View Full Version : the nuge does it again!

17th April 2012, 06:01 AM
"If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will be either be dead or in jail by this time next year."

too bad he's stumping for mittens though :(



Ted Nugent is hitting the pavement for GOP president hopeful Mitt Romney. The rocker called for attendees of the National Rifle Association’s convention to go out and recruit thousands of people to vote for Romney in the coming election. Nugent said, ”Our government is wiping its a– with the Constitution.”

During an on-site interview, he also told the crowd, ”We’ve got four Supreme Court justices who don’t believe in the Constitution. Does everybody here know that four of the Supreme Court justices not only determined you don’t have the right to keep and bear arms, four Supreme Court justices signed their name to a declaration that Americans have no fundamental right to self-defense? That sounds like a stoned hippie. That doesn’t sound like a Supreme Court anything.” The musician went on to say: ”If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will be either be dead or in jail by this time next year.”

A representative for Nugent didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. [The Hollywood Reporter]

17th April 2012, 06:19 AM
Fuck Ted Nugent.

He is poacher too you know.

17th April 2012, 06:20 AM
Ted Nugent is the Ron Jeremy of neoconservatism.

17th April 2012, 06:26 AM
i don't know anything about him politics wise, but i do know he annoys the shit out of all of my liberal family members & friends. so, i give him a thumbs up for that.

17th April 2012, 06:30 AM
i don't know anything about him politics wise, but i do know he annoys the shit out of all of my liberal family members & friends. so, i give him a thumbs up for that.

That is what he is supposed to do. Keep people pissed off at him so they don't look deeper for answers.

He is an entertainer.

17th April 2012, 06:31 AM
i don't know anything about him politics wise, but i do know he annoys the shit out of all of my liberal family members & friends. so, i give him a thumbs up for that.

Exactly what his character is designed to do, annoy the "other side", the "left", the "liberal".

He reinforces the false paradigm.

He's an actor. A professional liar. He's made up.

Given enough money he would do and say whatever was necessary, for whoever was signing the paycheck.

ETA: didn't see osoab's post above. Clearly we agree on this matter.

17th April 2012, 06:32 AM
i don't know anything about him politics wise, but i do know he annoys the shit out of all of my liberal family members & friends. so, i give him a thumbs up for that.

The same could be said for Bill O'Reilly.

17th April 2012, 06:50 AM
rough crowd today :D

17th April 2012, 06:54 AM
Ted Nugent the Poacher.

Poaching doesn't rock: Ted Nugent caught in illegal deer hunt (http://www.examiner.com/animal-protection-in-national/poaching-doesn-t-rock-ted-nugent-caught-illegal-deer-hunt)

Some of the biggest hunting rights advocates have had their brushes with the law when it comes to illegal wildlife killing. This week, law enforcement nabbed a big buck within the hunting rights field: Rocker Ted Nugent pled no contest in a California court to poaching activities (http://www.sacbee.com/2010/08/17/2965507/rocker-ted-nugent-pleads-no-contest.html)—baiting a deer and not having a properly signed hunting tag.

If Nugent were just some rank-and-file loudmouth, the court proceedings wouldn’t have stirred much attention. But Nugent is not only a long-serving board member of the NRA (http://www.modbee.com/2010/08/18/1298535/rocker-ted-nugent-pleads-no-contest.html) (15 years), he’s a self-styled voice for hunters across America. We’ve always thought he’s an embarrassment to the hunting lobby, providing an unceasing bilge of callous and crude beliefs and behaving in ways that are directly at odds with the self-portrait offered by hunters.
Nugent says one thing and does another. He says that sport hunters are great conservationists, and then he goes on to defend the most unsporting, reckless, and irresponsible forms of hunting, such as canned hunts, bear baiting, or pigeon shoots.

Earlier this month, his poaching came to light when state authorities, acting on an investigation by wardens from the California Department of Fish and Game (http://www.appeal-democrat.com/news/deer-98041-baiting-nugent.html), brought 11 charges against Nugent, including killing a deer too young to be legally hunted. In a deal with Yuba County prosecutors, Nugent's attorney last Friday entered no contest pleas to two misdemeanor charges.
On its website, the NRA says that “All sportsmen and women have a responsibility to other hunters and landowners, the public, wildlife, and above all, to themselves. It is essential that all hunters abide by a code of ethics (http://www.nrahq.org/hunting/nraethics.asp).”

