View Full Version : Gordon Duff - ‘United States plans another 9/11 style attack'

General of Darkness
12th April 2012, 07:58 PM
Dunno the reliability of Duff is, but it does make sense.

Video at link.


12th April 2012, 08:17 PM
You know, there is another possibility, ridiculous as it sounds. Perhaps HSA is buying 750,000,000 rounds of 40 cal hollow point to crowd out the private shooter market. Basically, buy it to keep it out of the hands of private citizens. Yes, it sounds retarded. And only an economic moron would propose such a thing (i.e. a socialist). But this has precedent, sort of. In 1964, the US mint was under pressure from the rising price of silver as the Vietnam War and Great Society social welfare spending was starting up inflation. Lyndon Johnson actually ordered to the mint to overproduce silver coinage in order to saturate the market with silver and suppress the price. This is why so many silver halves and quarters were minted in 1964, the highest in history by far. Of course this is totally moronic thinking and didn't work. It simply succeeding in wiping out US Mint silver reserves and hastening our exit from silver coinage to clad coinage. In general, when an idea seems too obviously moronic to try, you can generally count on the government to try it.::)

General of Darkness
12th April 2012, 08:34 PM
You know, there is another possibility, ridiculous as it sounds. Perhaps HSA is buying 750,000,000 rounds of 40 cal hollow point to crowd out the private shooter market. Basically, buy it to keep it out of the hands of private citizens. Yes, it sounds retarded. And only an economic moron would propose such a thing (i.e. a socialist). But this has precedent, sort of. In 1964, the US mint was under pressure from the rising price of silver as the Vietnam War and Great Society social welfare spending was starting up inflation. Lyndon Johnson actually ordered to the mint to overproduce silver coinage in order to saturate the market with silver and suppress the price. This is why so many silver halves and quarters were minted in 1964, the highest in history by far. Of course this is totally moronic thinking and didn't work. It simply succeeding in wiping out US Mint silver reserves and hastening our exit from silver coinage to clad coinage. In general, when an idea seems too obviously moronic to try, you can generally count on the government to try it.::)

Mambosaurous, did you listen to the code pink faggot? He's a psyop for sure.

12th April 2012, 09:36 PM
Perhaps HSA is buying 750,000,000 rounds of 40 cal hollow point to crowd out the private shooter market. Basically, buy it to keep it out of the hands of private citizens.

Maybe it will be declared "surplus" and donated to Israel in a few years. That how the hebes got all those F-16s...

13th April 2012, 02:19 AM
Mambosaurous, did you listen to the code pink faggot? He's a psyop for sure.

Large Sarge has posted a lot of his articles.


19th April 2012, 06:19 AM
Mambosaurous, did you listen to the code pink faggot? He's a psyop for sure.

Code pink faggot? What's that?