View Full Version : Cop caught masturbating in patrol car while on the job

13th April 2012, 12:21 AM


Photo from policecarwebsite.net

TAGS: Sex (http://rt.com/tags/sex/), USA (http://rt.com/tags/usa/), Police (http://rt.com/tags/police/)

After scouring 10 hours of footage recorded from the dash camera of a cop cruiser, authorities in Santa Fe, NM found what they were looking for. There on tape was Sgt. Mike Eiskant, and to say he was caught red-handed could never be more appropriate.
The now former-Sgt. Eiskant has resigned from his position with the Santa Fe Police Department and has signed a statement saying he will never, ever serve again as an officer of the law.
But when you make national headlines after being caught on film in broad daylight masturbating in your own cop car while on the job — well, the odds of landing another job in law enforcement aren’t particularly in your favor anyway.
Eiskant pleaded no contest last week for a plethora of charges which include two counts of attempt to commit a felony, one count of stalking, two counts of harassment, larceny and possession of marijuana. Admitting to guilt to any of those charges would land an officer of the law in hot water, but the real slip up seems to be stemming from an investigation conducted by a local news network that ended with tape recorded evidence of Eiskant masturbating in the front seat of his patrol car.
Santa Fe’s KOB News says they spent over a month requesting and reviewing dash cam videos from Sgt. Eiskant’s patrol car, which eventually paid off for a team of investigative journalists that got more than they expected. KOB describes the footage as containing what sounds like a zipper being manipulated and audible moans by way of the officer.
The footage reveals that Eiskant was leering at a photograph of a naked woman on his cell phone and at one point proclaimed, “Oh show me those big beautiful breasts, baby.”;D
The news network revealed details of their investigation last Friday, which sadly happened one day after Eiskant offered a no contest plea in Bernalillo County District Court for the ten charges not related to the masturbating mishap. The Santa Fe New Mexican reports that seven of those charges occurred in 2011, and the crimes of harassment, stalking and attempt t p commit false imprisonment all involved female victims.
When KOB News caught up with a fellow cop that had worked with Eiskant, she explained that he had a reputation for being a “creeper.” Former officer Shannon Brady says she tried to file a harassment complaint against Eiskant year earlier.

Twisted Titan
13th April 2012, 04:57 AM
I always knew most cops where dickheads but damm.....this takes the cake.

13th April 2012, 05:14 AM
C'mon guys! He was just polishing his night stick. Let's not be pricks about it. We need to stop having hardons for the cocks...er...cops.

13th April 2012, 05:14 AM
Don't they even know they are being recorded all the time?

Technology is not just for catching "them".... it catches everyone. Live by the sword and die by the sword.

When KOB News caught up with a fellow cop that had worked with Eiskant, she explained that he had a reputation for being a “creeper.”

Sounds like the perfect cop for the new world order. He will get a promotion when the new boss is installed.

13th April 2012, 06:37 AM
Am I the only one who finds disgust in the fact that an officer was let go for something pretty well benign as this but many are given paid days off for brutalizing citizens and flagrantly trampling the constitution?

13th April 2012, 06:44 AM
Am I the only one who finds disgust in the fact that an officer was let go for something pretty well benign as this but many are given paid days off for brutalizing citizens and flagrantly trampling the constitution?

Same here SLV. Cops that kill get in less trouble.

13th April 2012, 07:15 AM
I believe there was a judicial black robed actor who was caught doing the same thing several years ago ... in public, while seated on his bench.

midnight rambler
13th April 2012, 08:14 AM
I believe there was a judicial black robed actor who was caught doing the same thing several years ago ... in public, while seated on his bench.

That was that judge in Oklahoma using the suction device - WOOSH! Can you imagine?? Of course no doubt there are others.

13th April 2012, 08:21 AM
Remember they are all heroes!

13th April 2012, 12:01 PM
Call me crazy, but I wish more of them would stay locked in their cars for hours at a time rather than making life hell for the rest of us. Remember, a cop can't ticket you while he's having sex with himself in the back seat of his patrol car.

13th April 2012, 12:25 PM
Call me crazy, but I wish more of them would stay locked in their cars for hours at a time rather than making life hell for the rest of us. Remember, a cop can't ticket you while he's having sex with himself in the back seat of his patrol car.

Front seat.

13th April 2012, 12:37 PM
Call me crazy, but I wish more of them would stay locked in their cars for hours at a time rather than making life hell for the rest of us. Remember, a cop can't ticket you while he's having sex with himself in the back seat of his patrol car.

Yeah- but this guy was a creepy crawler. It seems he was a stalker type. I am sure he would not keep his exploits in the car. And if you get one that likes boys, a ticket is the best you could hope for.

13th April 2012, 12:44 PM
When KOB News caught up with a fellow cop that had worked with Eiskant, she explained that he had a reputation for being a “creeper.”

More PROOF that Kops inside the force know about the non-stop corruption, debauchery, lies and fraud that goes on in every single Police Dept in this entire country.

Kops get 0 respect from me. ZERO. And im more than vocal about it. For it is the Law and Justice that earns my respect, not a man in a costume claiming to represent it.

13th April 2012, 12:56 PM
More PROOF that Kops inside the force know about the non-stop corruption, debauchery, lies and fraud that goes on in every single Police Dept in this entire country.

Kops get 0 respect from me. ZERO. And im more than vocal about it. For it is the Law and Justice that earns my respect, not a man in a costume claiming to represent it.

I had an interesting conversation with a retired cop this week. I was with a goomba so they talked openly. The stories flew about cops and mafia in the family. If you were not part of their gang, you got slammed. If you were part of the Italian club, you stayed out of the molten core where people got whacked, but you always had friends and friends of friends to identify you as OK. At times I felt I was hearing about a movie script and other times I wanted to vomit. The movie "Goodfellas" is pretty close to the game. And, they all pretty much knew who whacked who.

13th April 2012, 02:52 PM
Where are the pics?

13th April 2012, 03:33 PM
[QUOTE=ximmy;533485]Where are the pics?

13th April 2012, 03:49 PM
Where are the pics?


"Ximmy, please step out of your car, and into the back of mine."

13th April 2012, 05:06 PM
Am I the only one who finds disgust in the fact that an officer was let go for something pretty well benign as this but many are given paid days off for brutalizing citizens and flagrantly trampling the constitution?

Movie ratings are a pretty good indicator for what is acceptable (or pushed) in society. Hint: violence is acceptable, sex (even though that's how we ALL got here) is strictly forbidden. Yes, it's disgusting and ridiculous.

13th April 2012, 05:20 PM
Am I the only one who finds disgust in the fact that an officer was let go for something pretty well benign as this...

Yeah...no employer should be allowed to fire an employee for simply jerking off on the clock.

::) ...should be added to the Bill Of Rights

13th April 2012, 05:40 PM
Yeah...no employer should be allowed to fire an employee for simply jerking off on the clock.

::) ...should be added to the Bill Of Rights

Like you don't know what they are talking about? Come on? Not the point that he was fired for that specifically, the point was there are worst things done by cops where they are not fired.

16th April 2012, 05:59 AM
A benign tumor is still a tumor and should be removed if possible.

But you can turn anything into a stick to stir the shit if you're a shit stirrer.

16th April 2012, 06:05 AM
I am of the opinion that every single cop should be fired and every single person should be allowed to carry and defend as required.

Cops serve no purpose outside of extortion and bullying.

16th April 2012, 06:15 AM
Like you don't know what they are talking about? Come on? Not the point that he was fired for that specifically, the point was there are worst things done by cops where they are not fired.

But Book agrees with Cops brutalizing people...