If the NRA truly had hunting ethics as a paramount concern—rather than as a placeholder on the website—it would oust Nugent from its board. If The HSUS had a board member who pled guilty to animal cruelty, he or she would be gone in a flash. But tolerating Nugent and his behavior is just par for the course for the NRA.

The NRA gives lip service to combating poaching, but really does nothing meaningful on the front. In this case, we’ve got unmistakable evidence that one of its leaders got in on the action himself.

I can't find anything to corroborate what I was told during deer check in back in 1996 for Illinois. I was told that the Nug got busted in Illinois for poaching too maybe 93-95 time frame.

17th April 2012, 07:05 AM
huh, didn't know that about him. that's pretty shitty, ted.

17th April 2012, 07:27 AM
huh, didn't know that about him. that's pretty shitty, ted.

What, that he hunted a deer without a "properly signed hunting tag"? They may call it illegal poaching but it's just hunting.

17th April 2012, 07:40 AM
Oooh, he's a republican, yuck.

17th April 2012, 07:41 AM
i'm torn on hunting & fishing laws. on the one hand, yes, i get it, on the other hand, i have seen the hmong in my state pretty much destroy the trout population. they are "free men," and proclaim these laws do not apply to them. they have liberated dozens of streams from the pesky trout infestation problems.

17th April 2012, 07:57 AM
i'm torn on hunting & fishing laws. on the one hand, yes, i get it, on the other hand, i have seen the hmong in my state pretty much destroy the trout population. they are "free men," and proclaim these laws do not apply to them. they have liberated dozens of streams from the pesky trout infestation problems.

Sounds like your state just needs to be liberated from the hmong

17th April 2012, 08:05 AM
Sounds like your state just needs to be liberated from the hmong

from your lips to god's ears.

true hmong story. trout unlimited stocked a stream near where i used to live in early march (season closed) once. a buddy and i showed up the next day to do a shock survey for trout unlimited (see if we could find any "floaters" that died as a result of the stocking process). there were 8-10 hmong with sein nets filling up 5 gallon buckets with fry. we called them in, dnr did nothing because "they'll just go to court & claim they don't speak english, and the judge will just dismiss it."

hmong story #2: out in the woods on public land with 2 buddies in august (season closed). we found a hmong deer camp where they had 14 deer strung up. called them in, dnr went out and "talked to them about respecting hunting laws" (told to me later by a different dnr agent i know who hates the hmong almost as much as i do).

call it a failure of the dnr, court system, whatever, but it all started with the hmong.

i am not a big fan of the hmong.

Twisted Titan
17th April 2012, 08:22 AM
2 questions:

What are Hmong??

What does it mean when you plead no contest in court??

17th April 2012, 08:30 AM
asian ethnic group from parts of china, vietnam, laos, and thailand. they fought against the communists during the laotion war in the late 1970s. they lost. the communists singled them out for execution, so the u.s.s took them in as refugees. in my state, almost 30 years later, most of them still act like they are living in the forests of vietnam circa 1975. they go shoot or hunt whatever they want, whenever they want, in any amount they wish. when sportsmen here get pissed of about it, we're told "we don't understand their culture." sorry for the language, but i can't fucking stand them.

17th April 2012, 08:34 AM

17th April 2012, 08:40 AM
Fuck Ted Nugent.

He is poacher too you know.

That should say "Fuck Ted Nugent: He is not a Ron Paul supporter"

What is poaching? (Sarcasm)

People have been killing all sorts of animals during all times of the year, for thousands and thousands of years. Now that the nanny state has set itself up to regulate something that mankind has been doing since it's existance, they tell us when it is "acceptable" to hunt "certain animals" during certain "hunting seasons" if you have purchased a "hunting licence" and you have purchased a "game seal".

Fucking joke.

I comply because the bastards in Canada have more authority than the typical NWO pig cop. The Ministry officers can take you car, boat, house, whatever. It is EXTORTION. Same goes for fishing. Pay to play.

