View Full Version : father of 82 after launching free 'baby making' service

16th April 2012, 01:55 PM
Making up for lost time: 34-year-old virgin becomes father of 82 after launching free 'baby making' service (with an 80% success rate)

Dutchman Ed Houben, 42, sleeps with around 15 childless women a month
Had 45 girls and 35 boys in nine years but doesn't know sex of other two

By Alan Hall (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=&authornamef=Alan+Hall+)
PUBLISHED: 11:07 GMT, 16 April 2012 | UPDATED: 14:30 GMT, 16 April 2012


A man who stayed a virgin until the age 34 has become a father of 82 in the space of just nine years and he has another ten children on the way.
Dutchman Ed Houben, 42, sleeps with around 15 childless women a month in a bid to make their quests to become mothers a reality.

He is understood to be the most prolific professional babymaker in the world - and what he does is all legal.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/04/16/article-0-129EC44B000005DC-877_634x419.jpg Personal services: Dutcham Ed Houben has fathered 82 children since becoming a professional baby maker

He has sown his seed around the globe but usually waits for women to come to him these days at his home in Maastricht, although he still makes exceptions if his partners are entering a particularly fertile period. Provided they pay his travelling expenses and accommodation.


His 'family' lives in cities like Berlin - three children - and in Holland, Italy, Spain, Belgium, France and even New Zealand. The eldest is now nine while the youngest is two months old.
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/04/16/article-2130441-129ED496000005DC-30_306x423.jpg Strike rate: Mr Bouden gives 80 per cent of the females he has sex with a child

He began donating sperm to local clinics. Then he found there was a market for procreation the natural way and he has never looked back.
Spermaspender.de. in Germany is one of the websites he uses to connect with childless women desperate to conceive.

They know Ed has a good pedigree; he gives 80 per cent of the females he has sex with a child.
All his partners must submit medical records showing they are disease and drug free while he reciprocates.

Included in his paperwork is a semen analysis known as a 'spermiogram' that shows he is the real deal a sperm count of less than 20 million shows the potential donor is 'not a good prospect.'

The prospects are increased for sperm counts of 80 to 100 million.
Houben's count is 100 million. 'I don't fire blanks!' he joked.
Sperm banks generally charge around four to five thousand pounds for inseminations. Ed does it for free.
He gets his partners to sign documents waiving legal claims to child support; but experts say these would be invalid in the hands of a good lawyer.

'If all the mothers decided to sue him for maintenance he would be paying them off for the rest of this life, and the next,' said one German family lawyer.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/04/16/article-2130441-129ED492000005DC-46_634x418.jpg Baby maker: But at the age of 34 Mr Houden was a shy virgin still living with his mother

He has sired 45 girls and 35 boys. Two of the the brood he doesn't know the sex of because the mothers won't tell him.

'My girlfriend says that what I do only makes me more interesting,' he told Germany's Der Spiegel magazine. 'She's coming to visit again soon.' But he hasn'rt managed to make her pregnant yet.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2130441/34-year-old-virgin-father-82-launching-free-baby-making-service.html#ixzz1sEsTIos1

General of Darkness
16th April 2012, 02:03 PM
I find this story disgusting. Whatever happened to having a fucking family. Women now think they're entitled to have children and can do it on their own, with the help of the state of course.

16th April 2012, 02:09 PM
judging from what he looks like...i can only imagine what he has sex with.

16th April 2012, 02:47 PM
Waiting for someone with better photoshop skills than me, to show a baby with markedly similar facial features ...

Twisted Titan
16th April 2012, 02:49 PM
I find this story disgusting. Whatever happened to having a fucking family. Women now think they're entitled to have children and can do it on their own, with the help of the state of course.

I fully agree.

each of those countries listed have very liberal laws when it comes to " fatherless" childeren.

nothing but a dam money grab

16th April 2012, 02:54 PM
Waiting for someone with better photoshop skills than me, to show a baby with markedly similar facial features ...

Not very fair on the baby

16th April 2012, 03:01 PM
How is the mom going to answer the question... "Mommy, who is Daddy?" ?

16th April 2012, 03:04 PM
How is the mom going to answer the question... "Mommy, who is Daddy?" ?

Quite simply..................he was out sourced..................;D

16th April 2012, 03:46 PM
The guy kinda looks like he could be abe foxmans cousin in the first pic.

If he is White though, we face a demographic crisis and while I realize that a nuclear family is crucial to raising good children, I don't see this as any different from just donating sperm, although depending on the woman either more or less enjoyable.

I didn't read the entire article but perhaps he is just a "surrogate father" for guys who are shooting blanks, although admittedly that is probably very rarely the case it is possible.

PS. Anyone want to help me start a website for US services?

16th April 2012, 04:00 PM
PS. Anyone want to help me start a website for US services?

Is it OK if they send photos first................

16th April 2012, 04:11 PM
His hand probably has rope burn, On another note wouldn't it suck to be him if all them mothers wanted child support?

16th April 2012, 04:23 PM
Is it OK if they send photos first................

The ladies must send timestamped photos :)

I'm not a 34 y/o virgin like the guy in the story, I can afford to use discretion ;)

Silver Rocket Bitches!
16th April 2012, 06:00 PM
His hand probably has rope burn, On another note wouldn't it suck to be him if all them mothers wanted child support?

And won't it suck when he sees his kids disappointed face when they go out searching for their long lost father and discover...this abomination.