELL OF A TIME convicting anyone that didnt lawfully deserve it.

midnight rambler
10th April 2012, 04:28 PM
I see there are some very proud 14th Amendment 'U.S. citizens'* on this thread. lol

*One ONLY gets called for 'jury duty' if one has sworn to be a 14th Amendment 'U.S. citizen' under the pains and penalties of perjury

10th April 2012, 04:38 PM
Got one in the mail today. Complete, sign and return this page within ten days. You must report for jury service unless you receive notice that you are excused. 10 questions pertaining to residency and such. I'm not interested in participating. Any ideas on how to get out of it?

when the judge interviews you as a potential juror, ask if you are at liberty to discuss the concept of "Jury Nullification" with the other jurors.

10th April 2012, 05:05 PM
They will use your registration and cross-check it against all the other taxes that apply to someone living in your area. Do you pay all your local, state, municipal, etc. taxes each year? What about use tax, business tax, etc.

10th April 2012, 05:07 PM
Sounds like a 419 scam, American Style.

My advice is to bait those MF'ers! If they are wasting time on you they can't scam real victims!

10th April 2012, 05:21 PM
The court is a money making business. Those who can pay are found guilty, those who can't are set free.

The court has to prove you received a summons. They urge you by mail to contact them immediately so they have proof that you received it. Ignore it, throw it away.
They may send a postal mail carrier with "signature required" if it is not your signature, throw it away again.
They may send a letter demanding you to appear claiming to have "a" signature on file, if it is not yours, throw it away.
They may send an officer with a summons to your house or ask if you are a resident there. Do not answer the door.

If you do decide to participate, It is better to set a fellow citizen free rather than hand him over to the corrupt system.

Yes, familiarize yourself with Jury Nullification.

10th April 2012, 05:28 PM
Some of those "fellow citizens" are the thugs that break into houses and hurt people. Just do what is right and forget about gaming the system.

10th April 2012, 05:39 PM
There are few if any people I authorize to "summons" me. Keeping the peace is the prime objective of the justice system and if I am not present then I am not disturbing the peace. Only by appearing is it possible to be a problem to the peace so the only answer is not not appear.

10th April 2012, 08:39 PM
Any ideas on how to get out of it?

Stick to your beliefs and they won't even seat you.

Many years ago, I was called to re-hear a sentencing portion of a trial. The decision of guilt wasn't in play; only if the guy got the death penalty or not. The pool was huge and we were told not to talk about the case amongst ourselves as we waited to be interviewed.

It took three days before my interview. When I got in there they asked questions about being willing to "uphold the law" and issue a death sentence. I told them absolutely not. The judge re-asked me, stating that it was the law in that state. I then asked what was the worst they could do to me? He dismissed me stating they wanted an impartial jury. BS--everyone of those people sitting in the hall couldn't wait to have that guy executed. For all I knew, he wasn't even guilty.

10th April 2012, 11:42 PM
I go to Jury Duty every time I get it. I am never even considered for a trial. I hope I would be a fair juror, if it ever came to that.

11th April 2012, 12:27 AM
I personally have recieved a few of these notices, but have never replied to any of them. I never heard anything about it or faced any repercussions, but I am in Canada, so it might be different for you.

If I recieved on now, I would go, for the express purpose of making sure people were not being programmed by the courts into killing or jailing someone just because it's popular, like what BaBushka Lady was describing.

11th April 2012, 04:32 AM
once i was called for a jury duty on a simple meth possession case.

when it was "my turn to speak", i said something simple like, "the drug laws are bull-shit."

i was OUTTATHERE !!!

what i wish i had said, "meth use is a form of self medication. so is over-eating. the prosecutor obviously participates in this form of self-medication - which has been proven to have negative health effects, up to and including death. how is it that we are here today judging the defendant for self-medicating using one substance, when the prosecutor himself also engages in substance abuse ?" (the prosecutor was a real heavy-set guy).

sometimes the judge's jobs can be real boring. as long as you are respectful towards the judge, there's nothing wrong with tossing him a bone, in the form of court-room entertainment.

11th April 2012, 04:43 AM
there's nothing wrong with tossing him a bone, in the form of court-room entertainment.

The judges job is to do the entertaining. His sense of humor is to assign contempt and make some money off your bond (one of the privileges you applied for with your social security card). You enter a courtroom at your own risk.

11th April 2012, 05:36 AM
The judges job is to do the entertaining. His sense of humor is to assign contempt and make some money off your bond (one of the privileges you applied for with your social security card). You enter a courtroom at your own risk.

Depends on the definition of entertainment.

D sciple
11th April 2012, 07:06 AM
Say that you believe that the U.S. is part of the kingdom of God and you'll only be basing your judgements off of the Torah.


11th April 2012, 07:41 AM
Thanks for the responses on both sides of the issue. I filled out the questions which pertained to residency, age and criminal record. And there was question about being on death bed with doctor excuse provided. This is a county court summons and after checking with my employer paid time off is granted for jury duty. I'll keep you posted on the status of the request.

11th April 2012, 10:30 AM
I believe the employer only is obligated to pay like a dollar an hour and not fire you for your absence. I thought I got paid also and after 2 weeks I realized I was fvcked!