If it came down to survival, I would kill any animal I wanted at any time of year, and have no second thoughts.

I understand the need to ensure species survival (Including the white race, jus sayin) and it is our responsibility to hunt responsibly, but I don;t agree with bloated federal agencies charging you out the ass for every single thing you want to hunt and eat. It's another obese government body that is finding ways to finance it's overencumbered payroll.

big country
17th April 2012, 08:49 AM
It isn't federal agencys in the USA Awoke.
DNR (Dept of Natural Resources) are STATE agencies and every single state has different seasons, laws, and regulations.

Most states also allow land owners to hunt (in season...and respecting bag limits) without a license and/or tags. This includes fishing on your own property and all PRIVATE lakes (no license and/or permits required.) This doesn't apply to all states, but it is in most as far as I know.

Hunting is federally controlled in Canada?

17th April 2012, 08:54 AM
Would anyone expect anything different from Nugent? He backed McLame last time. I cringe when I hear him talk of the Constitution...just another ass clown.

17th April 2012, 09:13 AM
Would anyone expect anything different from Nugent? He backed McLame last time. I cringe when I hear him talk of the Constitution...just another ass clown.

https://whyweprotest.net/asset-proxy/685b786acf30adb1a00498c0fed73d30905f3f0a/687474703a2f2f693139352e70686f746f6275636b65742e63 6f6d2f616c62756d732f7a3230362f63726a656e6e69312f61 7373436c6f776e2e6a7067/http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z206/crjenni1/assClown.jpg

17th April 2012, 09:18 AM
Now that's some funny shit Osoab!

17th April 2012, 09:26 AM
It isn't federal agencys in the USA Awoke.
DNR (Dept of Natural Resources) are STATE agencies and every single state has different seasons, laws, and regulations.

Most states also allow land owners to hunt (in season...and respecting bag limits) without a license and/or tags. This includes fishing on your own property and all PRIVATE lakes (no license and/or permits required.) This doesn't apply to all states, but it is in most as far as I know.

Hunting is federally controlled in Canada?

I spoke with haste. Game is controlled on a provincial level, but migratory birds are controlled on a federal level.
However, the provincial regulations are still a result IMO of a bloated federal nanny state.

17th April 2012, 09:28 AM
Now that's some funny shit Osoab!

I was looking for a small ass clown smiley that I have seen used on another board. I think the one above is much better. Glad you enjoyed it.

something similar to what I was looking for. http://www.dfwfishbox.com/forums/production/images/smilies/assclown.gif

big country
17th April 2012, 09:33 AM
I spoke with haste. Game is controlled on a provincial level, but migratory birds are controlled on a federal level.
However, the provincial regulations are still a result IMO of a bloated federal nanny state.

Ok Thanks. You are correct. Migratory birds are federally controlled here too...interstate commerce?
Would you explain why you think hunting laws are a result of a federal nanny state? This is a legit question, not an asshole reply. I'm really interested in hearing how the two are related.

Do Provinces in Canada allow landowner privledge (that is what it is called in West Virginia...)? Meaning that landowners do not need licenses or permits to hunt their own land?

Also, if the State/Province shouldn't manage the wildlife who should? No one? Survival of the least tasty?

17th April 2012, 10:08 AM
Ok Thanks. You are correct. Migratory birds are federally controlled here too...interstate commerce?
Would you explain why you think hunting laws are a result of a federal nanny state? This is a legit question, not an asshole reply. I'm really interested in hearing how the two are related.

I'm not stating facts, I am sharing opinion. I am of the opinion that if our provincial government didn't regulate hunting, the federal would instead. It is a cash grab, a money maker, an extortion racket. Too much profit is a stake for no one (in government) to capitalize on it. On paper, the Provincial government is separate from the federal, but in practice they are in each others pockets.
We just eliminated the federal long gun registry. Now the provinces are already talking about implimenting their own version. In that case, it is not a cash "grab", but more of a way to launder money and increase debt, thereby further immersing us all in our 9 to 5 slavish tax paying animal farm lifestyles.

