View Full Version : Geithner: Borrow Unlimited Money!

15th April 2012, 07:20 PM
Geithner: Borrow Unlimited Money! (http://www.fedupusa.org/2012/04/geithner-borrow-unlimited-money/)

http://www.fedupusa.org/wp-content/themes/old_glory_wp_theme_lr/images/PostDateIcon.png April 15th, 2012 | http://www.fedupusa.org/wp-content/themes/old_glory_wp_theme_lr/images/PostAuthorIcon.png Author: Stephanie (http://www.fedupusa.org/2012/04/geithner-borrow-unlimited-money/#)

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-sWKB2HZE3_w/Tb3OAGKTPLI/AAAAAAAAIIc/COmwOZASmFg/s1600/timothy-geithner-has-money.jpg (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-sWKB2HZE3_w/Tb3OAGKTPLI/AAAAAAAAIIc/COmwOZASmFg/s1600/timothy-geithner-has-money.jpg)
Oh boy.. (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-04-15/geithner-urges-u-s-lawmakers-to-leave-drama-out-of-debt-limit.html)

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner (http://topics.bloomberg.com/timothy-f.-geithner/) warned Congress against repeating last year’s “very damaging” debate over the debt limit and said the economy is stronger than at any time in the past several years.
“It would be good for the country, if this time, they did it with less drama and less politics and less damage to the country than they did last summer,” Geithner said on NBC’s“Meet the Press” program today, referring to lawmakers’ reluctance to raise the debt ceiling until an 11th-hour agreement with the Obama administration in August.
So exactly what is the purpose of Congress, which is supposed to initiate all bills, if the Executive can just borrow as much as it wants without debate, pushback or refusal?
Should we just crown Obama now and call Timmy the chief extractor?
At exactly what point does Congress have the right to hold Obama accountable for his lies? You know, the lie he told about cutting the deficit in half by the end of his first term — when he instead more than doubled it!
What is the purpose of a Constitution and separation of powers that remains in our alleged “government of, by and for the people, with the consent of the governed”?

The Market-Ticker (http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=204771)
Discussion (http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=204771#discuss) (registration required to post)

Hatha Sunahara
16th April 2012, 02:05 AM
Geithner is the problem masquerading as the solution. If the economy is so damned good why are there 50 million people on food stamps? And why are food and gas prices going through the roof? And why does the national debt grow by a trillion or more $ each year? What he's telling us here is that we shouldn't talk about these things--just go along quietly and no one will be hurt any more than everybody else. Geithner doesn't work for the people. He works for the banks.


16th April 2012, 04:19 AM
Geithner is the problem masquerading as the solution. If the economy is so damned good why are there 50 million people on food stamps?

because very few of the unemployed & homeless employed are Jews.

institute TRUE affirmative action - affirmative action that takes into account ethnicity, and guarantees Gentiles the same access to employment as Jews ... problem solved.

imagine if Hollywood was - only 2% Jews, same as in the general population.

same for Academia, government, banking, etc.

maybe THAT's why it was so easy to give the banksters $Trillions and auto-workers only a few $Billion. there's very few Jewish auto-workers.