Do Provinces in Canada allow landowner privledge (that is what it is called in West Virginia...)? Meaning that landowners do not need licenses or permits to hunt their own land?

I can't answer that with certainty, but I feel pretty safe saying "no" regarding landowners "priviledge" (So kind of them to tell us it's a priviledge...)

I can say that any landowner who hunts any game still has to pay the money for a game seal (tag). I believe the only exception is farmers that are killing nuisance animals that are destrying crops, such as racoons, deer, etc that eat their corn or whatever.

Even then, I think there is a special licence that of course they have to purchase. But I can't say for sure. Never looked into it.

Also, if the State/Province shouldn't manage the wildlife who should? No one? Survival of the least tasty?

I believe that populations will learn to adapt and regulate naturally, barring an outright extinction program.
If people were eating the way were are meant to, we would be consuming a LOT less than we do now. Nevermind the fact that people are eating convenient fast food whenever and almost whereever they want.

A return to the roots of hunter/gatherer/provider would be a great reset. Anytime you look at any animal that is near extinction, it is alway due to the modern food industry, catering to our global "instant gratification" society. If people had to actually provide for themselves, none of these animals would be in danger, imo, for a multitude of reasons including the ones I touched on.

I am a little scattered brained right now due to some stuff at work, but ask away if I wasn't clear enough on my stance.

afaic the entire hunting regulation outfit is 100% devoted to reaping income. They don't give a fuck about the bullfrog population, etc. They just pretend they do to get more money.

17th April 2012, 10:11 AM
afaic the entire hunting regulation outfit is 100% devoted to reaping income. They don't give a fuck about the bullfrog population, etc. They just pretend they do to get more money.

true, true, true. if the state cared about the bullfrog population, you wouldn't have 10,000 chapters of bullfrogs unlimited all over the country.

17th April 2012, 10:12 AM
I believe that populations will learn to adapt and regulate naturally, barring an outright extinction program.
If people were eating the way were are meant to, we would be consuming a LOT less than we do now. Nevermind the fact that people are eating convenient fast food whenever and almost whereever they want.

I talk to a ffl from Indiana from time to time. He told me that all the deer in Indiana and some of Illinois were completely hunted out during the Depression. They brought whitetail from North Carolina to start a new population. This story has been backed up by others when I have discussed this.

When it comes down to it, most slaves think I first no matter the consequences.

17th April 2012, 10:23 AM
I talk to a ffl from Indiana from time to time. He told me that all the deer in Indiana and some of Illinois were completely hunted out during the Depression. They brought whitetail from North Carolina to start a new population. This story has been backed up by others when I have discussed this.

When it comes down to it, most slaves think I first no matter the consequences.

Well my friend, you only further reinforce what I am asserting: Our modern day lifestyle of "Sit on your ass and have whatever you want" is the problem.

Long before the depression, people actually moved from area to area to get food. No one sat on their ass and waited for a pizza to arrive "in 20 minutes or it's free". People had to migrate too, seasonally, and also based on animal populations.

17th April 2012, 10:25 AM
true, true, true. if the state cared about the bullfrog population, you wouldn't have 10,000 chapters of bullfrogs unlimited all over the country.

Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, I'ave never heard of Bullfrogs Unlimited (If it exists). I just used Bullfrogs as an example.

17th April 2012, 10:26 AM
not being sarcastic, just going with your bullfrog anaology. the reason whitetails unlimited, pheasants forever, wild turkey federation, trout unlimited, etc exist is because THOSE are the organizations that care about & support animal populations, not the dnr/mnr. the dnr/mnr only want your $$, they could give a shit about wildlife.

17th April 2012, 10:31 AM
Well my friend, you only further reinforce what I am asserting: Our modern day lifestyle of "Sit on your ass and have whatever you want" is the problem.

Long before the depression, people actually moved from area to area to get food. No one sat on their ass and waited for a pizza to arrive "in 20 minutes or it's free". People had to migrate too, seasonally, and also based on animal populations.

Yeah, going back to nomadic lifestyle will not work unless we get our overlords plan of a 90% population reduction. You cannot have a society that will grow and improve themselves while being nomadic just to look for food.

17th April 2012, 10:56 AM
I disagree Osoab. There are plenty of resources that would be more than enough to sustain our population if we were living within the means that the Lord and Creator intended.

Let's be clear that I am not advocating that we all revert to cavemen. I'm just saying FUCK the governemnt regulations on hunting and fishing, because it is nothing more than an extortion racket.

I am all for responsible hunting and game-population/environmental stewardship. I just don't think it needs to be a multi-million dollar industry that fattens the NWO oligarch pockets.

Still, like everything else: Comply or die.

17th April 2012, 03:23 PM
"The Nuge" is just just like the moron lefties who were going to leave the country if King George ll was crowned, but never left.
Really never into his music while we are on "The Nuge" topic.

17th April 2012, 04:34 PM
i'm torn on hunting & fishing laws. on the one hand, yes, i get it, on the other hand, i have seen the hmong in my state pretty much destroy the trout population. they are "free men," and proclaim these laws do not apply to them. they have liberated dozens of streams from the pesky trout infestation problems.

I have an uncle who is a life long fisherman on the Miramachi river in New Brunswick Canada. He was telling me some years ago the native Americans fishnet the entire river upstream so there are no fish at all coming downstream at certain points.

He also told me the nets seem to spontaneously cut themselves up into shreds all the time...

17th April 2012, 05:46 PM
That would emphasize my point on responsible hunting/fishing and environmental stewardship.

17th April 2012, 05:50 PM
huh, didn't know that about him. that's pretty shitty, ted.

Ted nugent is a douche, but I fail to see how not getting the governments permission to hunt is a "shitty" thing.

18th April 2012, 03:14 PM
Ted nugent is a douche, but I fail to see how not getting the governments permission to hunt is a "shitty" thing.

That was the only story I could find. I am at fault for posting without reading the thing.

Back 15 years ago, I checked in deer for one of the counties during the shotgun seasons.

I don't remember who said it and I recollect many others confirming the story, but the nuge was busted in Mclean County (I think, could have been Northern Illinois) Illinois for poaching deer. He had no tag. He showed up with whomever and took his shot. I don't think the season had started yet either.

My memory is fuzzy about the conversation, its been many beers ago. This is where most of my disdain for the nuge comes from.

19th April 2012, 05:17 AM


19th April 2012, 06:18 AM
If Nuge really cared about the constitution, he would rule out Romney too!

Romney is NOT a natural born citizen.

19th April 2012, 02:22 PM
Secret Service interviews Ted Nugent after Obama comments, says matter 'resolved'

Published April 19, 2012


The Secret Service said Thursday the agency has completed its interview with rocker Ted Nugent regarding his controversial remarks about President Obama and no action will be taken.
"The Secret Service interview has been completed. The issue has been resolved. The Secret Service does not anticipate any further action," said agency spokesman Brian Leary.
The 63-year-old Nugent, who recently endorsed GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney, said during a weekend National Rifle Association convention that the Obama administration was "vile," "evil" and "America-hating."
He also said that if the president is re-elected, “I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year."
Nugent, who said his comments were not a call to violence, revealed Wednesday on Glenn Beck's radio show that he was set to meet Thursday with Secret Service agents.

19th April 2012, 02:34 PM
Ted Stoogent just turned the Secret Service onto a list of free (prepaid) groupies and everyone was happy.

19th April 2012, 06:52 PM
Secret Service interviews Ted Nugent after Obama comments, says matter 'resolved'

Published April 19, 2012


The Secret Service said Thursday the agency has completed its interview with rocker Ted Nugent regarding his controversial remarks about President Obama and no action will be taken.
"The Secret Service interview has been completed. The issue has been resolved. The Secret Service does not anticipate any further action," said agency spokesman Brian Leary.
The 63-year-old Nugent, who recently endorsed GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney, said during a weekend National Rifle Association convention that the Obama administration was "vile," "evil" and "America-hating."
He also said that if the president is re-elected, “I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year."
Nugent, who said his comments were not a call to violence, revealed Wednesday on Glenn Beck's radio show that he was set to meet Thursday with Secret Service agents.

Theatrics, bullshit, and misdirection. Same as everything else that comes out of the MSM.

20th April 2012, 08:50 PM
Ted Nugent will plead guilty to illegal black bear hunt (http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/la-na-nn-ted-nugent-bear-20120420,0,1403793.story)

SEATTLE -- Just when they thought Ted Nugent (http://www.chicagotribune.com/topic/entertainment/music/ted-nugent-PECLB003320.topic) didn’t have any more arrows to unleash, it turns out he did: specifically, an arrow aimed at a bear during a hunting trip in southeastern Alaska that has now landed the rocker-turned-outdoorsman in federal court.

In a plea agreement filed Friday in U.S. District Court in Anchorage, Nugent will plead guilty to one count of transporting an illegally hunted bear — an offense that could result in a $10,000 fine.

Nugent, 63, was on Alaska’s Sukkwan Island in May 2009 filming an episode of his Outdoor Channel television show, “Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild,” which is described on his website as the “ultimate hands-on conservation lifestyle television show.” According to court documents, he was bow hunting near a bait station designed to attract black bears (http://www.chicagotribune.com/topic/science-technology/science/zoology/bear-%28animal%29-ANSP000006.topic) when he fired an arrow that wounded a bear, which then ran off.

Nugent “failed to locate and harvest the wounded black bear,” the plea agreement said, and then four days later, he shot and killed another black bear at one of the registered bait sites and then transported it off the island.

The problem: Alaska hunting regulations say the first wounded bear fulfilled his bag limit; the second one was an illegal kill. Transporting it off the island made it a violation of the federal Lacey Act.

Nugent has been in the news over remarks he made at the National Rifle Assn. convention earlier this month in which he called the Obama (http://www.chicagotribune.com/topic/politics/government/barack-obama-PEPLT007408.topic) administration “vile, evil and America-hating” and invited the president to suck on his machine gun.

“If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year,” Nugent predicted at the convention.

The plea agreement filed Friday — the same day as the criminal charges — doesn’t call for jail time, though the count he’s pleading to theoretically carries a penalty of up to a year in prison and a $100,000 fine.

Instead, prosecutors will recommend two years of probation, a prohibition on hunting and fishing in Alaska and on any U.S. Forest Service lands for one year and a fine of $10,000. The agreement also calls for Nugent to create a public service announcement to air every other week on “Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild” for a year emphasizing the importance of hunters being familiar with the regulations in areas where they hunt.

A judge has to approve the sentencing recommendation during a hearing set for Tuesday, at which Nugent will appear by telephone.

Nugent’s attorney, Wayne Anthony Ross, is a longtime gun rights activist who twice ran for the Republican gubernatorial nomination in Alaska. He did not return telephone calls or emails Friday, but he told the Anchorage Daily News (http://www.adn.com/2012/04/20/2433298/ted-nugent-admits-illegal-bear.html#storylink=cpy) that the arrow only grazed the first bear and it scampered off.

“They've got apparently some crazy law in Southeast [Alaska] that says if you even touch an animal with an arrow, it becomes your animal,” Ross told the paper. “He looked to see if he had hit it and didn't believe that he'd hit it fatally.”

20th April 2012, 09:27 PM
Romney supporter Ted Nugent: Pedophile? He says so! (Video) (http://www.examiner.com/article/romney-supporter-ted-nugent-pedophile-he-says-so-video)

We never much cared for Ted Nugent. His music always struck us as pretentious and outrageous for the sake of being outrageous.
We were not surprised when he turned into the darling of the right wing. We agree with him about hunting rights. We agree with upholding the Second Amendment right to bear arms. But when he comes to calling for the murder of a sitting President of the United States, well sir, there we have to part company.
The Secret Service is planning to have a little chat with Mr. Nugent about his "If Obama is re-elected I will be dead or in jail by this time next year" remark. One wonders if the subject of Mr. Nugent's pedophilia will come up.
What? You didn't know?
According to the "Behind the Music Episode Guide," (http://www.roctober.com/roctober/behindthemusic1.html) Ted allegedly prefers his gals to be in the mid-stages of puberty.
He lambastes drug users and alcohol drinkers, but repeatedly admits (without a trace of humility, however) to being a serial pedophile. Two relationships (one with his wife and one with “muse” Pele Massa, who was 17 when they started dating) were ended due to Ted’s infidelity while on the road, often with underage women. But Ted justifies his behavior with one of his trademark funny expressions: “alternative flesh management.”

Oh, we know. We understand. That's just one source. Here's another (http://rockdirt.com/courtney-love-i-gave-ted-nugent-oral-sex-at-age-12/9131/).
Courtney Love http://w.sharethis.com/images/check-small.png (http://rockdirt.com/tag/courtney-love/) phoned into the Howard Stern Show on Monday before eventually coming into the studio where she made the shocking allegation that one of the first times she had oral sex was with Ted Nugent http://w.sharethis.com/images/check-small.png (http://rockdirt.com/tag/ted-nugent/). She said she was young and she didn’t want to say exactly how old she was, but eventually confessed she was 12-year-old — which would have made Nugent approximately 28 years old at the time. The New York Post attempted to contact Nugent for a response but was unsuccessful. Moderators at Nugent’s official forum deleted the only thread asking about the topic as evidenced by the forum’s search giving a file not found error for the matched thread. She added it was a long time ago and she didn’t even have breasts yet.
OK. So that's just two sources that say that Ted Nugent not only had sex with underaged girls, but bragged about it, and one of those girls was a 12-year old Courtney Love. In the slideshow section, we have a screencap from the October 2000 edition of Spin Magazine that tells how "Bring 'Em Young" Nugent talked a girl's parents into making him her legal guardian... but that's just another source (http://books.google.com/books?id=HTMuhxamaFEC&pg=PA134#v=onepage&q&f=false), isn't it.

The video attached is of the 1998 "Behind the Music" episode in which Nugent admits his fondness for the young stuff. But that's just another source.
Now, now! Maybe Mitt doesn't know that Ted not only wants to murder the President but is a confessed pedophile. Jason Easley at Politicususa (http://www.politicususa.com/ted-nugent-mitt-romney/) raises the question:
Romney’s Ted Nugent problem is about to get a whole lot worse if the mainstream media ever decides to report that Mittens has not rebuked a self-admitted pedophile. In a 1998 episode of VH1’s Behind The Music, Ted Nugent admitted to being a serial pedophile (http://www.roctober.com/roctober/behindthemusic1.html). VH1 politely phrased this as, “his weakness for young women.”
So, how will Mitt react to this bit of whimsy? After all, Nugent did not seek out Romney to endorse him... Romney sought out Nugent. (http://www.texastribune.org/texas-politics/2012-presidential-election/nugent-endorses-romney-prefers-real-perry/)
It was on a phone call with the candidate earlier today that Nugent gave his blessing. He talked to Romney by phone while he was at a sporting goods store in Michigan "celebrating the orgy of guns and ammos and bows and arrows and camouflage clothing and hunting and fishing and outdoor family supplies."
Before endorsing him, Nugent demanded that Romney pledge there would be no new gun laws or restrictions on Second Amendment rights in his administration. Romney obliged. Nugent also warned Romney about the "out of control" U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
"These are not Ted Nugent demands," he said. "They're logic demands. They're 'we the people' demands. They're right over wrong, good over bad."
"Right over wrong, good over bad." Mitt Romney sought the endorsement and is taking advice from an admitted pedophile who wants to murder the President and used the "C-word" (and we don't mean "cancer" -- the word rhymes with "punt") to describe Hillary Clinton.

That's the kind of judgement we want. Oh, we know. Barack Obama sat on a board of directors once with Bill Ayres and they knew each other well enough to consider each other friends.

But Ted Nugent had sex with underaged girls and will be discussing his threat to the life of the current President of the United States tomorrow with the Secret Service.

Good call, Mitt. Great influence on your sons, including Tagg who tweeted (http://newsone.com/2003214/ted-nugent-obama/):
“Ted Nugent endorsed my Dad today. Ted Nugent? How cool is that?! He joins Kid Rock as great Detroit musicians on team Mitt!”
Yay! A pedophile endorsed daddy!